What does Sup Forums think of the Nintendo Switch?

What does Sup Forums think of the Nintendo Switch?

I'm thinking of buying one, but am not sure if it's worth it. I just want to play the Zelda game on it, but I heard Zelda on Wii U is the same.

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If your just interested in Zelda then buy it for the Wii U.

The WiiU is dead and the switch is selling and is basically getting the WiiU library anyways. pointless to invest in something old when you can just invest in the future.

Wait until holiday sale unless you really want to play Splatoon or BotW immediately, I would expect a Switch bundle with probably Mario Kart or Splatoon

Cool console that functions well as a handheld and tabletop console for local multiplayer on the go.

If you like Nintendo games and also are interested in PS Vita / PS4 ports, I'd recommend it.

It'll be worth it once odyssey and xenoblade 2 are out

good luck getting one outside of Euroland though

Why invest in old console? Get the new one and you can play on the go and maybe play new games you'd be interested in. You wouldnt save that much more by just buying the Wii U

Wii U naturally has good games beyond BotW but a lot of them getting ports. I'd just get the Switch. Easy.

This is my jobber chip, the geforce 820m.
Has 240Gflops, 19GB/s of maximum memory bandwith and is made out of the the hottest fermi architecture.
It is no match for the 400gflops/maxwell 2.0/25GB/s of the nintendo switch, yet it runs several games that people swear that is impossible to run on the switch like overwatch.

not buying one until Mario comes out

Wii U is cheaper and backwards compatible.

Anyone who buys a console (never mind a Nintendo console) at launch, is beyond retarded.

And anyone who buys a dead console with barely a handful of playable games is even more retarded.
Besides, BotW runs way better on Switch.

Going by that logic, nobody should by any Nintendo consoles not named the Wii because they're all dead on arrival

>BoTW runs way better on the Switch

Runs way better on PC, it has online as well now. Stay cucked, Switch shill

I love my switch dont get me wrong, but how the fuck is it that an extremely cheap shit-tier battery-draining Samsung phone that's not even half of Switch's price gets better wifi access than Switch? Is this on purpose for that paid online?? Unless I stay on the same room as the wifi modem, I will only get unstable weak ass shit 1 bar that gets cut off immediately

switch can't even run 'overcooked' at a decent frame rate.

I dont buy this shit until metroid comes out and gets cheaper.I'm still not sure if the switch will be successful or not

Never owned a handheld until the switch came out. Really useful '''''gimmick'''''.

Okay, explain a video chip that is literally half of the switch GPU doing it:

>the CPU doesn't matter

>it has online as well now
a slapped together hack whose author said it will take a few years to complete counts as "online" now? didn't know emulator users were this deluded

I think it's fine for what it sets out to do. I also think anyone who seriously expects third-party support for this thing past a certain point is delusional.

Its good, but with all the other consoles, no fucking games

I'm very happy with mine but obviously it will mainly be a console for first party Nintendo games with anything else being a bonus, have correct expectations.

If I were to buy a switch, can I safely update to the current firmware without possibly being left out of future hax/cfw/hb down the road. I don't even know what firmware it's on

It does but i doubt OW is a CPU hog either.
And """(((console optimization)))""" can help quite a bit here.
Mostly because OW is not normally using a thread friendly low level API such as vulkan (or in the switch's case NVM).

It's genuinely bad. It is literally WiiU 2.0, exact same positive and negative part.

No games.

I love my switch.

I also wanted to buy a switch. Got tired of waiting for it though and bought PS 4.

Now I dont have any desire to buy one.

Not worth it right now unless you have people to play local multiplayer with consistently.

There is literally one singleplayer game out for it now that has enough content to be worth playing, everything else is a multiplayer game that's really not fun to play alone, or e-shop indie games you've either already played in the past or aren't worth playing.

This is coming from a switch owner who just bought it less than a month ago and rarely uses it because I hardly ever have the time to visit friends and I've already beaten Zelda.

Splatoon 2 is fun I guess.

Do you really have no interest in any of the announced titles for the Switch? If you REALLY don't, then don't buy one. I'm pretty much buying 90% of the first party games coming out on Switch, so it's a worthwhile investment for me.