Why am I getting addicted to this game?

Why am I getting addicted to this game?

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Because you are FFXV kun

It's disappointing, but strangely comfy.

I fucking love camping and roadtrips.

No, I'm KH-kun.

This, i enjoyed it greatly.

Time will tell how people will view this game, has a lot of hate right now

Because it's the best ARPG ever made.

XV-kun, haven't seen you in ages! How ya been?

>has a lot of hate right now

that's what happens when you release an incomplete game that requires watching an anime, watching a CGI movie, and buying DLC to understand the story/lore

Jelous much?

The anime and the movie won't help you understand the game's story.

I watched both and they weren't necessary.

>Has no argument
>Anyone who acknowledges it's a masterpiece is XV-kun
The state of anti-XV posters is a sad one.

>the game's story.
Best one in an FF to date.

Oh boy here it comes!

>XV's combat is ba-

Anybody know if you can keep doing timed quests and keep getting the rewards?

>ludo in the filename
>jumpcuts between different fights

these are impossible to take seriously

This. My brother left his vape when he returned to duty, along with a canister of oil. I used to smoke it in between drives while waiting and listening to Blue Fields and the conversations the players would have. It's oddly nostalgic, even though the game is terrible I remember it fondly. Probably the biggest gaming tragedy of all time after the Spore debacle. You can feel a terrific game under all of it.

Just started today a restricted run with only the starter weapons and no food/accessory/ability that gives you attack power, for some reason i really like the long fights in this game but there's not many in a normal run

Keep em comin' dude!

>It's disappointing, but strangely comfy.

Yeah. Overall the game felt disjointed but the bromance of the main four felt like it was the only thing that was really developed

If this was not your ending photo, you were a monster

What about this one?

I'm not gonna use a generic photo that everyone uses to summarize what should've been my own personal adventure
I've used this 'cause Ignis Scientia is scientifically the best boy

that is also acceptable

so is the NTR one (which is getting a duplicate file error)


two completely different things. a retard made that webm

>T-t-that doesn't count!
Classic anti-XV poster.

What? You high?

>I've used this 'cause Ignis Scientia is scientifically the best boy

true. His dishes helped me get out of jams before.

>fight boss that toads the party
>load save
>eats dish that makes me immune to toad
>wreck it like no tomorrow

I personally enjoy FFXIII because of the amazing visuals and the casual combat that is fun. Pick it up every few months. Game became 300% better when it came out on PC with Jap audio. The english version fucking sucks. I played both and the Japanese audio is so much better it's ridiculous, plus PC visuals.

SPOILER ALERT: I play different games for that "hardcore tryhard feeling" FF haters need in all their games. Don't give a fuck about the "hallway simulator" arguments. You think I don't know what I'm playing? It's a casual romp to relax with.

Never played FFXV, but I imagine it's very similar to XIII.

>achievements leaked that cross chains from Duscae 2.0 will return to the game
>most likely in multiplayer

I don't know how to feel about it.
Also, where are the magitek suits?


I liked 13 too, and you are absolutely right when you say "you think you don't know what I'm playing?", something that this board could positively gain from understanding.

Though I can't see any similarity between XV and XIII at all, unless someone wants to try and act witty and say "they are both bad!".

>tfw you picked Ardyn's photo

How is XV different from XIII? Is the combat very different? I know it's "open world" and that's about it as far as my research goes. I watched Conan play it and that's it.

Jesus fucking christ

When can we normally discuss FF15 without that fucking autistic FFXV-kun hijacking every thread

It's entirely action based with no ATB at all, there's no other mainline entry that plays like it. I've been told Type-0 is similar but I've never played it.

Not an argument :^)

Because exploring is fun even if you tend to run into a lot of invisible tree walls and things are sparse. The banter between the guys is also great, especially in dungeons. Shame the main story is just really so-so so far six chapters in, Luna seems more like a sister than a wife. It's just fun to go fishing, do side quests, and ride around in the car.

The game is also gorgeous, I really want this engine to see more use since it feels like they put a lot of work into it and how it works with lighting and things like clothes and hair. I just wish the MP3 player thing you get wouldn't cut out and completely reset the song every time you get into a fight, it drives me mad.

FFXIII starts as a railroad and ends open, FFXV is the reverse
XIII has boring mash-X combat where you sometimes change paradigms, XV has boring mash-X combat where you sometimes dodge
XIII stars a manly woman with a bunch of losers in tow, XV stars a womanly man with a bunch of losers in tow
Neither game has a villain or plot worth remembering
They are both very pretty

Ah, I'll just play an action game instead. I don't play FF games for action combat.

FF is for casual relaxing and lols. The fucking gay stories and characters together with an action game I have to actually focus on to play sounds terrible.

>Moose was XV-kun all along
wew lad

>XV plot
>Not worth remembering

>Your home was destroyed but whatever
>Go get married
>Go get some swords
>Ignis is blind and Prompto is a clone but whatever
>Go get some summons
>Let's have a timeskip because whatever
>Kill a guy
>Enjoy Cup Noodles™!

To each their own.


>xv-kun will still claim that only shitposters on Sup Forums were disappointed on the game

The only people who were """disappointed""" by the game are a very small minority. The game was highly acclaimed and has the most positive reviews of any other Final Fantasy and is the fastest selling game in the series.

