Are video games dead?

Are video games dead?


Sup Forums go home.

There's always going to be an audience for cute girls and waifus.
Companies are always going to follow the money. So I say leave Bioware and Blizzard or whatnot to their device and keep fapping my friend.

>bull represents rising, upward economy
>woman standing in front of it like it's a brave feat
Why not stand her in front of the bear?

So is cultural marxism just some made up term?

Sup Forums is Sup Forums's home

Oh jeez they put a black woman in the game holy shit it's a white genocide muh zero-sum game reverse racism whites are literally the most persecuted people there's not NAACP for white people cuz that would be racist waaaaaaaah

the little girl statue should be standing next to the bull facing in the same direction and literally everyone would be happy

SJWs made it without realizing the implication that they are blocking the way of prosperity and strength. I love it. It's poetic.

>bull represents rising, upward economy
>being this bluepilled
The calf is all grown up now and the Chosen people found their true Zion in America where they rule over goyim


Things that ruined vidya
>cut content as dlc
>loot boxes/gambling
>early access

Things that didn't ruin vidya
>black characters

But its obviously easier to blame niggers instead of yourselves

>there is no difference between black characters and afro money SJW/feminist/LGBT bait

Am I supposed to rub her balls now?



No, they don't affect gameplay in any way and if you get triggered by their presence then you are no better than muh sjw and do exactly what they want you to do

I really hope you're right about that, user.

I don't mind if they start putting more women or blacks or whatever in games just please make them aesthetically pleasing.
I don't like ugly things. Especially in games.


>character designs don't matter
>visuals don't matter
>audio doesn't matter
How is life playing Tetris?

>some investment company made this
>sjw defend it because soulless company made it a girl.
really tumbles the old brainbumbles


>audio doesnt matter

You kiddin

you are right. This whole board is lost to a bunch of beta closet-cuckold white supremacists sperging about muh niggers in video games while masturbating to

Nothing matters just your enjoyment, no one will feel the same way, asking for someone else's opinion on something is dumb.


Maria is cute! CUTE!!

If the color of one character's skin will make a game shit then it wasn't good to begin with or you are just an easily triggered Sup Forumstard

It's not their skin its that they're ugly.
See here

my point still stands

Nice propoganda Sup Forumstard.

even using the same picture

hey guys lets shoehorn nignogs into everything this will surely appease them
>nothing can ever appease the gibmedats

I guess that means all 8bit and 16bit games are shit, right? no hot sexy characters in those

No, but you are.

No it doesn't. If the artstyle of an anime is shit, I don't watch it.
If the character designs in a video games are ugly, i dont want to play it.

Yes it does
If one character's design out of hundreds' can make a game shit for you then you are just a little triggered Sup Forumstard or the game was shit to begin with

These underage retards from Sup Forums never played any 8bit and 16bit games

No games like that can still look aesthetically appealing. Due to it's simplicity there's not as much that can go wrong.
AAA have so much detail so you head towards characters looking realistic instead of attractive.

Of course it's intentional. They do this in films as well. Like in the new star wars where they could've gone with an attractive black guy but instead went with one that looks like a racist caricature of a black person.