>Another podcast will be wasted talking about fucking conventions.
I was only listening to these fucking shit podcasts. But that's it, I'm done.
>Another podcast will be wasted talking about fucking conventions.
I was only listening to these fucking shit podcasts. But that's it, I'm done.
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>Sup Forums - Video Games
Did the nigger lose weight?
That's nice dear
That's Better Woolie, not Woolie
Woooow liam looks like shit.
>Matt is now playing gay dating sims
How long until he comes outta the closet?
Who? Haven't watched since Deadly Premonition
A literally who wrestler that has better taste then they do that they talk to on Twitter.
What fucking song was that, that has to be ripped from something
>Wah my surrogate friends are out socializing
So we went to conbravo some dumb shit convention and i bought all this stupid overpriced shit and engineered some new dumb meme I can run into the ground.
Shouldn't you be on vacation matt?
Brennan Williams, ex NFL player turned small league wrestler. Has an Asuka bodypillow
One of their best videos in a while. Captured their old style perfectly
>that funky drop
Blocks your path
Are conventions even worth going to? There's a convention early September my friends want me to go to with em, but I've never been. It's an anime one btw.
If you're not a weeaboo it's not worth it.
If there are events you want to go to like panels, then sure. If it's just to dick around, it's not worth it at all.
I don't know about the states, but in my country they are pretty chill. I went to my first one last year with a friend for some ironic laughs, but ended up enjoying it too much. Most of them are pretty small, and going as a photographer helps having a starting point for conversation, which is always nice to meet new people.
There is a concert there I kinda wanna see but knowing that it's a convention, I have a feeling they'll want money to even get into that.
Isn't that Pat's bull?
Pat doesn't leave his house
Then just buy whatever tickets you need to go to that
Pass, but I'm on the website and not seeing you have to buy anything but the regular pass to get into the concert. But the pass is 80 fucking dollars. Jesus.
Not worth it
woolie gj on finally losing weight
>someone ripped this literally who game's OST and put it on YT
God bless the internet
>still no brawls instead of fisticuffs/scrublords