>I've been told Type-0 is similar but I've never played it.
Type-0 is more KH than XV is with how fast you move around, dodge, and attack, and how fluid everything feels. With XV you feel like you're "stuck" to enemies and like you're whiffing attacks at times, and no matter what it tries to fling you towards the enemy from a mile away. It feels like they were aiming for a KH type of gameplay but it feels very odd at times.

Hey man, it has tons of faults, I'm just enjoying my time with it so far. I managed to go 54 hours and do everything without even meeting Ardyn at the town you meet Iris. That Naga dungeon was so disappointing compared to every other one, literally just a straight line barring the area before the Naga.

I love how you always trot out this argument, XV-kun, as if phrasing it like "has the most positive reviews" actually means anything

>are a very small minority.

>literally in every forum since the game release everyone talks about how undercooked it is and how much of a wasted potential it is
>general score according to the survey is 6.9/10 for veterans and 7.2/10 for newcomers.

Not even hating on the game, but your autistic delusions are just something else.

>Internet forums are representative of the Final Fantasy community
Show me where all six million people who purchased the game talk about how much of a disappointment it was.
The game is a resounding success and loved by almost everyone who played it and Sakaguchi himself even declared it his GOTY.

I think the combat in XV is pretty good. I didn't really like Type-0 as much.

>Show me where all six million people who purchased the game talk about how much of a disappointment it was
Youtube, Metacritic, Sup Forums, Reddit, GameFAQs

Yeah, same here, even though XV feels off at times it's more fun than Type-0 felt, though I would credit that to the warping and Armigar more than anything. I really wasn't a fan of Type-0 at all, it just felt stressful having to deal with all the time nonsense, all the extra missions, the thirteen or fourteen characters, the missables, and keeping track of everything.

>100 reviews saying game A is good but not great while also having a mix of meh and negative reviews
>80 reviews saying game B is fantastic with only a few mixed reviews
>xv-kun believes that means game A is better because more people gave it a general positive review rather than what was actually said about it

Not even a million people, the quicker you accept that XV was a resounding success with both critics and fans alike the better. This much denial is unhealthy.

Why is this game so fucking good?

Sakaguchi declared it goty because he's buddies with Tabata and SE.

>FF fans don't post on these forums.
You probably haven't been on FFXV official fforums by the time if the release to see the meltdown the game caused and how tue people who were eagerly waiting for it up until the release expressed their disappointment for everything starting from ch.8 onward

Also, the game's "resounding success" is thanks to marketing since its sales dropped significally after the first couple of weeks wnd it's constantly on sale now.

XV-kun was banned from the FFXV forums

>Sakaguchi declared it goty because he's buddies
Gooch admitted when they brought him back for one of the events, it was just a publicity stunt SE asked him to do to make it seem like the game had his seal of approval

>If I make stuff up it'll make XV bad

It's really interesting how he always bundles the argument with "best selling." No shit it sold the best and had "the most" reviews, it's the first in the series to release simultaneously across regions and platforms.

>Not even a million people
What did he mean by this?

>But I think Square Enix is also afraid that people are going to associate any success of the new Final Fantasy with the my seeming return, as if I have any influence on the game or am involved with the development. So they simply want me to show my face once in awhile as the initial creator of the series.

>So it’s more of an endorsement?
>Yes, that’s right.
I'm sorry what was that?

What went so right?

>no new ip

Thank god I got my hands on the LE.
This box art looks completely retarded and NA marketing from SE who came up with it are mongoloids

>XV-kun will defend this


The only people legit dissapointmed with this are autists and shit posters, I didn't follow any of the premarketing and this was my goty, some of you need new hobbies srsly,

Best game I've played in awhile shooters literally have ruined the games genre

Personally I was disappointed, but at the same time it's hard to deny that there is the potential for something great there. They just didn't expand on it enough.

Now you've done it, XV-kun is about to go full damage control mode

>Best game I've played in awhile

Kill yourself faggot, if I wanted to play a dating sim it's called real life

>my goty

I mean it's not really surprising considering the only 2 games that were released last year were XV and DOOM (the latter still being a better game)

FF hasn't been hardcore since the NES and if any fans disagree they're kind of deluded. I enjoy the series, but it was always mash attack to win.


>using user score and the xbox one version as an accurate metric
>metacritic in general

I bet your mum wish she aborted

DOOM was a piece of shit, I actually tried playing, it's boring pew pew blow things up with no story, fpses are overdone and actually functional garbage now

It was an interesting system but the game doesn't really force you to make the most of it. You can mash attack to win and even that's fairly forgiving.

My first FF was FF1 on the NES and that game can buttfuck you even if you do everything right.

How long till ffxvi now I wonder

And then FF2 buttfucks you just because.

Yeah. I honestly never beat that one. I got like halfway through and then it made me crave a SaGa game so I went and played one of those.

Because you enjoy it?

Why's it so good?

because the open world is big and combat is fun

>With no story

So you're saying it's a video game and not MUH NARRATIVE INTERACTIVE MOVIE?

Good to know Doom is good.

XV has better gameplay and story.

Refer to

How did you not follow any of the pre marketing?
We're you literally not born when it was first announced in 2006?