Do not buy i5 for gaming

Do not buy i5 for gaming.

my i5 bottlenecks in battlefield 1.

Okay, I don't think you know how to read that.
Go to sleep.

How should I read that?

CPU usage is constantly 100% while gaming and it stutters constantly.

Pretty open and shut case for cpu bottleneck

Did you overclock it?

Yes. 4.6

At 4.6 ghz even a smarttoaster should be able to run battlefield.
I'll tell you right now if you have an nvidia card that's the problem, the current battlefields are jewing for amd.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Jesus.

My cpu is 100% usage while gaming and this causes stuttering.

I'm not sure where you think I'm going wrong here lol

Your blanket statement of "Do not buy i5 for gaming" is utterly ridiculous.

It's like saying "Don't buy keyboard for typing". It's such a fucking nothing statement.

What kind of I5? How are you using it? What settings are you running at? what GPU do you have? Have you overclocked your mystery i5? etc etc.

Those are hypothetical questions by the way. I don't need/want you to actually answer them. Im just pointing out how dumb your post is.

You could be using a notebook i5 or a 7700k

I5 are really wide in performance range

i5s only have 4 cores and this is not good for recent games.

I have proved this with my image, which shows 100% cpu usage while gaming which causes stutters and is a bottleneck.

Therefor it is reasonable to conclude that i5s should not be purchased for gaming because they only have 4 cores and are a bottleneck for gaming.

7700k is not an i5.

It's crazy you would suggest that.

I don't think you understand the concept of 'cores' or how CPUs even work.

You could be experiencing 100% cpu load and bottlenecking for 40 different reasons. My i5 2400k still runs perfectly fine. By your logic, it shouldn't be, yet here we are.

>Therefor it is reasonable to conclude that i5s should not be purchased for gaming because they only have 4 cores and are a bottleneck for gaming.

No, it is not reasonable to conclude that. You have done no research or shown any testing methodology for this statement. You've taken a loose correlation based on your single personal experience and concluded all i5s are fucked for video games. It baffles me how dumb you're sounding.
I feel like i'm just chewing the fucking bait at this point, but Christ, you wouldn't be the first person I've met who speaks with confidence about subjects they're clearly under qualified to talk about - so it wouldn't even surprise me if you're being for real right now.

I cant hear you over my Ryzen machine.

literally works perfectly on my i5 machine

This post must have sent OP to the ER with those massive 3rd degree burns.

Why is my i5 at 100% usage in bf1 then?

I mean, you can sound as smart as you want but at the end of the day 4 cores isn't enough for bf1 and my image proves that.

Not that guy.
First, post your full spec and your task manager.

>jewing for amd
That's not how it works. If you look at the specs AMD is always significantly more powerful. Nvidia only wins when they use their Jew magic to get something like Gameworks used or put in the effort to have promptly available, well optimized drivers for that individual game and GPU combination. The thing is they usually manage to do this because they have way more money and can afford to send their people to actually go and see the game's developers and have top tier drivers made in house like that. Sometimes they don't manage to do that though. "Jewing for AMD" is just an absence of Judaism.



For all we know, you could have 20 porn tabs open, VLC running 4k pirated movies, and video processing going on in Adobe Premiere. Now STFU and post real specs with task manager processes.

can you just post your fucking specs already? Jesus christ

it is no secret that i5s are not the absolute best processors on the market (especially now that there's more options available). Buying i5s made sense when you considered their price, so that they would be a decent balance between price and performance

also, pure core count isn't that meaningful in BF1. Just compare benchmarks between the 4 core i5 7600k and the 6 core (12 thread) ryzen 1600x

lol I have a 3 years old i5 and I literally just played Battlefield 1 no problem like always.
Your stuff is probably broken or badly placed.

>my i5

He still won't say the specific model number because he doesn't know what he's talking about.

It could probably be that your cooler isn't even fucking on right. I've actually done that before.
Don't feel any more autistic than you have to, stop blaming the i5.

