Why did this series sell so poorly?
Why did this series sell so poorly?
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They made 3 and a racing game. Couldn't have done that bad.
and 2 psp games made by other devs, and an HD remaster
Insomniac was always better than Naughty Dog and still is.
Games don't get multiple sequels if they sell poorly you retard
The games differ too vastly. The series immediately went dark and edgy with the sequels despite the first game having such a lighthearted tone, which I imagine effectively alienated anyone who was drawn in by the first game. And one of the games wasn't even a platformer or action-adventure game, it was a racer.
>The games differ too vastly.
Muh categories
don't remind me
>which I imagine effectively alienated anyone who was drawn in by the first game
Absolutely not. The audience aged with the games and liked the evolution.
i don't see how less than 2 years is considered aging, along with the games after Jak 2 coming out within a year of each other.
also, Jak 2 was complete shit. it's essentially what you expect from a modern day Ubisoft gme.
The Ratchet and Clank games had better gameplay, but the Jak games had cooler stories and worlds.
Poorly? It had like 6 games
It sold well, what the fuck are you spouting?
>Jak 2 was complete shit
Yet it was better than Jak 1 in every way possible.
Jak 3 had better platforming but was too easy.
censor that goatee
Jak's goatee is the best part of the series.
Sure if you're 25 instead of 23, but if your 14 instead of 12 the Jak 2 might've been exactly what you wanted.
I was 11 when Jak 1 came out, I was 13 when Jak 2 came out, I was 14 when Jak 3 came out.
All the games were fantastic, for the record.
jak X was really good
I was lucky with the game, it never wiped my memory card data despite playing it all the time
Played it last year, can confirm, one of the best racing games ever. Beat it with all gold medals, Hero Mode is kicking my ass.
I wish I could see what ND would have done with Lost Frontier.
If the story would still be a massive mess, that would be ironic.
Because Ratchet & Clank exists
FUCK this mission.
The first game sold well. Series steadily died after that because it became an unfocused bandwagon-following mess.
That's not the sewer escort mission
>tfw stuck on those two missions and can't do anything else
>tfw playing the Vita port
Living is suffering
Imagine if they remade Jak II and Jak 3 as modern open-world stealthy shooters.
>you can skip strip mine and the first third of the game as soon as you escape
>still have to do the escort
we cannot be saved
The racing mission with Erol in the city was pure cancer
>Imagine if Jak II and Jak 3 followed shitty popular design trends in an attempt to appeal to a wide audience
Yeah, imagine...
why are you talking out your ass? look up the numbers, consider how many games were for how many years, and even anecdotally anyone around a lot of PS2s will tell you a shitload of people owned these games
>Post YFW we will never have a true Jak & Daxter games remaster with realistic yet cartoony graphics because we're already getting PS2 emulation
Why couldn't they have given them the Crash treatment?
>wanting nu-naughty dog anywhere near this series
No, I just want the same game with stupid good textures and more accurate jump response time ;-;
>Vita port
>implying they wouldn't redesign the hot females
it needs to stay dead
The series should have been Playstation's mario, why the fuck don't they force naughty dog to make a new one?
You serious? Better than the original is preserved than some no-name developer give the game an artless and inferior "remake" because a bunch of 14 year olds care way too much about how many pixels are on screen.
Jak II was shit. I don't care what anyone says. That guy who compared it to Watch Dogs was right on the money.
modern sony would probably like to keep anything that isnt walking through a forest talking simulators away from their brand. They have Naughy dog making them stuff like uncharted and Last of us to roll in the big bucks and look like mature serious games for mature serious gamers so why would they ever make them create a game that looks like its for a younger audience?
Relax, autist. I own all the PS2 games, I just wanted to play them in the car when I had to go out one day.
I could never stomach those games, I hated Daxter too much
I think he implied he wanted the same game but better looking and is sad that it wouldn't work out because of the reasons you just stated.
>better looking
J&D looks fucking great, it has a timeless art style.
Yeah but if you hook a PS2 to a 4K TV it looks like shit. I tried a couple days ago.
I wish I had't sold my CRT.
Have you seen the jak 4 concept art? Be glad they stopped making them, Naughty Dog's forgotten how to make enjoyable games
This, plus naughty dog has always been spectacular at animations, so that combined with the timeless visual style makes the games still look great today.
I played jak 2 first and when I finally played the first one, I'm like "wtf, jacks a fucking loser now. and mute
What's with that? Does Dark Eco somehow cure mutism?
