Quitting Overwatch

First, the Roadhog nerf. I myself was a Roadhog main, but not a one-trick. It was alright. I stopped playing Hog and moved on to Reaper. The reason I played Roadhog was because D.Va was just so powerful and Roadhog dealt with her really well. Next, the release of Doomfist. I suppose there are arguments as to why they will allow Doomfist to have a one-shot ability, but I don't the reasoning behind it is solid. "Roadhog shouldn't be able to one-shot! That's OP!" And Doomfist??? I haven't seen that many people complaining. Then, stuns. Ever since I started playing Overwatch stuns and knockbacks were the things I hated the most. Getting booped constantly off the map is honestly a terrible experience. Pharah, Lucio, D.Va, and now Orisa. Finally, Symmetra. I think that doesn't need any explanation. So I'm going to say goodbye for a while. I never thought the community was that bad. I always thought that the reason the community was toxic because of the cancer in the game. Maybe it's true. Maybe it's not. I don't care anymore. What do you guys think?

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cool blog post brah


>What do you guys think?
I think you're a one-trick Roadhog main who's mad he got nerfed.

I'm on your bait op

epic blog man where can i sub to read more?


I do think that Doomfist is the new Roadhog, but countered by the fact that he has lower HP.
Like you said: Doomfist is the new designated glass Cannon, and Roadhog is the anti defense matrix and support assassin.
I don't really have trouble with getting booped off the stage so idunno. And I don't really know of any symmetra issue.

Maybe, I dunno, git gud ?

Symmetra is just cancer, because if your team doesn't take her intop consideration everything goes to shit.

Roadhog is a TANK, he deals WAY too much damage. I say nerf him again, i don't give a shit. Buff Mercy's offensive capabilities so she can defend herself and isn't boring to play. Nerf genji as well, it's retarded easy to dominate with him, his deflect requires no aim at all and shits all over pubs.

Playtime says nothing about how much of a shitter roadhog you are. Post that rank, fag. Also
>le shoot a few times and run away man
>the easiest character to play in the game
>fucking genji

I'm starting to hate doomfist. It is the same 1 shot horsehit, only this time more often. And on top of that, it just doesn't work right. It either visually misses but registers a hit or I go in some weird angle to make sure I hit a wall so I'm one shot

Overwatch is shit.

I completely agree.

I hate to agree


I just started playing it because I didn't want to play it when it was popular because I'm a contrarian hipster faggot.

It's fun.

who FUCKING cares


...Alright then...

If Roadhog is a tank then shouldn't Mercy be a healer? I think Mercy's gun does a ton of damage and is more than enough for her to defend herself with. Why on GOD'S EARTH would they nerf Genji? He's not easy to play in the slightest. He has a ton of hard-counters unlike other heroes. And if he's not played really well he can do absolutley nothing all game.

All I wanted was a toku hero, but nope, just a gengi skin. Ironically doomfists moves would have been perfect.

>Overwatch could have been a fun game
>Was made with Esports in the mind

>not even master
You're shit, mate

I may not be Master, but at least I'm not gold. A.k.a the people who complained so much that Blizzard just removed Roadhog from the game for.

It's fun, but it's unbalanced.

I've hated Doomfist since before he came out.

Mercy's overpowered. Her rez literally wins games.

I agree that her Rez is fucking bullshit, but every ult can win a game.

>Roadhog is a TANK he deals WAY too much damage
the only thing that makes him a "tank" is his large healthpool. he should be balanced as a dps
>Buff Mercy's offensive capabilities
nah. i never have a hard time fending off genjis with my blaster. what you SHOULD be doing is balancing heroes by buffing what they're good at and while giving them obvious weaknesses. if anything you should give mercy a second ability that she can use to protect herself but has a drawback. Maybe she could place down a beacon that she can fly to, but it can only be used once and has a large cooldown. just a thought

Why the fuck does that even matter. Masters and Diamond are the fucking same

>Projectile shuriken that deals a fuckton of damage with no damage falloff.
>Meanwhile McCree's handcannon deals diarrhea damage in the slightest distance.
>"Make me invulnerable" skill that deflects all projectiles and requires no aim.
>SHIFT + Melee combo that 1-shots all offensive and support heroes.
>Dash skill refreshes on every kill.

Nah dude, he needs to be a little nerfed, blizzard won't do it, seeing how many weeb play the game.

>he thinks rank matters in a game where you can easy climb by picking winston/dva every game

I relate to this on a spiritual level. I've hated D.Va since I started playing.

It's a losing battle to try and take overwatch seriously. Blizzard is the company that managed to kill SC2 right when esports was becoming real, they have no idea how to balance games or take care of the community.

I stopped playing Overwatch when I realized I had no control over how much fun I had playing it.
This is a game where ranking up or getting rewards have nothing to do with your actual performance and everything to do with how lucky you are. If I wanted that shit I'd play a slot machine, not a video game.

