>this faggot will be in smash

Other urls found in this thread:

its his work uniform
there are legitimate reasons he looks like that he's a diver

For a "diver" he sure has a lot of revealing skin.

Hope the ugly faggot never comes on smash and they still use shulk as the mascot.

because he dives below clouds

more like he dives below tables to suck dick like the femmy fag boy he is

>Sup Forums being this assblasted over a pair of thighs
Since when did everyone on here become a pussy?

Oh so some retarded plot reason to justify a terrible looking designs

He looks 4 feet tall.

>no knee nickels
Get this shit character design out of here.

Someone post the edit

How have we gone from Fei to this.

>Mom said it's MY turn to be the main character

looks like a diving suit to me, what are you looking at

I take back all the occasional snipes at some of the stranger aspects of Shulk's outfit, I prefer his design over this.
And the artstyle for that matter
>Dresses like a fucking retard
>surprises that people say 'he dresses like a retard'

Neo-Nintendo owns Takahashi's soul. Now Monolithsoft is forced to make seasonal LN haremshit for the rest of their days.
Literally going the way of FE. And the overwhelming negative reaction to this game on Sup Forums shows.

What is even going on

Only one I've got.

That sucks. I want to get mandella effected into a universe where xenogears got more budget and the series blew up and he made all 6 games or whatever he had planned

Does he have a sword? If not he won't be in Smash

Absolute shit character designs. God, I just want this game to be like XC and not XCX. Having Yasunori Mitsuda on board gives me hope, but that same hope was shattered with Valkyria Chronicles Revolution.

True that. Glad I'm not the only one who realizes this.

Where were all the people that said Takahashi would have more freedom under Nintendo? Where are they now that he sold out.

He has a sword girl a la Zelda Skyward Sword.

So much this. Fuck this is going to be the worst game of 2017, Japan's MEA.

He has a sword harem. Because NuMonolith are full of sellouts.

His design is supposed to be a clusterfuck to represent the bizarre varieties of gear you equip your units with in FFTA2.


Why does this game look low budget as fuck?

Also this faggot looks extremely bland and uninteresting.

>He has a sword harem. Because NuMonolith are full of sellouts.
(You). At least wait until we see if Hikari is also his Blade or someone else's before spouting bullcrap.

>he doesn't like shotas in oversized clothes

Because Monolithsoft can only make nuweeb shit. Read these links for more details.

Fuck this shitty game. This isn't real Xeno.

Elma will be the one to take consideration first from the Monolith Soft list in Smash before him.

But XCX was a legitimately great game that took a long time and effort to make.

This game on the other hand looks like low effort cashgrab shit.

This is his sword. He also has a wrist mounted spear. Sometimes he's got a great axe or a machine gun. He's got options.

Do you think Takahashi is capable of writing a story anymore? Especially after the trailers for this trainwreck of a game.

But sure keep pretending this shit wont be a literal seasonal LN plot.

>God, I just want this game to be like XC and not XCX.
Don't worry, they've confirmed that they will try to please everybody this time
And end up pleasing no one



>ANOTHER character with a sword and a counter
Pls no



Exactly. The while Xeno fanbase is pissed as fuck about XB2, and for good reason. Fuck this nuweeb trash for killing our series.

>this will be the average post for every Xeno thread going forward

Rex comes with a free cute girl as an added bonus, free of charge.

I was in this spot for like an hour farming Grosium Cores. It's kinda crazy how I can place any screenshot from the game, I played it too much.

Has there been any game that has had this much of an overwhelming negative reaction before release?

Like holy shit the absolute state of Monolithsoft

Too bad XB2 won't have nearly as much content. Will just be another shallow weebshit with a haremshit plot.

Sup Forums =/= The gaming community

Since when do these threads have this kind of shitposting? I was in most of them in the past few days and discussion was always civil.

Why can't we have both?

You really can't deny that fans of previous Xeno games are fucking pissed about this game. This series has gone full FE waifushit.

What the fuck is there to discuss about this haremshit LN with some of the worst character designs this year?

Post yfw Rex ends up being a better written character than Shulk

About as likely as a new F-Zero game.

Enjoy your screaming shota.

Unless Rex can make up for his many shortcomings and ugly look by being a memorable protagonist based on his actions, I highly doubt that the Xenoblade fans would want him anywhere near Smash.

I won't count him out just yet, but the result so far has been negative.

There's also the fact that XB2 is looking to be the shallowest fucking thing ever, and will guaranteed be more linear and easy access to attract (((new players))) to fuck up the fanbase.

The fanbase seems already pretty fucked it if has people like you bashing a game that's still not out using buzzwords as 90% of your arguments.

