You cannot call yourself a gamer if your mouse is not pictured.
You cannot call yourself a gamer if your mouse is not pictured
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How shit is my mouse, Sup Forums
Zowie & Razer & Steelseries
- Chinese Huano switches rated generously by the manufacturer at 10 million actuations, with a very heavy actuation force
- PMW3310 (zowie) and PMW3360 sensor (razer, steelseries). 2 and 1 generation old sensors, respectively. Inferior sensors. But cheap! Have bad input delay, bad high speed tracking performance, and smoothing. See chart.
- Japanese Omron switches tested to be good for 50 million actuations with an actuation force over 2x lighter than Huanos
- PMW3366 sensor developed in concert with Logitech and Pixart engineers to be ideal for 3D video games. Has zero smoothing, has no 'native DPI'. Has best-in-class high speed performance and input delay (8ms better than Deathadder Elite). See chart.
Logitech mouse bodies:
g502 is 117 grams, medium size, right handed, 7 buttons, unlockable free-scrolling scrollwheel
g403 is 87 grams, large, right handed. 2 buttons + DPI switch.
g pro is 83 grams, small, ambidextrous. 2 buttons + DPI switch. Lightest weight mouse.
Logitech also has a new line of wireless-recharging wireless mice, they will be heavier than wired counterparts and have 5.5ms higher input delay though.
Remember: before you buy, be informed.
If you don't choose youre fighter by character loyalty why even play
>Cow of duty/overcuck/butthole field fps mice
Please educate your self pseudo-masterace.
We have these at work because they were the cheapest thing IT could find. I have to imagine that it's pretty shitty for gaming.
>Have Logitech G402 not pictured
>Do 50-5 in Insurgency with my best being 40-2
>Other shit games like BF4, RO2 etc are easy shit.
Since "everything else" is pictured, doesn'that mean that literally everyone is a gamer then?
Loving Every Laugh
Anyone have the video about an Overwatch team losing a tournament because one of the players was using a finalmouse and it clicks when you bang it against something
Using pic related to play civ or something.
Maximum comfiness achieved
I have a trackball and a stick. The only MP competitive games I play are RTS (mainly SupCom FAF, though when with local LAN bros we load up random ancient stuff), fighters, and TBS once in a while. FAF alone is plenty challenging though but a different mouse isn't going to improve my game there. If I get back into sims someday I'll get a HOTAS or some cheaper equivalent, mouse won't matter there either. Shmups are fine with a stick or keyboard. Trackball works fine to get through SP FPS games like DOOM or DX or whatever, or to just have fun bro matches where nobody is remotely top tier.
So fuck that memelist. I doubt there's more then a handful of people on Sup Forums, if any at all, who are remotely good enough to the point where their hardware is holding them back vs their own lack of skill. Anything that has 3 buttons or more, is wired, and not literally falling apart or non-functional is plenty to be a "real gamer" and beat 90-95% of the population in most games if you're good enough.
my nigga
fuck is the difference between a deathadder and a deathadder chroma
I still use a mx310 nigger. Been using it for well over a decade. The paint has worn off from where my fingers click
502 has a SHIT shape, and the Nixeus Revel is far too plasticky and basic
nice taste
Came here to spread the gospel of the g600. Niggas don't even know the potential they're missing out on.
your list is wrong
I'm still using this years later
You are literally me. Also used trackball back when I played mobas and other shit as well, never will understand the hate for em.
how bad is pic related? been wanting to get a new mouse because the scroll wheel and right click is starting to wear out.
also using a func 10l mousepad and it seems like whenever it goes over the lighter part of the pad the sensor messes up a little bit, is that my imagination or is it possible?
>tfw rival 700
I need a new one grip it's so hard I've worn the rubber through, there's a perfect thumbprint right under the side buttons
>being so autistic you throw your mouse around and put dents in it
The Deathadder was an alright mouse that a lot of people thought was okay and had a generally alright reputation
The Deathadder Chroma is the reissue that cost half as much to make and has 90% failure rates within a year as the RMB wears out and begins to double-click
one liner OP with a meme pic? fuck off faggot op we have this thread 100 times a day
eat shit and back to with you shitposter
Never understood the hate either. It's true there is less choice and customization but they're still a good option.
haha shit man I had this thing for like 5 years and finally replaced it because one of the buttons was getting all fucky. Never had any problems gaming with it.
>bringer of silent death
This was the best mouse for any game. Ioved this thing. Used it flor close to 6 years. Good choice user.
>multicolor lighting
but, but user, w-what if it t-turns a GAY color? all other gamers would m-make f-fun of me ;-(((
I have G400s. It's ok.
And my Razer Abyssus mirror still endures...
In the meanwhile I also had two Deathadders that have died from two different malfunctions.
>tfw no successor to the G9X
It's cool you're in a den of degeneracy no one cares what an user shitpostet puts in their butt
>mfw changed to Razer because my G9 got the cord fucked up but the G9X was actually great.
Still no regrets, that Abyssus still lives on lol.
had a razer naga and it was a peice of shit, how does this compare?
If your mouse is glowing at all then it's glowing a gay color
Yo, anyone got a recommendation for a replacement for this?
I've used a bunch of mice, and g400 was my favorite.
Too small
Awful clicks
Surprisingly good, but the back left bulges out. I like to rest my thumb on the side, not claw it
>IME 3.0
Same issue as deathadder but even more bulgier
Currently using deathadder. I go through mice fast.
why not just get 400s
Every product that has the "gamer" adjective cost 30% more than non-gamer stuff that does the same thing.
