First boss is the last boss

>first boss is the last boss

Other urls found in this thread:

>last boss is every boss

>first boss is a giant version of the weakest enemy


>you're supposed to lose
>if you beat him you get a secret ending

>OP creates the same thread again

Any examples other than the first final fantasy?

>Every boss is the same boss


Are there any games like this?


>final boss is you from your last playthrough


Pokémon Red & Blue

Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo Entertainment System (1985)

>a she is a he and a he is a she

Kingdom Hearts

>First boss is a tree


>Final boss is a tree

>feminine male antagonist

Most Sonic the Hedgehog games

wasnt the first 3d ninja gaiden like that, nunchuck guy was the evil one all along


fear the void

>final boss is the guy you played as in the tutorial

>tutorial boss is the final boss

>last boss
>no health bar


Rogue Legacy?

>First boss manages to seduce the main antagonist and convices them to try to destroy you

That's the final boss

>First boss is an unbeatable boss fight designed for you to lose no matter how hard you try
>If you use cheats, you can actually kill them and there's an alternate ending for this despite it not being legitimately possible

>He saves thumbnails

>Every boss has a unique battle theme

Dragons Dogma

halo 5

first one is Dragon's Dogma

Killer Is Dead.

Gradius, for the most part

>final area of the game brings you back to the first area

>you created the final boss

>Final boss kills himself if you press the"run" command

>The final boss is your clone but twice as better and Stronger

Dark Souls 3 kind of


Dragons Dogma

>Final boss is the pope

But that's not true.

>first boss is recycled throughout the game

Assassin's creed 2 ?

>He uses a reaction image already posted in the thread

>first boss pushes you into a wall and glitches you out to where you can keep hitting him with magic while he shuffles back and forth

>first boss is the only boss

I know this webcomic

*Family Computer
*It's not actually him every time, it's just various enemies disguised as King Kuppa. This is seen when killing him with fireballs


Sauce on the bottle chugger

ah, let's see...

ri, mo, ge,mo...

rimogemo ?

>have a beautiful riverside view you're permanently rooted next to
>you're facing the wrong way for all eternity
Look at him
Look at his eyes

Yes I just realized how retarded this post was, don't eat me I taste terrible

>final boss is a decrepit old man
>he isn't secretly a demon or monster or evil god powerhouse with a crazy transformation, he really is an old man and dies instantly in one hit

Nice try, Jafar

Technically speaking Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex

>final boss is a cutscene

Lost Kingdoms 2 has one where you fight yourself from the last game but it's an optional boss not a final boss.

Well he really is a human being, your fault is you kick and fight a bunch of illusions.

Lots of Sonic games have you fight only Robotnik in different machines.

Meh, it was pretty funny-


Both are actually Dragon's Dogma. On your first playthrough the final boss is the Arisen you play as in the tutorial. In NG+ runs, the final boss is either a random Arisen that beat the game if you're online, or your character from the end of the last playthrough if offline.

>Final Boss is Big Boss

trannies are mentally ill

>Final boss is copy-pasted from a previous game's final boss but somehow worse

Dark souls 2 ?

Sonic: Lost World

Splatoon 2

Neon chrome

I don't see how Nashandra is anything like Gwyn

>Final boss is your previous run's character

>first boss is the last boss
>Beat him
>cut-scene shows you losing

games? and are they a good?

>final boss is my mom

>Final Boss is The Boss

Dark Souls 3

>first boss is also obnoxiously about six other boss fights in the game

>you're supposed to lose
>you waste half your healing items
>you lose

>Conserve items like crazy
>Finish game with x748 health potions

>beat final boss
>ending is a gray screen

>Final boss only appears if you're 25 or older

>beat final boss

>final boss is a regular enemy
>final boss has no challenge at all