They were all million sellers you executive snob
Holy shit faggots. Wind Waker HD but for Jak & Daxter. Is it too hard to understand?
what about the psp game?
Lost in the annals of time.
What were they thinking?
Has Jak become old enough that the kids on Sup Forums can now start shitting on it?
Jak 2 is definitely an example of making something too edgy but I thought it was a good game. You can dislike the attempts at a darker tone and a grab at an older audience without resorting to meme speak and call anyone who likes the game edgy teenagers.
judging by that image?: terrible character design
Because its shitty garbage trying to ride the coattails of Nintendo.
Actually support Nintendo and their games, not bootlegs.
jak 4 concept art is kino
You are now aware that Daxter on PSP sold more than any of the main series on PS2.
The edginess isn't the problem with Jak 2, the game actually has some pretty entertaining dialogue. The problem is the third-rate GTA clone gameplay, as well as the ugly visuals and shit music.
The only objectively hard mission is Destroy 5 Hellcat Cruisers
Each sold over 1 million copies, but I think Ratchet & Clank was the reason they didn't sell as well as they could have. Both mascot platformers on the Playstation with sidekicks, and although I prefer Jak, Ratchet was the better series.
I looked it up because I didn't believe you and holy shit you're right. Wasn't it a very early psp game?
Funnily enough me and my Dad used to play through games together (I was like 9 at the time and he'd help me) and this was the mission that stumped us. Wasn't until a few years later that I actually beat the game.
Holy shit, that ain't right.
I've actually played it and while it is no where near as good as the trilogy or x it still a good game in its own right
>those dream sequence minigames
It sold well enough, but was certainly overshadowed by Ratchet and Clank. Plus, ND seemed to be in the habit of dropping their IPs after the third game and going onto the next thing.
Launch title iirc and bundled with some PSPs. Kind of like how the numbers for the original Super Mario Bros are fudged because it was sold with NES. I wanted a PSP so bad to play that game as a kid and it was like the one system that I'd wanted that I never got the means to play
Just fucking went and watched GamingBrit's Ratchet video again because of this post, thanks senpai.
Imagine taking concept art this seriously lads
You are not told to get on the board, or WHAT the wells look like. By the time you figure out what to do, you don't have time to win. This mission is 100% trial & error.
And no, nobody claiming to doing it in 1 go is honest.
Remember: if you like something on the Internet, you are shilling.
The only way to not shill is to never like anything. That true Sup Forums way.
Nice bullshit, mate.
>artificial difficulty, rubber banding bullshit
For me, the two worst ones were the underwater mech suit segment, and the hero mode version of the rail turret.
driving through haven city, shooting and getting shot by other racers all while this song youtube.com
Shame we never got UnKarted
Oh god, if vicarious ever game them that sweet Nsane triology esque change
Not quite a launch title. It came out almost exactly a year after the PSP launched, but Sony pushed it pretty hard, and made bundle that included the Family Guy: The Freakin' Sweet Collection. If you were going to buy a PSP in early 2006 this bundle was likely the one you were going to get. (It was the one I got - though I got mine in early 2007 instead.)
this. the cutscenes for Jak 2 (as well as Jak) are pretty great for their time, mainly because they actually attempt to care for cinematography. however
>shit gameplay with piss poor platforming
>dull as all hell visuals
>god awful missions
>story is retarded
>massive, empty city that's entirely pointless
>npcs in said empty city literally walk around as if they're dead
>shit driving through the city
>infinite loop of 3 notes
Could you imagine what Modern Naughty Dog would try to do with Jak?
Also where is Unkarted? It is a tradition to do 3 games and a kart game.
Almost none of the staff that worked on Crash 1- Jak X work at Naughty Dog anymore. It's pretty much a completely different company. The founders even left after Uncharted 1.
That's what I got as well. Fuck Family Guy, but Daxter is one of the best platformer games EVER, even if you don't give jak about the series (though why would you play it if so?).
No wonder their games fucking suck now
Normies love them though. And normies outnumber us.
jak > jak 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ur mum
seems more like an xD tier post to me
Can we talk about how Jak3 is one of the best open world platformer games ever made?
did i do a good job, ilk brothers? :)))))))))))))))))))
ah yes. I agree.
That's why I added the question mark
Ammo capacity upgrade makes it too easy past the halfway point.
Weird character (ugly) design
Ecks Dee, amirite?