Why do so many mice companies and model names sound like they had a 10 year old name them?
It's fucking sad. Razer are especially guilty of that shit.
G502 is the best mouse ever made
Had a 400, died, bought. 400s, died. I don't think they make them anymore. Plus, the sensor wasn't perfect, iirc. How's the shape of the new Logitech's?
What kind of mouse would i get if i got sweaty palms/finger tips?
What about this one??
It seems to be the best one of them all:
Same, still works after 10 years
>this level of autism information is available about mice
Holy shit. I'm impressed though.
thank god
Same here. Old denty was built to last.
Fucking casual
>here's your mouse bro
>tfw had the R.A.T. 7
>it was actually pretty good
comfy mouse
This is the only mouse that matters. Get your ADHD pro gaming faggot mice out of my face
G502 reporting
who /hyperspeedscrolling/ here
>no side buttons
>15 years old
>tfw so old the mx518 isn't even listen anymore on these pics
>needing side buttons
I use a 20$ gamer mouse that has adjustable dpi that i bought from amazon. Does everything i need it to do.
Lol fag
I'm about to get a g403
Tell me if it's worth my shekels
this mouse isn't half bad. Looks like shit though
>Implying I want to call myself a gamer to begin with
Enjoy paying stupidly high prices for your leet gamer peripherals while I still trash you with a $20 mouse.
jokes on you, why the fuck would i want to call myself a gamer lmao
The sensor is the best that exists now, and it is quite a light weight mouse.
If you don't have large hands you will hate it, get a G pro in that case
knockoff chink shit is solid these days
I bought an hcman mechanical keyboard for like $25 dollars and it's great
Is it bigger than a g400, and does it have a weird ergonomic shape you can't see in pictures?
I got big palms but short fingers. So big mice are great, but not weird shaped ones.
Hey I use that one too
It is good to see fellow members of the third click master race out in force.
I hope Logitech makes a new version with a flawless, optical sensor and doesn't make it out of the G502's cheap feeling, Decepticon looking garbage.
>gaming mouse
>tracklets itt
Hey retards if you want to play games competently then you're going to need better precision and speed then that shitty mouse is going to get you.
>b-b-b-b-but it ca-can do that!!!!
No it can't, no data has ever supporter trackball as being a viable mouse, only tracklet low iq dipshits defend it. Trackball is the equivalent of using a 480p lcd display in the current year. Do yourself a favor and go back to whatever casual gaming site you come from.
And I'm still using my g400s years later. Thanks Logitech
Anybody else have a problem with this mouse and hand hash keeps getting into the wheel and blocking the sensor so scrolling gets all fucked up until you pry it open and clean it out?
Maybe I'm just a gross faggot tho.
It's perfectly fine for any genre besides FPS though, and FPS is the worst genre.
They're gonna die soon and we all know it.
What the fuck do we get afterwards if we didn't stock up?
>Use shitty mice because I'm an idiot
>Keep breaking
>Uncle gives me one of his spare G400s
>Still using it
Honestly, this stupid 6$ chinese mouse I bought is the best mouse I've ever used.
Don't know what you people are memeing about with mouse tiers. They're all starting to use the same accurate sensors at this point that run at 500 hz.
I have this mouse, pretty good, could be bigger though. My cat ate its cable, but I fixed it.
suck my ass
i'm a gaymer too, right guise?
If your sensor runs at 500hz it isn't from the past decade.
All rubber. I have a deathadder and the top is rubber, but the sides are plastic. I have to clean the sides every couple of days because they get this crusty dried shit all over them, even from regular non-intensive use.
trackball master race
It's fast enough it doesn't even matter. It's over 3x faster than almost every monitor.
And it's not only about the refresh rate, it's also the fact that any sensor with a max polling rate of 500mhz is ancient and imprecise because it's ancient.
It's basically everything the naga should have been. Admittedly, it has a much wider shape, but in terms of actual quality, it has a much bettor sensor, a third click, better buttons, and it's way more durable. I've burned through 3 nagas that all got that double click problem 1-2 years in. I've been on my one and only g600 for a few years now, not a single issue.
i have a g700, is it decent? i always use it wired
G102 here (Korean cousin of the G Pro)
No issues so far but the sensor gets fuckity if something gets in the way.
I never understood the concept of gaming mouse. The biggest factor will always be the player themselves. No amount of dpi or extra buttons and whatnot is going to upset that.
Preach it. Been using it for 8 years and counting.
Zowie fk2 is good. Also have some logitechs and steelseries ones. I have an intellimouse 3 or whatever they're called from m$.
What's the best wireless gaming mouse? Money is no issue.
Is there any wireless mouse that has the same quality as gayming mouse minus the gayming part?
Is Razer a meme? Everybody says they make the best mice and keyboards
There really isn't much difference. People who use tower PCs and wired devices like to make gamers who use laptops and wireless devices that their gear isn't as good because they fucked up and bought a machine that they can't move.
I can, and I will continue to do so.
I don't need any of your elitist toys to play games.
Pic related is more than adequate for anything I need it for.
>There really isn't much difference
I dont like cable messing up my workspace
rate outta 10
>Not wanting quicker access to hotkeys whilst playing games that require dubious amounts of inputs
Its useful and comfortable stop being hipsters. They don't even get in the way of anything if you stay away from the spastically designed ones.
i have this when my carpel tunnel was acting up but now it's getting very inconvenient when i fap (using right hand).
i need a new mouse but i'm not stupid enough to buy gayming shit. i like chink shit, any recommendations?
Probably one of those new Logitech G ones with the charging mouse pad