Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain

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>It's another go to vg reply

Risk of Rain threads are too slow to survive in /vg/

rulecucks like you belong at the end of a rope

>desperately clutching to host hopes for dead buggy indy trash

host in other thread


have you ever thought that maybe its fun



ded host


Reminder that the law is not going to appear in the sequel, press F to pay respects

If I haven't played RoR in honestly a couple years, should i just stay away and not scrub up the lobby? Don't want to ruin it for you dedicated people

The more the merrier, really.

We are all scrubs here user, you're more than welcome to join


>We're all scrubs
You shitters die on the 1st level but unlike you I die on the 2nd

I never actually played Risk of Rain, but I decided to look into it since I only just now learned that the devs are making an Advanced Wars clone. I'm considering buying it since it's only $10. Online community still alive?

Only here I guess, daily thread have been a common ocurrence since like a year, keeping the game perfectly alive.

>but I decided to look into it since I only just now learned that the devs are making an Advanced Wars clone
Thats chucklefuck, they're only the publishers.
Hopoo is the actual devs

Ah my mistake.


Reminder that RoR2 is in the works.

Alright anons I'll probably join up and try to relive my glory days




Failed to connect.

We had 10 people, sorry lad

Damn game crashed just as I was remembering how this shit worked again

Risk of Rain...
Risk of Rain never changes...

It's the curse of the jew lad, shouldn't have gotten that heart

Friendly reminder to get 8 clovers pls, its for the team

Please dont forget to read THE guide before jumping into a game of ror



>disconnected from host

b-but I was doing good


It open now?

Just knowing people on Sup Forums still regularly play this game makes me want to buy it.

It goes for super cheap on sale

Host when

It's like a PS4 in here

cuz no games




Its open

I just wanted to say it okay



>3 reds first level

When it comes to grabbing reds is there any kind of way to not be a dick about it or is there certain characters that it would be better if they got it?

If there's a chef and he (or she) is alive, give him (or her) a red so he (or she) can get an Ancient Scepter

Then after that just take it if you don't have one already


Remember, no tyranny allowed.


*carries the groups*
*crashes right before the end*

Engie ascended to goodhood. Open.

fuck that always grab sacrificial dagger because it helps everyone

its useless on loops and a waste of red. sure, it helps on non loops but we always loop

Host where?

Also ignore this dickhead unless you're playing solo or everyone agrees to it

>not wanting to help everyone

the fuck is wrong with you faggots

No, Gasoline, Will-o-Wisp, and Monster Tooth helps everyone. Dagger plays the game for you.

but reds are rare. whites are common and greens are for clovers

grab a laser turbine, it helps more than a dagger and also deals more damage

And? Dagger is literally hit one enemy and watch the chain reaction go as you chill on a rope, maybe hit a boss a few times if the dagger wasn't enough to kill it. Might as well get infusion if you're going to get dagger so everyone can chill on the rope until provi

Do you guys have to play a certain way or something because I picked it up on ps4 as it was on sale and even on the hardest difficulty the game was easy to break after a certain point. Is it different on pc?

Do you have the Glass artifact on?

Normal way is easy and slow with very little danger once you know how enemies behaves and which items aren't shit. Test different artifacts to see if you can find a difficulty you enjoy. Glass is fun but don't stack a ton of infusions and guardian hearts/bitter roots because that defeats the purpose of glass

Sup Forums build is spite, sacrifice, glass, origin, with command+honor for multiplayer/"fairness."

with enough players it makes the game pretty unforgiving.

I haven't been able to select artifacts from the menu yet. Not sure if I need to find them all first or not.

action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 1
for object objClient:

Variable objServer.damage(100009, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_proc_client
stack frame is
gml_Script_proc_client (line 0)

Why even play?




>when people start saying "gg" and it's still the valley level
>crash five seconds later


Open - stable internet edition

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object oConsRod:

Unable to find any instance for object index '181642' name ''
at gml_Object_oConsRod_Draw_0


action number 1
of Key Press Event for Key
for object objClient:

Variable objClient.user_name(100031, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_objClient_KeyPress_13



That's what you get for pressing a key.

That's what you get for drawing a rod.

>crash on hitting enter


>crashing this cargo ship
>with no survivors


>go to sleep
>ac fails at some paint
>wake up because too hot
>cant sleep now

What's that big crab?

An unused enemy.


>tfw lost the webm of it being implemented into the game