Nah. Loudmouths like him usually don't mean much in the long run.

Sorry that the general consensus towards this glorified seasonal LN doesn't match your superficial opinion.


Thanks for proving my point.

seems like a samefag actually

>everyone shitting on Xeno Art Online is a samefag
Your attempt at damage control is shit, stop embarrassing yourself.

>yet another monolith soft series gets canned

will they ever end a series the way they want? i mean holy shit

You don't think it's fair to criticize a large shift in art direction in an established series? Xenosaga 2 got the same criticism if I recall correctly. I don't see how you can look at the character design of gears and not think it looks better than what we've seen of this new game.

That's not what that shitposter is doing. He's judging the plot and characters before we know them.

Takahashi has to crank out moeshit to pay the bills now that Ninty owns his soul.

Exactly. XB2 is basically a disaster in the making yet die-hard weebcucks don't want us to make note of the radical oversimplification of the artstyle and gameplay as well as the plot most likely being on par with most seasonal LNs.

>making observations of the direction this game is headed is now "judging"
I hate the NuXeno fanbase.

Fair enough. I thought you were grouping all criticism in with him. Maybe that character will be well written, I'll be honest and say I'm doubtful, but I'm a fairly open minded guy.

>You don't think it's fair to criticize a large shift in art direction in an established series?

Don' know what' you're talking about, XC2 looks similar to this only in higher quality

>better designed than Sora from Autism Hearts
>everyone on Sup Forums wants that faggot in

I don't get it.

Xenosaga also was criticized at first I believe. I was fairly young at the time though so I'm not 100%. Regardless I'm also talking about character design. That's a grown ass scientist and an android she's working on. The MC in this one looks like a generic shonen protag.

>and will guaranteed be more linear and easy access to attract (((new players))) to fuck up the fanbase.

Why are people saying this when XC was linear as fuck despite it's big world?

>I was fairly young at the time
>Xenosaga 2

Ah, now it all makes sense. You're underage. No wonder you get so upset about things.

>the plot most likely being on par
>most likely
Oh look, you had to finally slip and admit you're pulling things out of your ass.

my point is it's retarded to judge a game based off the artstyle, saga is darker and more complex than XC1. I wouldn't be surprised if XC1 was more shallow than XC2 story wise either

That screenshot is from Xenosaga 1.

The artstyle in every Xeno game is criticized, were you not around for X's pre-release? Only Xenosaga III got away fine besides Xenogears, mostly because people had huge qualms with the styles of both Episode I and II.

Fuck all this arguing, I'm turning this thread into a Xenoblade meme dump thread




Xenosaga released when I was in like grade 8 and I'm in my late 20s now. That screenshot is from the first game.

I think it's fair to be turned off by an artstyle honestly. You should try to keep an open mind though.

I do kind of dislike the hartstyle in saga 1 and 3. But I'm an eternal gearsfag so what do I know.



>I think it's fair to be turned off by an artstyle honestly.
It's reasonable, but I'll never not be mad for that killing pic related's chances before it even came out.


I've seen this picture like 50 times and I just noticed he has a fucking sword on his belt

Can't unsee it.
>lets make a kid look like a gundam

Why is there one autistic Xeno diehard who shitposts every thread with his dumb nicknames and comparisons? Hurrr it looks like a light novel! Fuck off, retard.

No, Pyra will be though.

Xenoblade threads have been plagued by an autistic samefag since the release of XCX. His entire post is nothing but buzzwords and really easy to spot on

Friendly reminder not to respond to acfag's idiocy.

Stop samefagging, your posting style is way too obvious.

I want to cum inside Rex!

Kinda funny how you can make a character looks more of a faggot than BOTW Zelda

I remember there being this one autist that shitposts about the "Shitch" and "Cucktendo", that made a thread about how XBC2 was a failure and an insult to XBC, then 10 seconds later claimed that XBC was shit only liked by Nintendo dicksuckers.

Why? Is he from Fire Emblem?

Yup same guy in this thread. He made 3 threads on the same day to shitpost about this game

Just a reminder to please just let it die.

Instead of proving this guy wrong, we should just post memes that aren't even related to the thread so that he can't feel the satisfaction of getting people mad

Why does his armor protect everything but his crotch? It's like an inverse cup.

You're talking about pokeybarneyfag, who's made 400 posts with the exact same image

its not armor idiot

>Oh so some retarded plot reason to justify a terrible looking designs
Is this your first JRPG romp son?

So is this the same guy that keeps saying "die you degenerate barneyfag"?

God bless whoever made the Successes variant

More like fuck him and the other guys, people who actually bother to partake in that bullshit are pathetic underages


I'm getting XC2 and there's nothing you can do to stop me