Prove me wrong, Sup Forums

Prove me wrong, Sup Forums

Ha I knew it. None of you cucks could do it


>three bends in the dollar indicating a trifold wallet
Get an adult wallet you manchild

how is a trifold wallet not an "adult wallet?"

>spends his time browsing the videogame section of an anime website

>calls others "manchild" because of their preferred wallet design

really makes you think

pfffffffffffffffft hahahaha

not an argument

trifolds are for actual adults with multiple cards, business cards, condom, hidden key, etc

Why would he argue with a child?

Trifold wallets are for children, It's on par with wearing light up sketchers and candy necklaces.


>adult "males" who wear shorts in public and use trifold wallets

what a weird meme

maybe he's a chick


It's not a meme though.

t. manchild with trifold wallet


I didn't know this was an issue people I had. I have a pretty nice regular wallet myself, but what's the deal exactly?

This is a neckbeard thing, it's for teenagers too.

Not everyone is a little manchild. I have a wife and two kids. That's what a trifold wallet is for, I keep pictures of my family there. Fedora wielders and teenagers don't need such a thing. They are undeveloped in the mind, with limited values in life.

I'm 37, good job, nice family, I use Sup Forums, play video games, carved out a boat out of a downed tree this month, tested it on the lake earlier today. I have it all, really. You should take my advice and ascend to manhood. It starts with a trifold wallet, and putting pictures of your loved ones in it. This must be done on a trifold.


who are you quoting?

>tfw you prefer bifold wallets but just don't care enough to get a new one
I've still got 5 perfectly fine trifolds from when I got them as gifts as a teen.

Sup Forums's weird way to make up for their insecurities

>samefagging this hard
Holy shit.

>trifold wallet
>fold money in half and stick it in the middle fold
>only one fold ever
Check mate

You're also an autistic fucktard manchild that gets upset at anonymous posts and needs to justify every time his faggot wallet is questioned.
You lost, and your wallet is shit.

>he's too low-iq to keep his pictures digital on his phone

Try again tribab


>how is a trifold wallet not an "adult wallet?"

sure thing gramps

Yeah bro

all me

That's surprising. Is there really such a stigma?

Yea what a faggot
I've only ever met 1 person with a tri wallet, and it's my dad's. It's huge and can fit a bunch of the adult stuff he carries around with him. Not sure why a kid would want a trifold, you don't carry shit

>Digital photos
>Not for manchildren

>mfw someone said to me once while I was picking up a $200 tab "omg is that a Velcro wallet?"
I don't understand. How else do you keep your change from getting everywhere in your pocket?

I don't get this at all, both images have two 20 dollar bills with 3 bends.
Literally what did he mean by this?

A lot of wallets have little zipper pockets inside the folds where you put paper money.

who else /stillusingthefirstwallettheirdadevergavethem/ here

Quit being poor and stop carrying change around.

Who is upset? I think you are projecting, little fella.

>He's so young he doesn't know about physical photo prints.
I served in the military. I know the value of a physical picture, not some cheap shot on a camera phone. The value of such a thing might come to you one day, when you're more emotionally mature. Do you know who spends their time looking at and taking phone photos all day? Teenage girls.

>velcro wallet
Fuck this trifold business, this is way funnier

>Be me
>Field service tech in the biggest forging company in the country
>8 year marriage
>Some early 20's virgin thinks my trifold wallet matters

Kek. Reminds me of the kid I had to school who was bashing people that had to be away from home for work, even while having young children. Just remember, life exists outside of your city, state, country, or whatever. Sounds like your view of life is pretty limited kiddo.

I carry cards, certifications, pictures, all sorts of shit.

And my wife got me this wallet and I love it

Lmao this thread is next level autism

>Wallet has a change pouch in it
>Locks together with a button on the front
>Female friend laughs when I pay for my meal with it
>Look at her
>Look at her purse
>"Yeah mine doesn't carry the entire bathroom though, bitch."
>She gets mad at me
>Some shit about her "pants not having pockets."
>Tell her to buy proper pants in the adult section next time.

