You know, I almost fell for it. This game is maybe marginally better than Overwatch mechanically but everything else is so much worse. Character designs are awful, game modes are bland, maps are shit, and the whole anti-gravity gimmick makes it so hitscan weapons dominate. So long as you have decent aim it takes no fucking skill. It's also really slow unless you play the Wraith character since he has the only good movement mechanics but he gets boring real fast.

All I know about this game is Cliff Bazinga tweeted it has Transgender restrooms in it.

I just Googled and...
>Published by Nexon

My interest is negative 1.

I srsly took TF2 for granted when I jumped into a Lawbreakers game and I'm assaulted with horrible and uninformative character designs and like a dozen abilities and pointless shit just everywhere. All the enemies had those ugly red outlines, the equivalent of the artist throwing their hands up and saying "I give up!"

Even the legendary skins are garbage. They just slap generic scifi armor in everyone and they end up looking so much worse

What's wrong with Nexon?

Most games they publish are broken crap and are dead in months.

you mean dirty bomb, not this crap

Nexon kill everything they touch.


It still lacks content and polishing, user. This build is weeks old.

Really? That fucking sucks, I like this game a lot. I also read in a thread a couple of weeks ago in their older games they stealth added datamining to their games? I can sort of believe it because when I was playing Lawbreakers it got my discord automatically connected to the game without asking me.

I'm having fun, though everyone running around as a Wraith or Assassin is getting old.

>play an early closed beta
>get bored quickly and don't think much of it
>decide to keep it in mind to see if it gets better though
>months pass and they keep doing more betas
>decide to give it another try to see how it has progressed
>immediately forces me into a Discord chat with my teammates
>get to the match and everyone still wants to play assassin
>agree to give it one last chance to iron all this shit out because of the "talent" behind it and it's going to be free to play anyway
>look it up again later and suddenly it's $30

CliffyB is a hack

>made by cliffy shit on PC B
>minorities the game

I hope this game burns and everyone who worked on it fired.

The fuck is this about trans stuff?

The UI looks atrocious.
>two double kill indicators


It IS a highly skilled game though. For example I have no idea how people play well with the Assassins, that class is beyond me. And the Gunslinger class is the perfect example of exactly how Lawbreakers is everything but Overwatch: that game goes all out on special abilities while Lawbreakers actively reinvents the act of shooting a gun in a video game; it's really incredible.

It really is a skill-based game, much more so than most any FPS released this generation - and maybe that's a problem for some people in today's world. Nevertheless, I've seen incredible plays with the Vanguard class; and from the little I've played the game as of right now at least one map in the game is pure gold. And the weapons feel ridiculously good, too.

I legit don't understand what anybody has to complain about.

No idea. The announcer also keeps on yelling 'Mother fucking double kill' at me every time I get it.

DOUBLE KILL Kill kill...

It sucks hot shit on PS4 though.

>play for about 6 hours on pc last beta
>play 1 more today
>get on PS4 and no one can aim for shit
Blitzball seems to be the worst one since no one guards their goal in the 4 matches I played.

Just tried out the PS4 beta after playing the past 4? on PC. Playing Juggernaut on the PS4 version just felt unfair with how horrible everyone was.

>I'm too stupid to figure out how a class works
>therefore the game is complicated and deep
This didn't work for Overwatch, why would I believe it now?
>At least one map is pure gold
One map!? What a horrible way to market this.

>A company with Cliffy B as its CEO
>Making a good game

The fact you almost fell for it is disturbing.

>Jugg gets melted on PC
>is a walking God of death in PS4

Bad character design is the biggest red flag a game could have.
This one takes the cake.

ask Cliff The Cuckold.

Ded gaem

>22:1 with Jugg on PS4
>7:15 with Jugg on PC


>make a game that lets you go fast and requires you to aim
>Overdrones hate it and try to attack it with non-gameplay complaints


>second biggest character in shot is a nogger


It's gunplay is floaty, boring and absolutely unbalanced in favor of assassin classes. Play Quake and don't listen to this shill.

Wasn't this from Cliff "Cliffy "I haven't made a good game in 18 years" B" Blezinski? Who cares what that clown's up to?

Cliffy B gave up on gaming and became part of the SJW circle jerk hence why all his new games are full of transgender noggers and anyone who might be white is replaced with robots so they're race-neutral.

Honestly hope his wife gets cancer, dies over the course of about 5 years and he shoots himself and any pets/children they had in the head in grief. Though to be fair he's an SJW numale so he's probably also a woman beater/rapist/pedophile and will be in jail soon.

