Any MMORPGs you lookin' forward for user?

Any MMORPGs you lookin' forward for user?

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Pantheon and Crowfall both look great, but i'm content with Everquest 2 til they get a full release.

Any cool MMO like The Secret World? Albion kinda interested me, but it's too PVP oriented.

Lineage Eternal look kinda cool if it's a real MMO.

Not interested by Ashes of Creation?

Lost Ark looks good, hoping for a Dragon's Dogma Online english release someday ;_;


Albion Online came out and it's kinda shit. I'm feeling jaded again.

Who has time for MMOs. When they make an MMO where I can progress by playing 5 or 6 hours a week then I'll look forward to them. Otherwise no adult has time for that shit except useless NEETs.

Nah, FFXIV is my go to MMO. Everything else on the market is closing servers or going F2P pay 2 win.

Go play The Secret World Legend. It's pretty much a Solo game, online.

Moonlight Blade, looks comfy as fuck

Still having fun in Guild Wars 2 though, fuck the haters.

>tab targeting
I'll pass.

What do you like about TSW?
What don't you like about it?

>tfw there will never ever be a good mecha MMO

you could at least try to not sound like a marketer

isn't this that pyramid scheme mmo?

Dark Souls the MMO in 2018

Oh, sorry faglord



I played it. Didn't like the combat that much. And it runs kind of finicky on my laptop which is weird because I used to play TESO on it at 50fps on better graphic settings.

I used to have time for MMOs a year ago when I only studied but now that I work 35 hours plus I study I just don't have the time as much as I'd like to play them. Gonna be all over RuneScape on my phone tho, I can probably get away with playing while it's slow.

I love :
The story, universe, quest, the mature feeling
It has quests that require you to actually do web researchs to find like the name of some guy for a password. You need some investigating skills.

I dont like : The combat is probably still the worst part of it, but they fixed it. The lack of loot is kinda weird too for my taste.

If you like Lovecraft/horror/schemes, you will probably like The Secret World Legends. Easy to play when you want, dungeon need 3 guys to go through, and you heal with an AK47

Yeah, with regards to gw2 im only playing for raids (just started). It's weird as someone who is used to wow and ffxiv raids. Since everyone went in when it launched with the same stats they have now, but its far easier for some people who are experienced. Fights are sometimes a bit too hectic for my taste but overall im having a different kind of fun from wow raiding. Less pressure, more of a "do whatever boss you want" vibe. and having account-wide lockouts where people switch classes for different bosses is weird.

Dont Crowfall and Pantheon both have Tab Targeting?

More FFXIV patches, 4.1 is next month or September.

Oh I'm playing SWL right now. I just bought a radiant gamblers soul for 250 somehow. I was asking because I wanted to know what you might like. But I don't know of any mmo with the same level of atmosphere (when you happen to run into the really good quests), or the same level of puzzles. I've never played a game that had me translate arabic, look up bible verses, or look for the ISBN number of a book on amazon.

Runescape is grindy as fuck but its the only game I've played with quests that weren't really basic.

>crowfall looks great
i backed it and i have nothing but buyers remorse

Backing MMO's is probably the worst thing you can back.

Why's that? I haven't been following it but it was on my "warily waiting for" list.

If they do, I'll pass on them too.

i don't understand what's wrong with this
it's just a roman centaur?

Camelot Unchained
is another one I backed
Yeah, it was an impulse thing, I used to play nothing but MMOs growing up and I liked playing all the ones on the market so I still tend to preorder them even though ive sort of grown tired of the genre
The community seems like it's full brain dead retards who want nothing but handouts and to push weird agendas not to mention the guys who are making this game dont have a great track record IIRC the team is comprised of a few guys who made an older decent MMO and the rest have only made mobile shovelware
and the way the devs handle their update reeks of a scam, i'm not saying it is but thats the impression i get everytime i watch one of their update videos, they always seem to be asking for more backers and funding
That wasnt the image I thought it was, about 2-3 years ago i used to post on the forums frequently and I stumbled across
NUMEROUS threads of people claiming centaurs needed to be removed because they were to reminiscent of nazis
i was incredibly confused by this and wanted to share it with my friends so i took a screenshot and named it that

Crowfall is Action based it seem, but Pantheon do seem Tab.

That sandbox game from South Korea that they were trying to make extremely Japanese/anime looking. I forget the name but you know the one.

So it's Everquest in a more generic setting?

Peria Chronicle?

>5 people liked this post
It doesn't seem like it's going to affect matters that much, user
Every community is going to have shitlords, if you want to have a hilarious time just look at the world of warcraft forums.

This actually looks pretty fricken cool, especially once they showed off the scripting shit

who knows
all i know is that the active community on the forums last time i browsed it was insanely retarded
maybe its changed but i assume like every other community on the internet its only gotten worse with time
and sadly devs tend to listen to whom they believe the majority are
and these retards seemed to have a pretty large presence

bless online is the only upcoming mmo I give a shit about.

I was interested in that game until
>battle system a mix of pokemon and card battle

I just cant seem to know what combat is? Is it tactical?

Why is Rift so hard to enjoy? I should love the fuck outta this game

Aren't they going to murder and rebuild it? What the fuck is the story behind that game and its development?

>waiting for mmo
>waiting for gook trash

It used to be great. But now they stripped way too much of the game for my taste. I was a Day 1 player that left after 3 months, and after 3 years they seem to have removed so much.

Pantheon: Rise of the Generic EQ Clone
Ashes of the Juice Jew's Ponzi Scheme

Obviously skeptical of both.

>know anything about gameplay, combat
They only know how to ripoff whatever Japs shit out, dipshit

>battle system a mix of pokemon and card battle
Why is this bad?
I'm sick of seeing the same generic tab targeting shit repeated ad infinitum myself

user, I...

