How do we save it?
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too hard of a game to be massively popular
>Fighting game
its beyond saving
>How do we save X
By leaving it alone. Scrubs always wanting to change things they don't have the motivation to git gud.
Plus, Tekken's doing just fine.
Doesn't this shit have more input lag than SFV?
Ass sliders/ass physics.
How will this game be for someone who's never played the series before?
See my pic?
Stop this shit
Is Kazuya going to do the red eye thing for the rest of eternity?
Inputs in fightning games arent the hardest part. You can learn to press buttons in pretty much any game but you cannot learn framedata and reads without sinking hundreds of hours.
Being able to do a basic combo when the opportunity presents itself is what keeps players around. They might have lost but at least they did something cool
Gating these combos behind inputs and motions is why fighting games arent popular
>but you cannot learn framedata and reads without sinking hundreds of hours.
>Learning to read some numbers requires hundreds of hours
By deleting Josie and sending her away.
Execution barriers allow for a wider balancing act wherein a character can have a powerful tool but the the player has to be on point to do them consistently in a tournament environment like the Mishimas EWGF.
fun but difficult if u have never played fighting games before
Difficult execution existing at the higher level is fine.
We're talking about letting new players do some basic shit that's intuitive beyond just spamming jumping heavy kick into crounching heavy kick
Adding cute drums to it.
Bringing back Tiger Jackson
Because it doesn't change anything. When you remove execution from specials, you alienate the playerbase that enjoys them and finds them rewarding (The people who buy, play, and support the game) while the players who don't know how to throw a fireball gain nothing of value by being able to do it easier.
And when games try to include both, nobody ends up using the easier inputs.
People complain about this shit alllllll the time. The thing is, the people complaining about it weren't planning on playing the game for long to begin with.
I'd rather have Christie back desu. At least she had differences that separated her from Eddy.
Wasn't this wildly successful and greatly exceeded expectations
Tekken 7 would be a lot better received if it had a good tutorial mode. As a newcomer, learning the game was pretty bullshit, since it kept even the most basic shit from me and I had to watch three hours of videos from Aris to understand anything. It doesn't even need to be GG/UNIEST tier, just something that teaches you about basic juggling, sidestepping, wakeup options, korean backdash and so on.
No need to go full hyperbole you silly niglet. Most people can throw a fireball with some practice.
Linking that into other normals and specials is what keeps people away.
Input and combo wise Tekken 7 is super easy.
You don't. Let it die so Harada learns his lesson.
>And when games try to include both, nobody ends up using the easier inputs.
I don't necessarily disagree with you, but the only time I remember both simplified and traditional inputs being an option was Ryu in Smash 4. The traditional inputs were far and away the better option because Ryu's specials came out much stronger and faster if you did them the old-fashioned way.
Tekken is more about matchup knowledge and timing, the combo themselves are so easy you can get them by mashing buttons.
Start adding some fuckin characters.
Julia when? Lei when? Roger when?
Both MvC3 and BB have the option for simplified inputs.
Go play TTT2 friend.
Eliza just became available for everyone, so I'm sure Legacy characters are still a bit down the line.
I really fucking hope they're not waiting till after Geese though. That's waaay too fucking long.
Tekken doesn't have hard inputs, just a fuckton of stances to remember and use appropriately.
Fuck off and play Divekick
Also, if you made supers the touch of a button, it feels less meaningful to scrubs.
I sometimes play with my friend, and he gets excited when he hits me with a super like he earned that shit after screwing his input the last few times, even if it isn't optimal.
By not making every iteration a VF for retards and being creative for once.
Delete all waifu bait characters. In fact, delete every character that isn't a Mishima.
>tfw the most recent VF games were mobile games
Fuck you.
>tfw my main of nearly 20 years is gone in a flash because of pervs
>VFags buttmad because Tekken's alive and their game's dead
what the fuck is anyone supposed to think after watching the weebm?
Tekken is actually much harder to play at semi competitive level, VFs combat system is more standardized and input and movement wise it's a walk in a park in comparison
which doesn't make it worse in any way, it just means you're the retard
The first thing they can do is fuck off that rage shit that take off half your health bar, either get rid of that shit especially in ranked matches, or reduce the damage by alot.
Tekken 7 needs more single player content. But it'll be a cold day in hell before I pay extra for Tekken Bowling, when that shit was included in the base game before.
Also, Tekken does indeed need tutorials. The only reason I'm not getting my ass reamed online is because I've been playing since Tekken 1.
What is this webm trying to show?
Also I hate that stick waggling bullshit.
loading time and input delay reduction
Is..is this real
Yeh this as well, i felt like i completed every single player aspect of the game in under a day, without really trying, in the modern day they could certainly add more single player content.
Yep online is terrible for it
Stances are easy as shit. You learn a character really well in a few hours of playing against people and doing practice mode. The difficulty in tekken comes from proper movement and knowing your matchups. You can know your character perfectly but if you don't know your opponents character as well you will lose again and again
how about a fucking arcade mode.
SFV doesnt have arcade
>b-but sfv!!!
no excuse. it's still unacceptable. don't set standards to shit games.
Remove dial-a-combos.
Every game should Dial combos. It's more newb friendly.
Maybe for PS4, I have never had loading times that long on PC with a SSD. If both players are on harddrive and have bad connections you could see times that high but its not normal.
You can see a more realistic loading time here
"You Win" starts at 2:58
Able to move characters in Re-match at 3:26
Fair enough
I never played tekken and I love it
>Doesn't know that dial-a-combo is a thing
Go play Marvel if you're going to whine about inputs. There are games for you. Unless you're also complaining about combos.