Hi, I'm the better multiplayer shooter, and I'm only $20

wow you are a truly horrible person


How fucking horrible do you have to be at this game to think that assassin or wraith are overpowered?
I swear to God, Sup Forums is a perpetual dissapointment

Is that why they were running Titans, Juggs, Gunslingers and Battle Medics during the recent tournys?
Fuck man, rant about the aesthetic of the game but at least learn to play before you complain about the balance.

You have to remember Sup Forums is made almost entirely of people who will tell you Dota 2 is shit because Riki/Bounty Hunter/Slark is OP. Sup Forums always gets stomped by cheese characters made for pub stars.

Dead. One gamemode gets played.


Wraith was probably OP as fuck on console since no one can aim and we all know Sup Forums can't use a mouse. Wraith was nerfed and Assassin got a buff, but neither are a problem since melee range got nerfed.

>Mother fucking double kill'

Why do devs not understand that cursing is only ok when it's natural in a game, otherwise it feels forced. It makes your game less cool, not more cool.

Swearing for a kill announcer should be when you do something fucking amazing like taking down most of the enemy team single handedly. Swearing for a double kill isn't worth it.

This game have ZERO personality.
Overwatch, Paladins, Quake Champion and even Battleborn have something interesting in them.
Lawbreakers is just a dudebro game. If you want to play a dudebro game play Titanfall or Destiny.

>Spouting shit you have no clue about
well meme'd!


Also everyone is ugly as fuck.
ME:A level of nightmare fuel.

>has the best mechanics of any fps since tribes ascend
>cliff blezinski made it so it has to have a shitty design

feels bad

Only the titan combat is good. Low tsk with high movement feels so Jank.

They made pic related...

...Into pic related to please SJWs.

>>immediately forces me into a Discord chat with my teammates

What? I have Discord and I never get shoved into a chat with my teammates

That looks bad

Is this supposed to be an 'Overwatch killer'?

but it's 40 bucks, not 60
and you can find the origins edition for less than 40 if you're smart and do some searching

Looks like Rihanna
Looks like the robot from I, Robot

That move reminds me of an attack from BO3.

There's an option to turn it off in the settings and that may be the default now, but Lawbreaker's voice chat is done via putting you into a Discord DM with other people on your team through Discord's own Gamebridge shite.

People have no real valid complaints anymore. When you can easily apply the coolest latest kneejerk reaction and start playing Overwatch again cause all the coolest youtubers do, you move on.

Asa Akira is playable?

>Cliff Bazinga
i completely forgot this dope existed.

Why in the fuck are you comparing this to Overwatch as if it created or popularized the class based shooter genre?

But anyway, pretty much all of the hero shooters that came out after Overwatch are better and more enjoyable than it. Paladins, Battleborn, Gigantic, Lawbreakers. These beat Overwatch in terms of gameplay but just don't have Blizzard's stamp on it, so they're not as popular.



>people STILL say overwatch is 60 dollars
Why are people on this board so fucking retarded

will be f2p in 2 months top
its a cliffyfag game
its also a shitty game

i didnt know this and its seriously retarded
its gonna be fun watching this bomb hard, cliffy had to suck pc gamers dick long and deep, and it still was not enough

Not anymore. They made her look like Nicolas Cage now.

>another black chick with feminist hair
all i needed to know to drop it

It launched at 60 dollars physicall.
A year from now you'll be able to get LB for 15€ because that's how the market works.

The fuck is this abomination?

It's called black person.

A strong and independent gender fluid person.


oh shit, it's John Flynt

this game made me realise why Overwatch didn't klick with me.
the maps in overwatch fucking suck ass with their bullshit design around chokepoints and maybe 1 small hallway to flank.
oh and overwatch had waaaay too many healing classes.
i played one of the first weekend alphas of Lawbreakers and didn't like it back then.
the beta right now has been fun though (still not gonna buy it)
but it made me see why TF2 was so superior to Overwatch.
oh and it has a much more fun rocketlauncher class

Same here.
Played the Overwatch beta then months later the Lawbreakers alpha and realized that I didn't like Overwatch because there can be a full minute without any action, just going to the point.

Friendly reminder to sage and report all marketing threads

ON MY Sup Forums?

source it mate


>It's called black person.

the wrestling divas reality show

motion sickness the gam, janky shit

I don't know if that webm is even 30fps

>asian girl sounds like a thai hooker
It's decent but the game modes are terrible and people refuse to play anything besides wraith or assassin

Assassin can swing around and Wraith can slice the wind to dash through the air so you can't really blame them. Mist-stepping or doing lunges just isn't as fun, IMO.

>So long as you have decent aim it takes no fucking skill.
>"if you're skilled it takes no fucking skill"
what the fuck are you doing nigger