>never played Civ before
What am I in for?
>never played Civ before
What am I in for?
Falling asleep.
Engaging strategic empire expanding and really brash diplomacy. After a couple games you'll realize how superficial the game feels and how formulaic and shallow your options really are.
civ iv is awesome
play what you like how you like, come what may
the moment you look something up you're dulling the game for yourself in some way or other far as single player goes, the computer is not impressive at playing the game.
get Civ 5 with all the dlc you moron
Poor AI and desyncs out the ass if you actually want to play with people.
An A+ soundtrack and unhealthy cities
Baka, why not play Civ 5 ? It's easier and more fun than 4.
One of my top 3 games and by far the best CIV game.
If you are into history download RFC DOW.
each individual civ game (that I've played) has something I wish the others had
Civ III simple 2D
Civ IV atmosphere
Civ V easily discernible computer player personalities, religions (minus byzantium's UA), helps my shitty graphics card fry eggs
>playing civ over grand strategy
Got Civ IV because it was cheaper. Might buy Civ V if this is fun.
at least the wrong person doesnt die 20 hours in and you lose half of spain, reload 5 times trying to prevent it then give up
fuck crusader cucks 2 i was almost to emperor
dunno man. after spending 100 hours in Civ 6, every other Civ feels boring with obsolete systems
which one is the best for just turtling and ignoring the shitty combat?
if the answer is a grand strategy game, I'd also want to know
When you have a few King level titles and a strong monarch switch to elective monarchy. Dump enough titles on your preferred heir so that 'rigging' the election is easy and you (mostly) never have to worry about inheritance again because even if you have a bunch of average options you're never stuck with the worst.
>It's easier
Easier is now a selling point for why a strategy game is better. Fucking retards
GS is easy as fuck though, and relies too much on RGN.
Civ 4 on emperor is where you distance yourself from casual scum.
Civ5 is shit.
Civ6 is a meme
Civ3 is obsolete
Civ2 is ok but aged
>Paying for a digital "copy"
Victoria 2, the game's about nation building and wars are generally small and over quickly. Of course the options there if you want to go full autocrat, turn out a massive army and shit stomp primitive nations into a big empire blob.
Didn't people shit on that game's AI and gameplay when it came out? Hell, people still seem to be shitting on it according to steam reviews.
Vicky 2 is fucking garbage compared to Vicky 1 though.
Grand Strategy is for people too impatient to do micromanagement. I understand it may be too complex for you
there have been a few patches that supposedly fixed it. i think it's fine, every other system is an improvement on the older games
A great game, but the combat is pretty dull. I just can't go back to stacks of doom crashing into one another after playing V and VI.
Stacks of doom are way better for single player, the AI handles them effectively.
MP is better with the new system but who the fucks play CIV mp on Sup Forums?
this. i fucking love hexes and i love 1upt
i got Vox Populi a few weeks ago. feels like i bought a new game
civ 5 is shit though only some one who never played civ 3 and 4 can enjoy it.
I hope you enjoy watching the sun rise while you say to yourself repeatedly "just one more turn...."
When you develop full autism try the Rise of Mankind mod.
Start out as berry pickers hunting and fighting neanderthals then end up in the far flung future.
>playing solely to have the biggest blob
you are doing it wrong
don't do this
play one game and stick with it
playing more than one will either make you hate every game but one or keep you from enjoying any game from the series again as you'll always be wanting something the other games have
you need Beyond the Sword my man.
Once you've played a few games of the standard game, start experimenting with mods.
Question: Does Beyond The Sword contain the entire main game plus new stuff? Should I even bother installing the main game if I got the complete edition?
Main game without expansions is ass, much like any other civ game. BTS is the only way to play it, imo.
Get the complete edition and run BTS, just as user said, the main game without BTS is extremely lacking, plus, all the mods are for BTS.
Falling on your face, and possibly never touching it again.
I love 4, but 5 is so much easier for new players.
I remember failing horribly on the call to power one
Plays HoI instead, that game is more interesting.
Civ is the equivalent of playing monopoly while somehow managing to be more autistic than Europa History games.
in fairness Hispania is comfy
only issue being K_Andalusia is big as hell unless you're patient enough to drift titles via personal holdings/vassal kings
>anything more autistic than HOI
HOI 2 is great
HOI 3 is autism
HOI 4 is meme
CIV 4 is better than all 3 together though.
>you will never play a Civ with III's graphics, IV's music/spock and V's personality
How is Civ4 good? Even on quick mode, it takes fucking forever to produce anything. Late game is mildly interesting but still easy as fuck.
The game's advisors take any challenge or thinking out of the game and if you didn't have them, then you'd have to spend the whole turn fumbling in it's awkard UI to decide on what to produce next.
Hearts of Iron manages to be a deeper (actual) game, and at the same time it's both easier and more interesting to play.
You are in for best civ. Get used to the systems, learn to play the game and then take a look at the available mods, you are in for a ride.
>Civ4 is better than all 3 together though
fucking fight me Civ III is maximum comfy despite lacking the budget IV probably had over it
If Montezuma spawns next to you, do everything he says, he's a great and courageous ally who will always have your back
Does Civ IV even have individual leader personalities beyond giving Gandhi a funny green glow?
You'll binge it for like two weeks then set it down for months or years, only to pick it up occasionally and binge for another two weeks.
Civ is one of those games where they hook you with the idea of micromanaging an empire but that's it. No change, nothing to strive for except numbers getting bigger and occasionally wiping out the AI despite having a weaker army because you're not dumb as rocks.
