What are some video games where I can snuggle a daddy bear? :3

What are some video games where I can snuggle a daddy bear? :3

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Um, excuse me, but you don't just get to appropriate gay daddy culture like that, guys. This is exploitative and gross.

Street fighter > zangief


>not wanting to snuggle an actual daddy bear
pic related is best game

wassss it called user

Just google "extracurricular activities dynewulf"

should be on itchio or patreon.

Public version is free while patreon version is for patreons only and its always 2 updates ahead and public gets its hand me downs when it updates.

Please don't fall for the Dream daddy meme. There's so many better options out there

What did >she mean by this?


>Ignored anything about the game initially because western kusoge
>Mfw finding out about the cult ending
>Suddenly want to get the game just for that horror element
I fucking love shit like that
It makes it so much better it was cut content too, way spookier

For a friend, what are some other options?

If you're wondering it even has scenes like pic related that shitty dream daddies doesn't AND its free

d-downloading it now

This is now the bara thread.

Great taste


keep it vidya and SFW or mods will delete

What's your guys favorite bara vidya character?

Mine is

muscles were made for molesting

>liking bara
>being gay at all

>keep it vidya and SFW or mods will delete
What's wrong with Reinposting?

Go back to your waifu threads you breeder

>not liking bara


nothing, just a heads up. happened to a few threads.

they are the best and you are missing out on hugging one.

>turns into a bara thread
Im ok with this


Pretty much the same thing as a daddy bear thread, no?

I've been willing to try that game. How do I play it with english text?

Its been too long for me to remember.

is this easy to find? I downloaded the other one that was posted

There's a patch somewhere on the internet.
It's stuck in development hell and will never ever be completed though

I can't imagine why a simple google search couldn't lead to some answers.

It's literally stopped development.

It doesn't matter though, best bears route is completed and done.

I know its not done and never will be, just wanted to play it but can't find the english version.

Make me
I like big soft bodies that belong to girls.

No hate. We don't get to decide who we like :) at least both fanbases aren't normies.

Sorry to hear that.

Yeah, that.
Also I worded it so badly that it seemed like I was saying that the patch was in development hell and not the game itself, silly me.
I faintly recall some blog that had a guide with how to do it.
I found it with a google search, I think.
Can't help you further though, as I've played it too much time ago to remember anything specific, sorry.

aaaargh i wanna play this.

Games need more bear daddies

Just google Morenatsu dummy. I found a reddit link with instructions.

Good, will do thx

Is this it?

Is what it

whoops forgot link



these bellies are fucking perfect

I agree

dumb fur poster

as long as the body is hot and the face is cute idc if its furred or not


excellent taste in daddiesssss

>reddit spacing

>keep it vidya and SFW or mods will delete

They probably will anyway.



I didnt even know reddit posts like this?

I just do it to make it easier to read.

I like ur posting style, desu

more like dis?

I'm curious. How many of you are gay, and how many are bi?

What kind of bara do you prefer, pure muscle or large belly?

I'm like 95% gay. Sometimes I go through periods where i'm into women but I would never date one It's weird.

I found out I was gay because I liked baras but I denied it but came to a decision that I am, in fact, gay.

6Ft tall hairy bears, muscles and a gut are my type.

belly has to be a factor.

this does nothing for me

this drives me wild

I'm planning on doing weight training this semester to build muscle, should I work towards a muscleguy build or try getting a six pack?

Bellies all the way.

Gay here.
Pure muscle, but I like both.

very similar story here. It's almost like having to come out twice haha.

Discovered I was gay around 12, found out I had a hard on for bara when twinks were doing nothing for me


Bears are just so damn adorable and I love them.

Kind of like all in body type with a big butt

I spend a lot of time wondering why I have this taste in men, hahaha


>Posting gay porno on Sup Forums is fine but this is not

And this was about the Dream daddy fanart that received death threats
I thought they were memeing about SJW mods

What porn?

Eeeeh we haven't posted NSFW.

go full bearmode user

If you're a natural hairy guy, go for the bear type.

Arms and legs big and toned, with a nice round, but not too big, gut

Neither was this off topic since it was related to the game

this has been a very pleasant thread.


Gay, I got interested in gay shit only a year after I started fapping. I wasn't even interested in girls. I think my excuse was I didn't want to date in high school.

Why are big forearms and gut so fucking sexy

I used to fap to lesbian porn.

Threads like this get deleted so fast when a mod in a bad mood/hates gays is on. I seen some threads like this get archived though so not all of them are jerks.

Kudos to you mods who let threads like this live.

INB4 thread gets deleted

>TFW Want to be a big bear daddy but 5'9"
It feels kind of humiliating to want to go full big body but don't have the height for it

how did u go from that to gay?

>that Roy