What are some "must own" games on this thing?

What are some "must own" games on this thing?

Nioh and Bloodborne, thats it

On the Pro specifically?

Uncharted 4 and Wipeout Omega Collection are the big ones.

Nier Automata, no meme. I loved it anyway, at +99:99:59 playtime.

Any 1st and 2nd party game that isn't Knack.

what about crash n sanity trilogy?

fucking uhhhhhh...... uhhhh..... um.........


>buying non-exclusives

For 60 mil, honestly it's library is lacking.

Come on Sup Forums, the PS3 at this stage had 3x as much "must own" games. Sony winning this gen by a landslide has slowed down gaming in general, due to lack of competition.

Luckily, Nintendo don't give a shit about winning i.e. the fuckcluster that was the WII U so make nice new games at the same pace they always have.

If you own a PS4 sure, not really worth buying the console for when it's going to go multiplat eventually.

Nigga I'll buy whatever feels good. Sony and Nintendo can commit lover's sudoku for all I care

>On the Pro specifically?
no, ps4 in general
original, slim, pro, doesnt matter.

Are you below the age of 18?

I'm interested in hearing some opinions too, exclusives only, bought my PS4 like 2 weeks ago and so far I bought Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Gravity Rush remastered, Infamous SS, Bloodborne and Until Dawn. I need to know of the games that came 2 years ago that now are cheap, but good, not looking to drop all the cash on the new releases yet.

Not him but why would he buy it on his ps4 when he can get it on his pc?

Buying and pirating multiplats on PC
Buying exclusives on consoles
Pirate every nintendo rom

The true way of the idort

have you heard of this game?
it's a good game for ps4 in my opinion
type of game that makes xbox fanboys cry

Take your pick

Quit false flagging or else my 5 will delet your family

The Last Guardian if you enjoyed ICO
Ratchet and Clank isn't as bad as people make it sound, snad is on sale for $15 right now
Wipeout Omega Collection
Persona 5 unless you palyed the PS3 version
The Last of Us Remastered because it's multiplayer is GOAT
I doubt I'm missing much else desu.

Too many to list. The console is just too good at this point and the fact that it can only improve in these next 4 years is mindblowing.

Yakua 0 sons of bitches

How do you go from THIS (an exclusive console game one gen ago) to THIS

is this the right game to get into the series? never played a yakuza game before

seconding this

Yes. it's a prequel to the 1st game, which is also being remade and released next month. There isn't a better game to jump in to as your first.

I really like this game so far, I'm on chapter 4 and I'm hyped for the second part of Majima

also which should I get, Nioh or Horizon Zero Dawn?

Nioh is you want gameplay, Horizon Zero Dawn if you want a burn through casual game that's pretty.

People mostly buy consoles for the multiplats not the exclusives. Get your platform wars mentality out of your autistic brain.

Some of these aren't even exclusives
>Unironically listing SAO