They're buffing him tho, so there's that. The argument wasn't so much that one-shot shouldn't exist. Snipers can one-shot. Mei can one-shot, zen can one-shot, reaper can one-shot. And now doom fist can one-shot. These are all fine because those characters kits are balanced and the skill of pulling off a one shot with them is pretty high. Most requiring headshots, charge up, travel timea, or personal risk.

Hog is a tank with a self heal and getting a one shot with him is very easy with his hook, and even if he doesn't get a one shot the hook is still such a strong tool anyways.

They did kill him though, I won't argue that. But thankfully they're fixing him next patch (which is probably gonna take forever like always) They're gonna give him 50% dmg reduction while healing, and allow him to move while healing. Letting him be more of a tank.

Essentially they're balancing his kit so he can be an actual tank instead of this weird fat flanker.

Exactly!!!! Roadhog doesn't do anything that a tank does! He's got no shields and literally no way of blocking anything. He feeds the enemy so much ult charge that it was fair for him to have a one-shot ability. The Mercy ability that you talked about sounds really cool and useful.


On the Overwatch forums there were dozens and dozens of posts saying to not just make him able to move and call it a day.

There were so many other ways that they could have buffed him, but they chose to go with the laziest way possible. And what's it supposed to do?

He can only use it to run away and stall. Literally he has no other use for it.

I know that they will not bring back the old Hog. and that's a little hard for me to accept. But it's what it is. Blizzard won't admit their mistake and fix the game.

I main mei, everything is good. Doomfist freezes just like the rest

Yeah but his hook ability is definitely suited for a tank. I won't argue that his one-shot was unbalanced though. You're right in that he isn't very tanky. But his playstyle as a fat flanker with the best cc in the game was weird. They should definitely change him, and definitely NOT make him a DPS or push him in that direction. A DPS with a hook is stupid, hog was only balanced with it because of him being ult charge on 2 stubby legs.

But they're changing him to have 50% damage reduction while healing and letting him move while healing. Which with the nerf to his one shot should make him what he is supposed to be. A really survivable tank who pulls enemies out of position and kites with healing.

But yeah, blizzard fucked it up and nerfed him without balancing it out with a buff somewhere else. And like always they're gonna take way too long to patch it.

>the dilapidated shanty shack of Roadhog mains
Buttblasted roadhog shitters always make me laugh. Roadhog nerf was the greatest day of my life. Maybe you'll actually play a useful tank now.

It took you over an entire fucking year to quit this garbage?

>cooldowns, hardcounters and low skill ceiling
>ever fun fps

A useful tank? You mean a skill-less tank? You mean a tank that literally a 6-year-old can play? No thanks.

Just play 1v1 like all the cool kids

Well it helps keep him alive. Plus 50% damage reduction means the enemy doesn't charge much ult from shooting him while he heals. It allows him to either escape while sipping or push into position while sipping. Plus it gives him ult charge as well, while again denying majority of enemy ult charge.

I think it'll be a very good change. The nerf to his hook is only too much because it was all he had. The nerf itself made his shotgun more reliable outside of just hooking since it fires faster and has more ammo (same dps, but faster fire rate means more shots landing since there's less gap between each shot) And now with the next patch his self-healing will be a better tool as well.

Hog was too wrapped up into his hook combo. And he played like a dps flanker. It wasn't good. It wasn't really OP either. But it just.... was obviously not what he's intended to be and do.

Yeah. It was a fun game to begin with. Most of the characters were balanced. The meta wasn't shit like it is now. You could be flexible and play a lot of heroes.

The sad part is that there are lots of ways to balance him. You could put hook and heal on the same cooldown to stop making him unkillable. You could make whiffed hooks cause self-damage, to punish fishing. Or just roll back the stun-timing buff - you know, the one that makes it impossible for a tracer to survive a combo.

Roadhog was a classic pubstomper, bad at high levels, and broken at low levels. They needed give him a proper rework, but that was too much work, so they just deleted his viability.

This speaks to me. I love you.

Orissa, Zarya, Dva, and Winston all take way more skill than Hog.

Although you're right about Rein being easy af to play, I'm assuming that's who you're mainly thinking of. But old hog was also braindead to play. Now he's just dead until next patch because blizz doesn't know how to do patches.

Doomfist plays an over-mobile LoL champ

OW will never be the same ever again even if they nerf him to the ground

Dude it's baffling what blizzard is doing. I'm a Dota 2 player, and all the balance changes in that game are either microscopic stat changes or full reworks. Going from that balance approach to blizzard is like night and day, they very obviously want to rework him, and it seems like they just want to delete him until they can figure it out.



found the guy with no aim

hes right tho they shoulda have switched rh back to 1shot make him a dps and make doomfist tank fixd

I would honestly rather deal with getting hooked every now and then than have to deal with all the faggots who never fucking die now. Soldier, McCree, Hanzo, Symmetra, all the little annoying cunts who used to get 1-shot are now sitting around in the open and not dying like they should when before a Roadhog would hook them away to shitterville where they belonged.