How do people think Civ IV is the best game in the series when the sequels improve on the previous releases and is therefore objectively better? I mean, once you've played Civ VI or Civ V there's not much point on going back to the previous games other than muh nostalgia
massing gold still works, and culture bombs
my only real gripe with Civ 5 is that I can't assign tiles for my cities to automatically claim and they just pick whatever
>sequels improve on the previous releases
LMAO. For every decent thing they add or change, they fuck up or remove something else
All these fucking posts and nobody has commented on OPs download speed
What's the point of playing video games anyways? Really makes you think..
>There are autists on vee who unironically think civ 4 is better than civ 5 in any way shape or form
nq mod civ 5 is the current pinnacle of PC turn based strategy, nothing else comes even close. And you play against players unless you're a total shitter.
Who's your favorite Civ, Sup Forums?
Civ 4 rewards patience, if you fuck up at turn 3, you might get your ass fucked 200 turns later, it's really great once you get the ball rolling. obviously im talking about monarch upwards.
HOI is great, but CIV is a much more complete game imo.
>What am I in for?
The best civ if you have the expansions
I could never get into CIV 5, the combat was too easy since the AI coudln´t even manage, the tile management and thus city customization was much more simplified which eventually leads to less options for the player. Even in GaK i felt that the game was a step down in everything and the deal breaker was no RFC.
As I said before, the doomstacks while horrible in multiplayer are great at single player since the AI can and will provide a very decent challenge in higher difficulties.
Sure if you like easy games.
The shared happiness makes no sense and is only there to limit the players expansion in a bad way, I much prefer the corruption of CIV4.
Incas all the way, they are always OP, also im from Peru. I so also love the romans since half of my ancestors are italian and legionaries/praetorian always make for a fun early game.
definitely 4
streamlined all of the most annoying shit from 3
5+6 introduced one unit per tile which is full cancer
literally ever new mechanic sucks
all the new mods suck, fall from heaven 2 remains an all time great mod
Yes. Install BtS and play that version. Civ4's expansions are not integrated into the game itself like those of Civ5 and Civ6.
Huayna Capac is OP in 4, especially if you play world map where all of Brazil is river tiles
My nigga
That fucking retarded culture mechanic with archaeologist was the dumbest shit ever.
Wrong, Civ 5 with all expansions is great.
Only vanilla 5 was shit, and guess what, vanilla 4 was flawed as fuck too
4's modding scene alone blows the fuck out of everything else. I also never had a problem with stacks of doom because they just simulated a moving army.
Hexes make up for 1upt IMO, and stacks of doom are almost as retarded as 1upt anyways
Also, 1upt is litterally the easiest thing in the world to fix with a mox, it's not a valid excuse to shit on 5 for
Montezuma has declared war on you!
To wish you were playing Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri instead.
>stacks of doom are almost as retarded as 1upt anyways
>having a lot of troops in the contested area is retarded
>even with collateral damage
stacks of doom is the dumbest thing ever to bitch about
>global happiness
>1UPT traffic jams
>huge penalties for capturing a city
>maintenance penalty for making buildings and roads
>diplomatic penalties for literally anything
>social policy gain speed penalty for expanding
>crippling empire-wide penalties for unhappiness
Civ V is literally "we don't want you to have fun: the game".
You know the best part is that, aside from all that, the game manages to be easy as fuck.
But it got popular somehow, it was baby's first civ for many thanks to steam so they will claim it is a better game regardless.
Civ5 was an attempt to get anal retentive need for micromanagement out of the game aka make it more appealing to wider audience. Problem is, you know, that's kinda half the appeal of 4X.
He is trash
Now Shaka
That nigga made me racist
IV is really good, there are mods that make it insanely complicated if your into that.
V is probably the best experience you'll get if you don't want complicated though.
Stay away from VI its complete trash.
Tell me again how hexes are better than/are an upgrade from squares. Go right on ahead.
good on you for buying the best one.
prepare for gandhi anal rape
>more intricate systems are obsolete
maybe strategy games aren't for you, user.
Black women taught white women how to put on make up and make themselves look beautiful.
Because it's in the newer game. Marketing tells me that newer is better than older. I'm a millennial, therefore I believe anything corporate marketing tells me. Therefore, everything in an old game must be shit. QED
More balanced while still offering a plethora of tactical choices
>I'm a millennial
So you were born in 80s/90s?
>buzzword buzzword no actual explanation
nothing can make a black woman attractive - they were wasting time
If you don't know the reason why hexes are even used at all then I have nothing to say to you. There's a very straightforward reason why hexes are used in wargames and why Civ implemented them. Go read up "hexes vs tiles" or something
>I-I know why, I-I j-just don't w-want to t-tell you!!!!
Why should I? Who are you?
>HOI 4 is meme
why exactly does /gsg/ hate hoi4?
Not enough concentration camps and swastikas
The AI was broken
And isn't it just a more simplified version of HOI3?
Why go that way if HOI 2 and AOD are still around and kicking?
I'll tell you why
Because in real life you can't go right or left, only diagonal and up and down.
If that's the case, wouldn't HOI4 = HOI2 in terms of complexity?
Good game. Get that one mod that adds a shit ton of civics and units. Not caveman to cosmos but the slightly more focussed one.
Caveman to cosmos is fun though even if it is a mess. I love that progression. Shame it always crashed for me.
If the 10 year old AI of HOI 2 was as bad as the one of HOI 4 yeah, it would.
I see. Why couldn't they just modify HOI2's AI and put it in HOI4 while they were making it?
Because it's a different engine probably.
That just means they were lazy then. Shame, HOI4 seems like it could have been the best HOI ever.