I need to commit suicide as soon as possible

>tfw Maplestory is dead and all your memories of the good times when the community was brimming with players and people hung out at sleepywood is slowly fading as well
>tfw listening to Lith Harbour music now just brings pain instead of joy

when did it all go wrong? how can a man know peace from this suffering?

Other urls found in this thread:


My 7 thinks you should jump off a bridge

I know that feel bro



Mods, please consider banning OP for breaking rule#3.

fffuck bruh. I don't know how to live when I can't go back to playing Maplestory


stop posting and kill yourself already frogfucker

runescape was better

>I want to hang out with high schoolers and tweens again and old men on dolled up girl avatars

Get some standards and grow up OP. There's better MMO's than that money sink

1 - 3 kys
4 - 6 move on and play something else
7 - 10 play MapleStory

You dont miss Maplestory

If you want to drown in the underage pussy you can still play roblox

>Spend years of my life on that shit pay2win game
>It only gets more and more pay2win
>Want to quit but find a qt
>qt gets hacked
>Go back 3 years later to check on the game
>hacker still on their account
You don't know true pain user.

I was bouncing between RO and Diablo 2 while you were playing raw garbage. It's like I'm watching somebody go through heroin withdrawal. My condolences, user.

Rin stop browsing here

You need to get a motorcycle.
Just look up what it takes to get on two wheels.
>safety courses
>average cost of a low displacement starter bike
>safety gear
>maybe tires and a battery extra, you'll find out when you get it checked by a mechanic
I got started for $4700 canuckistani colpecs start to finish.


There was never a qt, the "hacker" was the "qt " all along and wanted to let you down easy. Sorry bruh

Roblox has some unironically fun games tbqh