You don't like the idea of them scaling back his one shot in order to buff his healing?

I don't think roadhogs one shot was necessarily broken. It was fine due to his drawbacks, the long cd, his big hitbox, him having no armor, him being slow and loud, his gun being slow.

But I think that him being nothing but a hookshot 1HKO fatman is boring. It's boring for him because it means his hook is nothing but a kill tool. You don't use it to pull people out of position for you and your team so much as you just use it to kill them. Essentially a Hanzo arrow on a long cool down with like 3x the hitbox.

Plus it feels really shitty to be killed by something that's somehow more braindead and easy than playing symettra. To just be one shot out of nowhere because hogs hook was up and he saw you.

I think old hog was boring to play, and boring to play against. Him being basically a hook sniper is a shitty concept, especially for someone who is so clearly designed to be something else. His shotgun was mainly just for using with the hook, and his heal was.... mostly pointless as it just denied your healer and usually gave the enemy more ult as you stood still. At least with the next changes coupled with his nerf hell play much better I think. The hook will be delegated to be more of a deadly cc tool rather than a straight up free kill, his healing will let him push up or escape and won't actually feed ult, and his shotgun with the faster firing and extra bullet is more useful outside of the hook combo.

Who gives a shit. Fucking kids.

I like this idea.

>having problems with D.Va

Just pick Zarya lol

>You don't use it to pull people out of position for you and your team
that'll never happen except in extremely rare cases. your team isn't going to watch your hook on cd to see if you land somebody, and if they aren't watching the INSTANT you land a hook, whoever you hooked will just use their escape ability, walk away, or worst case scenario engage your team with an ult.

this isnt your blog redditfag

They fucked up by just outright nerfing him so hard. Making his head smaller and his gun better outside of the hook were not enough to offset the one shot being killed, it's all he really had.

If they had just waited to do this next patch (self-healing buff) to go with the nerf as well, it'd be fine. But now we have to go through this long as period of him being dead until then.

I don't think the changes they're making (self-healing buff) are small and insignificant. And they're not that lazy either. The issue is just that they suck at patching. They take too long to do it and they do it in chunks and don't listen to ptr feedback at all. It's as simple as saying "oh people are saying this change is bad, let's hold off sending it to live and figure out something else for next ptr then" Instead they just send it all to live and don't give a shit if people tell them it's not good.

It doesn't take much even after the nerf. You still can land good damage on someone and all it takes is for you to be with your team and your team to sneeze on them.

It's a mix between the two right now. It isn't an instant kill, but it is still a death sentence so long as hog isn't just by himself or as long as no one on the enemy team saves them with shields or healing.

But by then it's done it's real job. You've pulled the enemy team essentially. Forcing them to try and save their teammate who got pulled out of position and forcing them to try and kill you. And if hogs team is paying attention, it's likely the hook got a pick as well.

The only problem now is that all hog had was the oneshot. Without it he's basically dead in the water. He aggros and initiates, but dies soon after. With a buff to self healing this will be fixed, and thankfully that's what they're going for. And hog will finally be what he was designed to be.


>With a buff to self healing
>and thankfully that's what they're going for

Fucking dumb. All self healing outside of Mercy is fucked in this game.

Dva is such a bs character

Why is Doomfist bad?

I tried playing him for a few matches and I didn't really have that easy of a time with him.

300 hp every 8 seconds with the added benefit of 50% dmg reduction for the duration of the 2.5 seconds of sipping is pretty strong, along with the removal of having to stand still as well.

That's a quick, free 18% ult charge every 8 seconds as well. Again, with the added benefit of denying most the enemies ult charge for the animation as well.

But for now roadhog is dead until they fix his self-heal to be more useful.

He isnt, he's just hard to play well. If anything he's currently too strong, not by a whole lot, but he is definitely up there. Expect him to get nerfed rather than buffed, if anything at all.

They literally nerf'd Roadhog because he made kids cry, he was bad for business. Catching kids without their team was so juicy, Lucio's were my favourite, stupid fucks, it's a safe space, you literally can't say gg ez anymore.

I understand now Sup Forums, Overwatch sucks.

That's what support is there for. That gas should be a defense buff to keep him alive.

Mei's bullshit tumblr safe space ice block and 72's OJ grenade need to fuck off as well this is NEVER a fun mechanic. Let alone in a shooter.

>That's a quick, free 18% ult charge every 8 seconds as well.
and a free ult charge for the enemy team considering the fact that he cant get kills on his own

It's definitely become less fun. They don't know how to make fun maps either whenever they manage to make one.

