What's the most contrarian thing you've done in a video game?

What's the most contrarian thing you've done in a video game?

Liked it

one time i said "gg" when it had not, in fact, been a good game

Played a shit game to have an informed opinion of how shit it is

I've done a battlemage-type build for pretty much every Souls game including Bloodborne in some aspects. I always grab the Claymore, Grass Crest Shield, heavy armor (Havel's Gauntlets/Leggings and Elite Knight Helmet/Chest), alongside whatever catalyst I can find. I know it's not really the best build to do because the Souls games encourage focusing on one specific thing, like huge strength weapons or full on crystal sorcery. Hell, it's not great to really do strength and intelligence because you get some better casting speed from dexterity instead. But I like mixing typical sword n' board fighting with utility spells (enchantment, softer fall, etc) and greater souls arrows. It just makes me feel like I'm prepared for nearly any challenge the game gives me, and looks pretty cool to use a claymore with a catalyst sometimes.

In Bloodborne I did a similar thing where I had Ludwig's Holy Blade, the enchantment spell/item, and ran around with the Yahar'Gul armor set. Still managed a somewhat battlemage build there too despite the game punishing me in some ways for it.

I buy scout even if I have enough money for an awp

I played a Shaman in WoW.

I played on the side of the Stormcloaks as a high elf during my first playthrough. Granted I played the Dark Brotherhood questline before so I had a reason to go Stormcloak.

>kill la kill

I had fun.

I made Reimu my waifu

I don't believe you

KLK is good

That's Seija, you ninny

I played Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, liked it, and made it my GOTY.

I go evil route almost always

No, that's my wife

Seija loves you and hates me user

In MGS 3 I killed every soldier I can across, but didn't kill a single boss.

lmao retard
I want Seija to give me a rough prostate massage with that finger!

I played a game Sup Forums said was bad and liked it.

DaS3 was good

No it's not. It's mediocre. Not that good and not that bad.

Enjoying Prototype 2 after playing and loving the first one.

Nah you're just a contrarian

Shut the hell up, Sup Forums

Undertale was my GOTY for 2015. 2015 was a pretty shit year all around, but that game still stood out as fun and interesting. Going into it with pretty much no knowledge other than it's apparently a cool story-focused mixture of shmup and turn-based RPG really helped. I genuinely loved the game and still listen to some of the music even today.

Though I guess it's mainly just contrarian on here, and that's mostly due to the toxic fanbase surrounding the game which makes it impossible to praise here without getting shat on.

I turned down every romance opportunity in P5.

She loves nobody

I debate with fellow mods on a game to cancel out their circlejerking opinion sometimes

I enjoy both SMT mainline and Persona equally. I can see why some people prefer one over the other, either due to Persona's focus on characters/atmosphere or SMT's focus on combat mechanics/world. But both are fantastic in their own way, so I've never understood the hatred some have on whatever side their on.

The only thing that does sour me slightly is the immense amount of money and effort that Persona is getting compared to SMT. SMT is treated almost like the spin-off now, which is weird. Maybe now that P5 pushed them to create new models for all the demons we can get a proper SMT entry rather than handheld stuff.

The only thing that does sour me slightly is the immense amount of money and effort that Persona is getting compared to SMT. SMT is treated almost like the spin-off now, which is weird. Maybe now that P5 pushed them to create new models for all the demons we can get a proper SMT entry rather than handheld stuff.

Isn't that generally the reason SMT fans dislike Persona?

oh fuck that entered space.

Not really. Most of the time I see shit regarding how much easier Persona is, how much focus there is on anime tropes, and how social links turn the games into a VN rather than having the straight gameplay that SMT is known for.

It depends on the person and thread, but generally speaking I see a decent amount of hate because of how simplified/anime Persona is compared to mainline SMT.

I'm a pretty deplorable min-maxxer, but I do always try and make odd builds work that nobody else would really go for.

If I notice that it's possible to build my character entirely around fire damage, I'll fucking do it even if it sucks. But if I do try it, I will make it as optimized as it could possibly be.

Essentially, I always need to have a unique niche, but I still try and be as powerful as possible within my box.

didn't use [game mechanic that game was designed around] for the longest time

In multiplayer shooters I always use the shitty guns no one likes and actively avoid using OP ones.

This, along with other similar things that made me sequence break games to various degrees.

My friend always makes me laugh because he manages to gravitate towards the most contrarian shit in every game.

>Alchemy build in both Witcher 2 and 3
>Used Ken, Koromaru, and Mitsuru in Persona 3
>Went full priest in nearly all of the Souls games
>Scientist build in Fallout New Vegas
>Illusion mage in Skyrim
>Pure guns in KOTOR

Sometimes I think he does it just to get a reaction out of me. It's hilarious.

If you pretended to not like girls touching you, would she turn into a molestor?

dumb seija poster

Stanley walked through the door on his right


Wtf is wrong with you?


Dumb seijahater

on Breath of Fire III I tried to train ryu with every mage trainer and give him magic skills, and trained Nina with the cat burglar girl to raise her attack.


Arisaka shenigans in world at War is one of my favorite times in fps.

Also if you use it to snipe you're a faggot

The most contrarian thing I do is not going all
>muh shitty fanbase
when talking about Undertale.