And this kids is why you don't use the same filenames for multiple pictures
>ywn rise high above her rivals
I died laughing at the sheer stupidity of this quests. I loved every single moment of them.
>not SUSAN-Os
>cleared susano ex the second night I tried learning it thru DF
Not sure if ex fights are easier these days or I've gotten better at this game
I tweeted hiroshima but you can be sure it's gonna be like pissing in the ocean.
>DRK in pvp
oooh boy. Time for healers to have no fun at all
>being this much of a gaijin
Susanoo is with two O's, not one.
In the same way "light" is spelled "raitu"
EX fights are easy in SB, you cannot fuck it up.
>it's okay when Japan changes spelling to suit their speech
ARR hildibrand was the fucking best.
The HW ones have their moments but they were clearly not planned in advance like the ARR ones.
>mfw having to pass up all these hunt calls in the LS chat because I'm in a queue for LotA
Why the fuck are SE waiting until 4.1 for the Raid Roulette, this shit is killing me. I just want to do this content I haven't done yet. Are the queues for the HW 24-mans this terrible?
Why would you want to do LotA? Just wait for roulettes to come out or try queuing around reset when mentors get their resets.
I'm glad they nerfed it to 30sec
>That horrible feel when stuck in a double DRK vortex in Feast we're you're unnable to get back to your team because they would spam the shit out of it on your ass
God that was fucking awful
I'm aiming for the genji bow. What allagan weapons are BiS for other jobs?
I've hit my creation cap for the week and I'd like for it to be fresh when I start trying to clear through Omega Normal and the EX Primals. In the meantime I want to do some of the content I passed up on the way to 70.
Thing is, Weapon damage is fucking KING.
>Face when only now you start playing the game seriously
Just got to level 50 in 2.0, and I'm still hundreds of hours from the good content in SB. How did you manage it Sup Forums? I heard that 2.0 postgame is awful too
Just solo it. You'll have a much better experience than attempting to DF it.
Labyrinth of the Ancients was pretty fucking great. It was my first ever raid on a MMO and I had a blast.
By playing the game since release and taking breaks when I got bored.
>Fag is complaining that its taking a while when they made it piss easy to gain levels so even dps can be vastly overlevelled way before even fighting garuda normal
Heavensward is a lot of fun
LotA isn't like Coils. You HAVE to go into it sync'd
This will be the same for me. XIV is the first MMO I've likes enough to hit cap in
Stealth FFXIV thread?
Unsynced Coil is so not fun. Beating Nael synced was, by far, the best moment I ever had in a FF game.
>tfw tanking and the rest of the party fucks up every mechanic and there's nothing you can do to help them
>tfw doing Susano QTE and the other tank lets the orbs hit the party or the DPS are failing the DPS check on the sword
Why do fem Primals have the best designs and themes, Sup Forums?
But the Genji Greatbow is superior to the Augmented Lost Allagan Composite Bow.
why do people still login to this game? it's boring as shit with its 2.5s gcd
by like level 40 you have another skill to use between each global cool down so effectively the cooldown is like 1.25 seconds, which is further reduced by how you get tons of buffs to skill speed from armor and class skills
Yes but if you play DPS, no matter the secondary stats, you want the Genji weapon.
DRK in pvp is fun as shit I was not expecting that when I queue'd up for the first time.
I'd let passion run wild on her if you catch my drift
I've found all the jobs to be fun in pvp except casters but maybe I'm just playing them wrong.
protip: people enjoy different things than you
>you want the Genji weapon
Which I already said I want? I asked which lost allagan weapon is BiS for any job that isn't bard.
>tfw entire party runs over to the one idiot that didn't pop vril before transition and starts /mdancing around him and he still dont get it and dies
He probably thought he popped it and alt+tab'd out but still funny as fuck
>but maybe I'm just playing them wrong.
I don't like RDM and SMN at all but my god, is BLM fucking fun.
Nuking people left and right feels good.
BLM is just so much fun when you're not targeted
None will be bis because 1 WD is equal to 40 points of main stats.
>start the game playing healer
>start leveling a tank for a change of pace
>unable to ignore when the healer is phoning it in
I can't believe how many of them take offense to "you don't have to heal me every time I take damage, you can do some DPS until I fall below 50% if you want to be safe" The worst part is when the dps shitters agree with them. "healers don't do much damage anyway" Like shit nigger you're just wasting mana overhealing me constantly just throw some spells at the enemy FUCK.
They just wanna watch netflix while doing nothing at all, that's why they don't add any DPS or anything.