Tl:DR Ryzen 5 1600 or pentium hypwr threaded are all you need for vidya. Anything else is money thrown out of window. t.builds pcs since 2009.
>inb4 hur durrr 2500k. It s good if u have a gpu whose perf is under gtx 1070(furyx ties it in non jewish games @amd bros and r9 390x>rx480>1060>980.)
>also buy quad core non in 2017. Thank the jews at intel

forgot to add that fx8350 oced beats sandy and ivy bridge i7 in most games if u know your shit. and is silky smooth space heater that doesnt stutter

4 shit cores********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

I can't believe this thread is still up.


>50% cpu usage on all cores at idle. Whew bud.
I don't have that issue though, Works for me ex de.

lel pathetic jewtell cpu.
How are the temps user? Remember to run your fans at 100% goy, we don t need Chernobil 2

>skylake x

>mfw Sup Forums told me I only needed an i5 and 8GB of RAM

baited :'D

>OP still never told anyone what i5 is in the computer.

Everyone here got baited. That's what happened.

no matter what CPU you have youll max it out on battlefield.

The stuttering could be caused by a shitty old video card with not enough vram

so no, your CPU is not bottlenecking the system, as you could easily get a better gpu for more FPS

>buying EA games

I have an i5 540.

if this is legitimately OP then you are a fucking moron. hang yourself and delete the thread

desu dx12 is better on amd cards

what sort of retarded cuck wouldnt buy latest nvidia card + i7

literally no reason not to, you arent saving money, your throwing it down the toilet bec ause youll be buying new hardware in a year

works on my machine.

t. i5 7600k at stock :^)

I'm in a similar situation OP, overclocked my i5 4690k to 4,4ghz and now it's okay for the most part

No, BF1 cares about muh cores/threads and i5 only have 4 of them

>OC 3570k
>games like GTA and witcher pushing it to the limit to keep constant 60
>underclocked undervolted 7700k
>both games now feel smooth as a baby at 60fps as well

Why would you buy a 7700k for 60FPS when the r5 1600 can do that for 130 less dollars with a socket that isn't getting abandoned?

Because I play games where single threaded performance is critical to having good fps

quad core is the new dual core

Are you trolling? Both of those CPUs are good enough for 120hz gaming. 60FPS is not good FPS to them, they both do that easily.

I'm asking why you spent so much money on a 7700k to play games at 60hz. At least buy a better monitor.

it's like back in the day where people raved about their E8400 doing just fine when people started buying quad cores

>normies actually buy bendlake x for gaymen
>it s shit at workstation and suicide tier at gaymen

>tfw still 2500k

Its still going strong. Thinking about getting a 1060 when the prices go down.

i never implied any of those things

i stated that i play games where single core performance matters the most and therefore i got the processor with the best single threaded performance

you can stop asking your retarded questions now

>Do not buy i5 for unoptimised console ports.

rx580 is better and more future proof.
it will be awhile before bitcoin mining dies down

But you have a fucking 60hz monitor. Or you're just playing games at 60FPS instead of 120 for some reason.

You literally can't see the difference, thats the point. Buy a 120/144hz monitor and OC your 7700k or you are literally just wasting money.

Unga bunga u dumb higher performance not matter if u no use.

>unoptimized console port

you NIGGER I told you i never implied any of what you're talking about

i have a 144hz monitor

>Or you're just playing games at 60FPS instead of 120 for some reason.
GEE why would someone NOT PLAY games like witcher 3 at 120hz even when they have a 120hz monitor?
Maybe its because the GPU will either bottleneck long before that OR run a nice and hot and loud 200w for the whole gaming session.

So you're just comically retarded and going to use a more expensive CPU to do what a cheaper CPU could do when you could have bought a cheaper CPU and used that money on a better GPU.

Thanks for the clarification you angry mongoloid. I should have known you were a mouth breather when you sighted single core performance that only matters at frame-rates you never see.

>cheaping out on the cpu
That's dumb
Upgrading your gpu is much easier since you won't have to replace the mobo and ram like you most alway shave to do with the cpu
Not even him

ill consider it but god are prices high now. I shouldve bit the bullet earlier before buttcoin mining blew up again.

Didn't eth crash incredibly hard
I just want to play video games

Cheaping out on the cpu is dumb
You can always drop settings if your gpu starts strugling.
If your cpu is strugling you're fucked since most graphics options don't effect cpu load at all.