>Being able to do a basic combo when the opportunity presents itself is what keeps players around.
Whaaat the fuck are you talking about? Combo mastery? Combo engineering? You think DOING a combo is the only fun thing in a video game? Not HOW to get the right window to do the combo? Or the scenario in which to lead to the combo? Or what to do when the conditions for the combo is impossible, like for example, in the corner when its a mid combo? Are you one of those idiot Ken players that does the SAME combo over and over and then when I perfect you, you quit the game because your fundamentals don't exist?
Wait, I'm out of the loop here. I'm pretty sure last month people were championing this game while trashing SFV especially because T7 has way more contents and stuff. How come people are now calling T7 bare bones?
What in the actual FUCK is the definition of an arcade mode? Treasure hunt is not arcade mode? I've only played Xrd for the multiplayer, DOES it have arcade mode? I thought arcade mode was just fighting the NPC with some sort of justification? What is it?
>replying to smash babies
It would be good if the characters didn't look so ridiculous. Law shouldn't look like a roided body builder.
Expanding the community and player retention are important.
We need a system that makes new players feel like theyre actually playing the game, but also has room for good players to separate themselves from the pack and express themselves
>lol I don't have problems with my car since I got custom parts all over it
Of fucking course sherlock, but not 95% of the playerbase.
Make lots of SFm porn quickly, it worked for DOA :^)
Just bought this game. the last fighting game I played was super street fighter 2 for SNES. how do I git gud at this game. where do I have to start?
What are you talking about, in the offline section of the main menu there are 4 choices, being:
>Treasure Battle
You fucking idiots, have you played the game?
Tekken 7 competes with Pokken for EVO entrants not SFV or even Smash. Tekken 7 has no cross play after 3 years in beta Tekken 7 has lost 85% of it's online population in the first month. Tekken 7 has 8 frames of input lag, more than SFV Tekken 7 takes longer to load than SFV and it was hated on here and yet no crying about Tekken 7. Tekken 7 has no rematch button meaning you have to go through all the loading times again to rematch Tekken 7 has broken lobbies and matchmaking on PS4 Tekken 7 has horrible net code on PC Harada is like that wannabe cool cree uncle at your family parties that secretly likes underage girls Tekken 7 has no tutorial after 3 years in beta Tekken 7 first major after release (CEO) had 250 entrants. This was the first part of the Tekken Pro Tour and had less entrants than Smash, Injustice and SFV. steamcharts.com
Complete? They can't fix the arotcious loading and matchmaking on console, so they brought PC down with it to make it everything fair for buyers. hahahahhaah sad thing is the pretending namcucks will still defend this trash game even though and pretend it's nothing like SFV outside of the gameplay They delayed Tekken 7 release date to avoid mistakes and shit that SFV/MK made. How did they avoid the same mistakes when they committed the same mistakes as SFV? 3 years to release Tekken 7 almost zero singleplayer content, 8 frames of input lag, broken online features & matchmaking just like SFV LOL SOUNDS FAMILIAR MY FELLOW NAMKEKS AND CAPKEKS?
In addition to Crapco killing the Tekken series by making it less like traditional Tekken gameplay with shitty new mechanics and shitty newly character redesigns in Tekken 7.2 frames of input lag: Tekken 7.2 also has the following: 8 frames of built-in input delay lag Player connection errors Broken Lobbies Atrocious loading times *48 seconds, almost 20 seconds longer than SFV No rematch button meaning you have to waste time reloading a match again and again Namcucks defending trash like this are no different than the capcbros. Increasing the input delay to 7.2 frames of input lag affects your character movement in neutral. Movement on the joystick is 0 frames you fucking retarded namcucks. This makes neutral feel shittier than any other Tekken title before it, making it more paper rock scissor and less about reactions. Yes the game is still playable like other bad games like SFV when it had that much delay, but it is unnecessary and damaging to the gameplay which adds to the clunky ass 3d fighter feel, yet NAMKEKS AND CAPKEKS defend it. avoidingthepuddle.com
nice essay you should put it on your blog
Rising thunder was amazing and still caused salt because you still needed fundamentals to be good at it.
Thing is, you dont really need hard inputs to have a fun fighting game. You just need variety on the characters to have different playstyles and a system that allows those playstyles. 2 things that SFV lacks and thats why i now play tekken.
hello, where can i unsubscribe this blog?
I'm a huge Tekken fag and this is all true. The return key is your fucking friend though.
Hello kappa
They just recently updated it to where you can constantly rematch as long as both players accept on the pc version but I will say to each it's own on people wanting to play.
Hello ResidentSleeper
How do we save this game lads?
but not without loading all over again, which is the real sin of the whole thing
The game is saved already.
It's not a deal breaker for me but if it is for you than you have the right to bitch about it.
Did the PC update add input delay or something?
>7 of the Tekken Top 8's at EVO didn't know who Geese was
3D guys dont touch 2D fighters, it is understable. Shocking, i know.
it's not a deal breaker, I still play and love the game
the question is why the hell it's necessary when it's instant offline
That might have to do with the floor break and wall break levels to reset it I believe. I could be completely wrong on that.
>these people didn't recognize Geese
fuck off
>actually believe this shit
kof is insanely popular in korean fgc, yes they all know who fucking geese is
Save what? There's still a ton of people playing it in here. First time i've seen NA cum guzzlers play another fightan thats not shitfighter.
only on console. 3 frame lag on PC afaik
is buying a proper stick worth it even if youre trash?
Is it possible for Master Raven to get a Raven skin like when Eddy was a skin for Christie?
Only if your hand is cramping too bad fro playing on a pad.
lol, asians look retarded even with neutral face