Am I the only one who sees potential for a really fun game in AC:O? The loot system adds something refreshing to the game and the setting looks amazing. The e3 demo needed a bit of polish, that's what Ubisoft will be working on I assume between now and release.
Am I the only one who sees potential for a really fun game in AC:O...
>Am I the only one who sees potential for a really fun game in AC:O?
It looks alright, but the most exciting thing about it for me is the fact that it means Mesoamerica can be a setting at some point, since aztec and maya cities had a similar lack of vertacality for the most part as ancient egypt
I want Ubisoft employees to leave.
>The loot system adds something refreshing
>e3 demo needed a bit of polish
>bit of
>Ubisoft will be working on I assume
>Ubisoft working
Story wise a mayan game would be so fucking cool, I'd like it to be R-rated though.
>m-maybe THIS time
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
The asscreed games are consistently decent, with cool settings, though.
I hate deserts and black protagonists.
My favorites AC are Black Flag (+ Rogue) and Syndicate.
all Ubi games could've been at least 8/10 if not for ubisoft.
I want 2004 Ubi back, right before they serialized PoP.
Nah, you're just the only one who get paid 0,00000002 cents to talk about this flavor of the month game while the developers already working hard on the next six entries. But at least we're now niggers an' shit...
They're also consistently half-assed. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to ACO too but Ubi just has this tendency to release games that are half baked. I hope ACO surprises the fuck out of me and is legitimately good. If not, it'll just sidle up next to all the other AC games as mere guilty pleasures for me.
As for what I think of what's shown at E3, the game looks kinda rough and it's worrying since there's only a few more months till release. The animations aren't as detailed or smooth as Unity/Syndicate, the textures and models look lower res too and that godawful remote-controlled arrow was utter shit.
>I hate deserts and black protagonists.
Why do you hate black protags
more importantly why would you hate deserts, deserts are great
if you are playing the game and not in one
I don't like black people. Not racist. I just prefer play as a normal white person but I have no problem with a black companion or secondary character.
I see
don't you think black people should have some games where they can relate to the protagonist too
i got it preordered and very optimistic, not hyped, just optimistic,
that would be fine if they added at least some meaning to their open worlds
their open worlds is collect coins mentality that gives you nothing in return
it's very simple to make a good open world game
every action must give you 1) choice 2) actual reward you want
that's it.
their open world games is no choice no reward
at least they are pretty. I assume loot system is a step to that, but they handle it like f2p korean trash mmo not a proper single player game
>implying there aren't any
there are plenty of games with white protags already too, doesn't mean people don't want something new
They can play NBA, there's a new one every year
Agreed. Their open worlds are almost always just a huge map with a long check list of shit to get done. There's very little emergent shit to toy around with. Take Wildlands, for example. Huge as fuck world with a decent selection of biomes but what the fuck can you get done in it? Just missions and collectibles. There's no base building to dick with, faction system or good physics to play around with, etc. You just go from sector to sector cleaning up the missions until you reach the end. There's very little fucking around gameplay because that shit just doesn't enter their gameplay design at all. Unity and Syndicate introduced those 'emergent missions' where you helped citizens and there was even a simplistic faction system in place. I thought it was a step in the right direction but it seems they've already dropped that shit for ACO. Damned shame.
Have you always hated black people? Even when you were growing up? Or is this a more recent development alongside all the SJW shit?
A loot system is about as worse as it gets. Keep that shit for autists that can't wait to one-up their staff of judgment by a 0.17% to do 1.2 ice damage bullshit. Diablo. Destiny. Borderlands. All those loot games are inherently garbage, because implementing a loot system means you've given up as a developer. It's a shitty way to keep people interested.
>im such a contrarian ! give me attention ! look at me!!! im also a fag who loves dick and says stupid shit like boipussy because im that much of a huge faggot
I got disappointed the moment the hawk showed up in the E3 gameplay demo. Maybe it'll be good but there hasn't been a good AC game since Black Flag.
I don't hate them. I just don't like black people. How they look or they spoke each other.
>SJW shit
Irrelevant. At least in my situation. I have the feeling since I was kid.
is it going to be another primal? god...
that's basically the entire history of ubisoft
potentially fun games that end up being garbage
fuck off kangz
>Am I the only one who sees potential for a really fun game in any ubisoft game
they're like EA but they never actually promised anything but shit
people don't want niggers IRL nor in virtual space
I had the worst expectations for Watch_Dogs 2, but that ended up being fantastic. I'm really hoping AC:O will start a good streak.