Battlestation thread

Time for a late night battlestation thread.

Hate, rate, bate, appreciate, and masturbate.

And remember: VIDEOGAMES

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New speakers?

Great desk, must've cost a mint though.

get some real wood. all that particle board in your room makes me want to fucking barf. Everything is on particle board. vidya and pc

>put the tower on a block near dirty carpet under the desk

whats the point of this, there is no room for it to exhaust dust without picking up twice the dust

Yeah, klipsch Rm-15.
Yours is pretty neat, looks convenient to use.

I built it. $38 for the wood. 8 for stain and 8 for finish. And screws.

No u

It doesn't get dusty, I clean. The rug is stained from my older brother years ago.


nice gaymen swag bruv


Nice, hope they're better than the other speakers you had before. Also, nice NES collection.

>looks convenient to use
Thanks, that was the goal. Have my PS3 hooked up on one of the shelves, it's pretty comfy.


FUCK MINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>pop filter on a condenser mic for talking to people on discord.

>Implying it's not best to have a pop-filter in general

The micca mb42x's weren't that bad. I've got a pair at my girlfriends connected to my tv. And the old ones from my setup were given to my brother

Alright, cool.

seeing posts like this always makes me think that I should put my tower on the desk, but then I wouldn't have space for gunpla.

Looks comfy you use that plug to keep you in place while you game? What pen tab btw?

>giant mouse pad
>use 1/4 of it

can't afford a new rig?

R8 and h8
>inb4 gaymer mouse

Brother has that same mouse.

gotta love an amazon special, it doesn't have a ton of buttons but it has some dpi settings so it is decent.


He mostly just loves it because it fits his big burly dude hands. Though I'm sure Amazon has those discounts constantly to lure people into buying them.


I feel like it's kinda small I miss that shitty r.a.t. 7 I had with the adjustable size and weight. I liked the wieght.

How are you liking DD:DA?

That's alright user, I ended up getting a 1050ti because the mid range prices weren't mid range. hopefully once this new gen drops and miners move to newer cards we can get some deals.

Really digging it so far. Never got to play it on ps3 so this has been a lot of fun. only about 22 hours in at the moment though. I have been messing with the ranger gonna move to magick archer now that I maxed the vocation.

Adjustable weight and size? That sounds pretty comfy for the hand. What happened to it?

It started spazzing out and would drift and recenter constantly. I took it apart and cleaned it and it worked well for a bit but I think the usb connector was dying.

Looks cozy. Dig all the figures where are then in relation to your desk? Also is that vincent on the wall?

No fuck you, why do I need to make use of the entirety of it? You kill yourself faggot.

Aw, that's a shame. Never just thought of buying another one?

It was on sale at best buy. It was normally 70 burger bucks but I got it for 30 and apparently they discontinued it. Sucks because having the weight bearings was a pretty neat feature imo.

I hope so, I'm still using a 560 and i3. I was wanting this year to build a new rig.

Holy moly; that sucks, man.

I was on a phenom II 955 black and a gt 640. I only had 4 gigs of ram until a few weeks ago. ended up getting a ryzen 5 and mostly a new pc. don't worry user prices will come down and you will get some new gear.

Oh well the mouse I use now is fine I don't need a ton of buttons on it anyway I can macro anything I really need to the keyboard anyway.

Oh boy is it that time already? Waifus claimed.

I saw you in a thread earlier, all those strings look nice. what software do you use for the amps?

Bias FX and Bias Amp. I like it because I'm audio production-iliterate so I don't have fancy mixers and shit, it works literally plug and play with my shitty $50 audio interface.

what do you use to record? Same software? I have only ever used line6 shit as far as IO goes. Their amp software is pretty legit you can get some decent sounds out of it.

Nah my dude I use Logic Pro to record.

>no dreamcast
C'mon son

Why do you have so many guitars, user?

Mexico was never a sega country, ask the South Americans instead. I could try to get one though, I'm curious. Never played one before.

I knew I should've posted my pasta so people wouldn't keep asking this question.
I have two guitars for every tuning I use.

there like a foot away from my desk
also, its strider



I like it, nice and clean. what are the specs in that little case? I thought about going with a micro board but was worried about temp issues.

what why? that filename wasn't a joke was it?

What the fuck are you talking about? Of course the Autism Cave is not a joke, I've never had any girls in this room.

I never implied anything about women. Just that it takes a serious dose of the tism to need 2 guitars for every tuning. I mean I am jelous of all those nice guitars but shit you don't need to have them all tuned up like that unless you're playing shows.

Oh, I get it now.
>Doesn't know what G.A.S. stands for
Only a few are blessed

Never had a temp issue with it rigs or this case in particular (sg13)
>i5 4670k
>16gb ddr3 2400mhz
>rx 580 8gb nitro
>3tb hdd
>512gb ssd crucial msata
>128gb ssd crucial m4

And thanks. I moved the safe to the attic rooms though. Office still needs a bit if work.

It's true. How about you enlighten me? You have a wicked set up though.

That's a lot packed into that tiny case, nice man.


Gear Acquisition Syndrome. The feeling of satisfaction every time you buy new gear. Basically dopamine addiction.
Once you get it there is no cure, except running out of money.
>You have a wicked set up though
Thanks I worked my ass off, this room started very poorfaggy back in 2010 when I only had one guitar and the PS2 you see there.


Best mouse. I can't even remember how long I've had mine for

>Bunk Beds
>Making your bed

It's a military barracks. I'd rather not have the bunk bed but I have no choice.

Ah i see. Well i gotta say i hope you don't run out of money because having that amount of toys looks like a lot of fun. Recording anything good?

Do you guys have your monitors elevated so they are level with your head like in pic related?
I have a desk similar to this one and I'm thinking of cutting the top part off so my monitors are lower.

>that wallpaper
>that mousepad
>that open case
the fuck is wrong with you

I don't know about you but I think small spaces that stop the light without leaving you in total darkness are comfy as shit. I don't know how to explain it. The only thing that would be better than that is a blanket fort, but that bed is comfy. COMFY!!!

Dear god I hope so too.
Here you go

Did you read the post? Its not mine.

blockland forum open wtf whomst this

>it's an "expensive computer hardware, cheap furniture" station

Sacrifices must be made.

That's fucking retarded. Too tall. I have mine elevated only by 10cm and it's comfy.

Comfy LEDs coming thru!


>it's an "user puts his bong and a bottle of jack in centre view" station