>game tries to become more balanced and focuses more on the competitive scene
>becomes unfun
Who would have though

A big problem with the game is that some characters balance revolves around huge power spikes from their ults. It's obnoxious.

roadhog got removed from 1v1

It will be a defense buff in the next patch. Not completely, but its atleast 3 seconds of 50% damage reduction while he heals, and he can move while doing it as well, letting him safely move into position, push up, or escape.

Mei's ice block is annoying I guess, but it only works if her team can show up to save her before it expires. Most the time if atleast 1 or 2 people watch her you can kill her when she gets out. It's used for stalling more than anything else, since that's Mei's whole kit is to stall the enemy team as much as possible.

76's OJ grenade is not that strong. I don't even understand why anyone would complain about that. It's just an AOE heal he puts down at his feet, you can push him out of it, or just out DPS the healing pretty easily.

Lol this was made by a butthurt whore that got rejected

Sure, right now. But in like 3 months or some shit it'll be fixed so that Hog can move while using it and will take half damage, but by then no one will be playing, because the team on Overwatch works way too fucking slow and patches in small chunks.

Plus, something in the next patch will probably suck as well and then it'll go through anyways like everything on the PTR. Then we'll have to wait 2-3 months for them to fix that as well.

Hi, I don't play Overwatch. Didn't Roadhog's old hook to meatshot combo rely on an out of position/diving opponent and for Hog to be out of position as well? Wasn't his tankiness (600 + 400HP self-stun heal) balanced by the fact that he was all meat, no mobility and no shields? Isn't the rising meta Dive, countered by Roadhog's combo, giving him a niche?

>place shield, hold left click at hallway forget about e
>winston jump at enemy and bubble, hold left click
>dva hold left click and charge ult, right click if they ult
Yeah, """""""""""skill""""""""""""

It's almost as if League of Faggots and Overgay have the same playerbase

I've been using Roadhog to shit on Doomfist.

this pic could be from anywhere. post your whole profile.

They probably do.


if you have to foster competitive play, as a studio, and then switch all focus to catering to contemplative play, your game is shit. competitive play should occur naturally and be tinkered with by the community for quite some time until a developer ever looks to implement it into the game. and when it is implemented, all balance tweaks from there on out should become two pronged; one for the casual gametype and one for the competitive.


Positioning with all those characters is important.
needs to get good shield placements and take advantage of how far she can shoot them. Plus you completely negelcted mentioning using Halt! to pull people out of position or off of ledges, or clustering them together for your junkrat or pharah or 76 or whatever. And you also didn't mention using fortify at the right time to deny CC either on yourself or for your team by jumping in front of it by using good timing and positioning and awareness.

needs to manage his jumps AND make sure he lands on top of people. He needs to make sure he places his bubble well and he needs to have a good sense of when to go in and when to get out. Plus he needs to maximize his damage as much as he can by making sure to get as many people as possible in his teslas spread.

you need to have probably the best sense of positioning and timing in the game. Using jets to move around at the right times, and using matrix to deny damage at the right times and deny ults as well with really good awareness and timing. Plus making sure to balance your matrix with shotguns DPS. As well as protecting your teamates when they ult by defense matrix on them.

>Old Roadhog
find someone, grab them, kill them, walk away, sip if you got hit and your healer isnt nearby, walk back, repeat until your team can capitalize on any of your free picks.

You're either ironic or not self aware.


Lel to everyone here shedding their tears over the Roadhog nerf. And adversely saying Dva is Op.

Nerfing roadhogs hook was the correct thing to do... and let me guess "Bbbbb...but DoomFist can one hit combo people and blizzard has no problem with it!!1!!111!"

For reals? Roadhog was a oppressive hero with his hook, he could stand behind a sheild and drag someone toward him to one hit them and he wouldnt be in danger at all. While all these other "One hitter" actually have to put themselves in danger in order to secure an elimination. And if they don't than it means youre out of position and should be punished anyway.

The only reasonable argument I've heard about oppressive heroes they have yet to nerf is Hanzo and his scatter, it takes nearly no skill and can be done from safety. But its not as prevalent and extreme as the hook, which even if roadhog doesn't kill you can mean that you'll die from his team.

Roadhog will have his time again, how about until then you git gud and play someone else or shift yourself from being the extremely oppressive roadhog to a team playing one.

And myyy lawdy those saying Dva is an oppressive character here need to learn the simple skill of being able to work around her ability.

Don't kill yourself user

Kill yourself, faggot.

>Roadhogfag crying still

I not even gonna bother disucussing.
He is still OP character for casuals.
People say he was nerfed but I still see Roadhogs hooking and killing characters with a single shot.

>le ebin reaction face XD
how about a murder suicide.