Find a flaw

Find a flaw

no sequel ever



>Jumping in pseudo-3d was often frustrating
>Inventory was a pain and multiple copies of a single item counted as different items
>Going back to a save point due to death basically deleted EVERYTHING you did before, including event flags (and experience, I think)
>The invisible item box side quest had a permanently missable one (one of the Toad Guard's heads)

Nintendo pretends it didn't happen.

>>Going back to a save point due to death basically deleted EVERYTHING you did before, including event flags (and experience, I think)

Not Exp.

I have one

Low level cap.

First post best post.

The only bad thing I consider this game has is the inventory.

H o w a r e y o u s u p p o s e d t o f i n d w h e r e t o g o a f t e r M a r r y m o r e ?