Teamspeak friends are waiting for the alpha/beta/whatever.

user, I...

It would help if we knew the name of that game.

See Trying way too hard to replace real life. Realism sucks past a certain point and they're looking at it in the rear view mirror.

orbus looks pretty cool

No, because WoW is still king.

it sounds like garbage, it looks like garbage.

WoW is dated.

>out of stock
people didn't actually buy this scam right?

was meant for Why you looking forward to it? Should I be looking forward to it?

>4500 dollarydoos for a founder pack

>wants to
>hopes to
>in the future
Anonymous-sama, I-I...

I'm sick of seeing the same generic first person based shooters for 30+ years but you don't see me complaining

I personally hate the FPS market oversaturation myself, user

I said it's the only one I care about, not that I'm absolutely certain it'll turn things around. Stop moving the goal post.

Chronicles of Elyria

Gonna rename the file heh.

Yeah but it's 10% off. That's a good deal.
Their top donor has 15,340 USD in the game.

It's never coming out in the west. They just say they want to independently publish their MMO and offer no plans as to how or date ranges as to when.

>reddit spacing

How well is this doing in Korea? Heard it wasn't even doing well there.
I'll be cautiously optimistic about it, it looks nice.

What's that old saying? "A fool and his money are soon parted"?

>"A fool and his money are soon parted"?
pretty good saying

Cheaper section

I'm somewhat interested with Dark Eden. It look like Diablo 2. And should release in like 2 days.

this game sounds cool as shit, i like how much they make it sound like you can do when you're in a position of power
however the fact that you can just BUY those positions of power with real life currency is bullshit and defeats the purpose

Man that graph is shit.

>it look like diablo 2
Not with that movement speed jesus christ

>offer no plans as to how or date ranges as to when
You don't run before you can crawl, user. How about let them get their shit together before they start signing contracts or setting up a western branch.
Down to one server. They're going back into hard development for a reason. It was just announced they're willing to rebuild the game to try and fix its problems. The first round of testing happens next week.

Why is it so scarce to be able to be barefoot in an MMO these days?

>back to hard development
So they're basically pulling a FFXIV:ARR.
What were the problems it had aside from being Korean developed?

How is it shit?

As said by the dev; character progression, combat, crafting, mounts/pets, and performance. Performance being the most important one

Not him but they've properly fucked it up. Once you hit 50 the game goes sharply downhill.

The new gear system is fucking retarded and making multiple gear sets a complete pain in the ass. Having every single drop being a fucking level 1 green kills any sense of reward from quests or dungeons. Everything has been simplified to retard levels, weapon skills have no synergy with different weapon skills or barely even any with other skills on the same weapon. For some ungodly reason there are now 10 dungeon difficulty levels, yet they can't be arsed to properly balance rewards or requirements for all but a few levels.

Basically unless you are a casual f2per, the game is shit.

Are the quests still extremely well written (for an mmo)?

Ragnarok mobile china versione with better eng patchpatch. Now i play ragnarok path of heroes (lv94)

>he actually plays Ragnarok mobile
>level 94

what are you? a stinky pajeet? that game is fucking shit.

>the fact that you can just BUY those positions of power with real life currency is bullshit and defeats the purpose
Just like real life!

How the fuck am I supposed to read this shit?


simply epic guess I'll play a finished game like real life instead

Each vertical is a month/year and it's 100% of the market. You can see the market share of every MMO like that.
For example, in 2006, WoW had 95-40 of the market and so it had 55% of the market share.

>Official MMO forums
>Ever anything other than a cesspool of filth
I've been playing MMOs since I was 9 years old, and I've never been to a SINGLE ONE that wasn't full of shitposting. I feel like you just probably want a reason to be pissed you spent money on a game that doesn't exist, because I've been following Crowfall without dropping a dime on it and I don't have any issues with the development. They never shill backing on their QnA videos like you claimed, they just opened up multiple races to multiple classes, they openly and repeatedly hammer in the fact that they're trying to cultivate a more sandbox community by including features like scouting and cartography to force players together to trade information, they just did a big graphics overhaul, etc.

What's your actual beef with this game?

None, trying out FFXIV but I'm not feeling it despite playing tab target Korean garbage for the longest time. I'll try to get to the end of my trial and see if I like it enough. Tried out Black Desert's free trial, combat is fun which is flashier but not as fun as Dragon Nest, it seems like it'll be basic outside of PvP. Kinda wish the trial lasted a bit longer so I can try grinding to 50+ and trying my bid at winning a pet.

Are there any PvP centric MMOs that're still alive?

I'm ridiculously stoked for Sea of Thieves.
I have exactly three friends who are equally excited, and they've only shown off crews of four, so it's like a sign.

It's massively multiplayer, online, and you're playing the role of a pirate in a game. Fuck outta here.

Define "alive"
Is that the pirate game where you play as a boat and nothing else?

This looks pretty cool, Ive never played lineage. Is there a release window set?

>play as a boat and nothing else?
Being on the boat is a good deal of it, yeah, but no, you can get off the boat and get treasure, presumably to spend it on something.

I'm a sucker for ship-based combat, though, so it being largely about the ships is fine with me.

>Define "alive"
Receives regular support and has enough of a playerbase to find pick-up groups for whatever the primary content is.

FFXIV is probably one of the worst games when it comes to a slow start, seriously the early game content is so unbelievably barren. The real meat of the gameplay is in the Dungeons and Trials combat.
But the story is actually pretty good and you can treat it more like a JRPG story than the normal MMO fare that most people just skip.

>It's massively multiplayer, online, and you're playing the role of a pirate in a game. Fuck outta here.
Battlefield confirmed for best new MMO.

Anyone in the Albion beta here? How is it?