Are there any video games that let me do something like this?

Are there any video games that let me do something like this?

>he has never played any stratergy game

The Hobbit trilogy was shit

You mean direct terrible, terrible battle scenes?

this is retarded to the max

Are there any video games that let me do something like this?

Mount & Blade: Bannerlord

What is even happening
Are the javelins spinning so fast they created a fucking sonic boom

You mean stupid cgi garbage?

>retarded to the max
The clip is silly. Your statement is what's retarded.
What are you, five years old?

Jesus I'm glad I skipped these movies. To answer you though Warhammer Total War.

why are hollywood battle scenes always directed by retards?

Warhammer doesn't have shit as stupid as OP's webm.

>that let me do this

You mean try way way too hard?


I'm guessing bunch of metal wires threaded on the sides of a ballista bolt, when spun around fast enough it turns into a fucking weedwacker. No clue how they got that shit to spin though.

Also SC2 has anti projectile shields on the Protoss and Terran sides, too lazy to google which units.

Doom Divers are pretty stupid in a great way.

They fire the arrows and then some spinning spears(?) destroyed the arrows.

>Total War series
>M&B: Warband

At least they are more tangible, launching a goblin with a wing-suit makes more sense

Sentry, Guardian Shield.
Raven, Point Defense Drone.

The gob lobber? That's fairly dumb.

You couldn't explain why you think that calling this clip retarded is retarded without grasping at straws

this scene was cut anyways

no, regular doom divers

gob lobbers shoot captured goblins in a sack

I'm aware. I was presenting it as another stupid thing in Warhammer.

I don't see anything wrong with the scene.

Dominions 4 but only in multiplayer

Because it'd be any less stupid if it wasn't CGI?

Dumb praticaleffectsposter


Jump the shark?

Yeah plenty of games.

of course
because cg allows idiots to create fake retarded bullshit
if that was practical that designer would have been laughed of the set and th e movie would have been better

To make them appeal to retards.

Like your mom

Spears with wires that spin when fired and they block arrows.
What's not to like about that Dwarven engineering?
Elf loving niggerfaggots.

Total War: Warhammer is your only and only answer.


Play as the britons, make longbowmen.

This. You can literally reenact a dwarf vs elf battle.