In Canada we have $1 and $2 coins. It's inescapable when the lowest bill you can take out from an Atm is $20

>I have to go on a diatribe to justify why I associate myself with being a manchild
>not upset
>trying to pass the buck
There is no hiding your faggotry

I'm still using the one I got for my 14th birthday 14 years ago. it still works so I don't see why I need to replace it.

Shut the fuck up stupid oldhead faggot loser cuck

That wasn't a diatribe. I think you're on the wrong website, people have discussions here.

Who the fuck carries cash? You are asking to be blacked.

>this thread

>he doesn't wear lightup sketchers
Ahahahaha get a load of this lame loser

I never carry change, i store it in pic related
CS:S side has the money on the outside of the billfold's laminated flap, CS:GO has it inside. I don't know what it means tho

Bad place to keep a condom
The heat from your ass causes the natural pores in the latex/ sheep intestine to widen to the point that your semen can make it through.
Just saved you eighteen years of unnecessary spending, buddy pal.

>living in the ghetto

>tfw I use a velcro trifold wallet
it holds my stuff, I don't give a shit

>Who the fuck carries cash?
Uh, everybody?
>Paying for a coffee or some small shit with debit/credit

I always have at minimum $60 cash on me at any time in case I need to buy something that doesn't accept card like a farmers market or yard sale.

Also its a trifold, and the Velcro is on the outer sides to keep it together.

mine has godzilla on it

>Sup Forums - Wallet Discussion

Who the fuck puts their wallet in their back pocket, are you kidding me??

cool, mine has the Foxhound logo

only insecure children would be so critical over something as a piece of leather that holds paper

Now this is bait.

>Wallet in the front
Then where do you put your phone and your keys?

Phone right front
Keys left front
Assorted things with keys
Wallet back right

retards who want to have a bad back and get pickpocketed

Well body heat in general, I guess
Point is, keep your condoms in a cool, dry place

*velcro ripping intensifies*

>finger on the lens
>purple fidget spinner with sequins on the bottom
>god knows what's in the bottle
>he unironically plays guitar
oh my

>phone right
>everything else left
Why would you want to sit on your wallet all day thats retarded

>mfw I have a wallet but I never leave the house with it
>Just leave with as much cash as I need to spend at that time

Don't let the credit jew trick you.

holy shit include me in the screencap reddit

>implying it wasn't her bull

I mean, I guess I wouldn't turn my nose up to a bifold with something cool on it, could certainly live without the sound of velcro every time I take something out of it, but y'know

mustbe nice to be 15 and have no drivers license

>Keeping your keys in your pant's pockets

That shit's uncomfortable as fuck.

How big are your damn keys that they need their own pocket

>using a wallet
>not a money clip
buncha fags
My grandfather gave me his money clip before he died and my brother sold it for heroin

Cause if your pants fit right having the wallet in the front looks actively retarded. You look autistic, I'm sorry.

t. 14 year old

>Phone and headphones left pocket
>Wallet and keys right pocket
What's hard about this?

You're like a right handed me

Lefty here

Phone left front
keys right front
assorted things in jacket
wallet in ass

the older they are the smaller wallet they use
they use like those clipper thing even

>tfw put wallet in my front pocket for some reason and had to figure out how to get money out without flashing my gun at the same time

>have no cash
>nigger robs me at gun point
>tell him I don't have any cash
>kidnaps me
>takes me to an atm
>watches me input pin
>take money out
>shoots me
>takes my wallet

>have cash
>nigger tries to rob me at gun point
>give him $100 saying that's all I have
>nigger is satisfied
>runs away
>shoot him in the back
>recover my $100
>take anything valuable on him like his gun
>no one cares about a dead nigger

Blacks ruined money clips.

>phone front right
>wallet front left
>keys front left as well with a lanyard attached to them looped around a belt loop to make sure I can never lose my keys

That's how I do it.

I'm 25 years old and I don't have a car.

lolwut my wallet is maybe 2mm thicker than my phone

my nigga


How I imagine at actually happening

thats where you went wrong

Just how huge are your keys??

Not an argument kike

>wallet in ass