Healing is the easy mans job if you don't give a fuck. Because you just overheal, and have quicker queues than a DPS.
Is DRK the best current tank or why do I keep seeing DRK every time I enter a dungeon?
DRK starts at 30 so its a bit more favourable in general. PLD is still a bit better overall.
Honestly, I tend to overheal in big pulls as well. It happened too often that sudden spikes in damage at
Oh yeah, I forgot that all lost allags are five iLv lower. Guess I'll get a good looking one for glamour.
I don't mind constant heals if I've pulled half of the dungeon in an attempt to prove how big my dick is, it's the "wiping up the last few mobs and there's no need to even heal at all but I'm going to keep throwing cure every 3 seconds" types.
>O3S "clear party"
>it's a trap every fucking time
what was his fucking problem????
i dunno i skipped all the cutscenes in this game lol
>not being 2.5 GCD meme even at 70 with only 627 Skill Speed as MCH
I thought these threads were being purged. Enjoy your thread while the mods haven't noticed yet I guess.
>Join a 2-chest O1 group on Tuesday
>1-shot it
>It's actually a 0 chest
This is advanced trapping.
1-2 PLD
2-3 MNK
3-4 BLM
4-5 DRK
5-6 DRG
6-7 NIN
7-8 SAM
9-0 BRD
they are being purged, hence why you don't see ffxiv in the comment or subject field.
it's a sad state of affairs when you have to make stealth video game threads on a video game board.
>sub 3k
how? what class?
Giving primals more voiced lines since Sophia was a smart idea IMO.
>so much marketing and merchandise
>still no real XIV cereal(s)
remove console players from your parties
>that guy who plays on mute and can't hear the cues
>on an MMO designed for consoles
Well I mean, you guys could actually post about the game and discuss it instead of Avatar fagging, lalashit posting and acting like literal fags every thread. I'm sure that would sway the mods to keep your threads up. The thread is doing fine right now but it wouldn't surprise me if in 5 posts after mine, I see that trash lalashit in the gay ass ghost mount.
No excuse. Try playing ffxi on the ps2 or pso on the gamecube Xbox and dream cast. Fucking mouth breathing shitters.
Youkoso, kohai.
Yeah man we meet in super secret parties where we all agree to have one potato shitposter nobody likes. Quit posting you actual retard.
When the FUCK are confirmed stat weights gonna be released? Why are these autists holding out?
>cleared my first Savage raid ever tonight
>get fucking bodied by O2S
maybe next week
Well, I assume it takes a lot of test and shit.
I want them to since I'm afraid of fucking up my BIS.
DRK is still the meme tank that all the edge masters play when they're not playing SAM or NIN.
O2S is piss easy user, especially compared to O3S.
>edge masters
it's too complicated for edgelord shitters
Have I already missed the opportunity for V2S pug groups? Or is everyone passed it now and I'll eternally be stuck with shitters?
NIN and arguably SAM are difficult enough to play to weed the edgy children out, DRK is babby's first 1-2-3 rotation
I wanna see the look on your face when you get to O3S.
It's been a month since SB released, with extra autists to help instead of dervy and his other few buttbuddies.
You're implying that edgelord faggots care about how shit they do. They're just there for the naruto run
NIN here, please take the run away, it's embarrassing.
I'm keeping the flip though
but then they fuck up their mudras and drop it in frustration
>too complicated
It's literally brain dead easier now though than it was before SB. They took away Blood for Blood, Internal Release, and a DoT ability which was bundled with the other. Honestly the easiest dps I've played now.
It's just very mechanic heavy and require everyone to know EXACTLY what to do and work together.
as long as the mudra system remains unchanged, it'll be inaccessible to shitters
Client side cancer has nothing to do with complication though
Er, server side, obviously
wonder what lak and sus glow weapons are gonna give off in 4.1 like how they did with ifrit, garuda, ravana, etc
boat loads of money to be made at least
They'll have to get in line. We still don't have Nidhogg or any of the warring triad
Lakshmi's glow is probably going to be pink with maybe flower petals dropping off. No idea about sus
t. ubisoft
Sephirot on up, then Lakshmi and such in 5.0
I actually have wanted one with flowers for so long. Like Ravana's was close but I wish the butterflies came out more and lasted just a tad longer.
If they ever do Yojimbo they should def do a gil theme with his weapons, like something to do with golden coins or like that
>console player in your party
>can immediately tell because they move extremely awkwardly thanks to the controller and get hit by every other fucking AOE
>in load screens for years
I wish they'd drop console support already.