What's the best game I can run on this piece of shit?

What's the best game I can run on this piece of shit?

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Solitaire. Even then you might hit some fps drops.

What about mine?

Try Minesweeper. You might need to overclock your GPU a bit though.

old school runescape

thanks bro, but are you 100% certain? even OCing it won't cut it. 1080 Ti or Titan?

>200 dollar CPU with 500+ GPU
>shit ram
>doesnt know what snipping tool is

t. intel shill

I still have an I7 2600 and Im getting a damn ryzen 1600x don't cry that you're retarded

>buying a 1600x over the 1600
ok retard

>20 dollars more for 200mhz+ more than the 1600
Yeah so dumb
Plus I have a nice discount fag ;^)
Its okay to be mad man I get it being stupid is frustrating
I really like your argument of
>he's not an intelfag
>he must be stupid for not making the same dumb decision as me

Lol, imagine being so upset over an image on Sup Forums.

Dead thread bye fag

>buys expensive parts to play games
>doesn't buy pass for a site he frequents

wew lad

Pass users are cancer go to /vip/ fag.

See you later, user. Though, I do agree with one thing you've said, and that's regarding the RAM. I'm going to return it and get 2 sticks of 8gb.

type more captcha lol

>shit posts on Sup Forums
>robs himself out of the experience of playing fun mini-games by paying $20 a year
I bet you buy level boosters on MMOs too, fag.

i bet you think grinding is the best part of games and typing captcha is the best part of Sup Forums

Hey good for you get some faster ram go for the one AMD recommends dog, good luck hopefully you can OC that thing a lot love you bro *kisses*
Have fun wasting a gram of pot on not typing 3 letters since old capcha has been broke if you know how to use it fag ;^) And yeah I bet user there is real serious

See, you're the type of person who actually dislikes Sup Forums and video games for the most part, and would rather pay other people to do it for you, so that you can vicariously live through them while getting instant gratification. Get bent.

both of these are free
