Current Top 5 esports

1. League of Legends
2. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
3. Street Fighter V
4. Rocket League
5. Dota 2


Is esports a sport?

Esport olympics when?

How are you rating these? Whether you look at prize pools, viewers, or skill requirement, Dota2 and CSGO are both far above LoL.

Reminder that Europe is the only non-asian region who ever won a League of Legends Worlds Championship

This is something I have brought up before.

Lets get a decathlon-like setup going where your team has to be proficient across multiple titles and genres.


>give 0 fucks about esport bullshit most of the year
>dota 2 TI comes around

And that's when I just spend an entire week glued to different streams watching this shit until its over.

Anything that isn't CS is fucking shit.

>watching TI past 4
hoe does it feel to be so reddit

What makes LoL 1st but Dota only 5th?

>if I don't like it nobody should

How does it feel to be retarded.

The FGC isn't esports

Settle down, moron

>Settle down

Says the one triggered by others liking what you don't like.

According to who?


but Dota2 and CSGO have far more viewers than LoL?

what the fuck did he mean by this?

It ain't me. You're still an idiot.



>league of kekends
fucking stop


>3. Street Fighter V

Is this a joke?

Why do you think it's alive with no players and every tourney fag hating it, appearing on disney makes miracles.

>dotards throw their money in fire

These MOBAs arent even games. They are only popular because slit eyed gook fucks play them.

rest irrelevant

Seriously whats the deal with Dota 2?

Insane prize pool, but like people give zero fucks.

What metric are you using for this ranking?

>throw money into fire
But you can't buy Riot Points in Dota 2?

gooks and russians make viewers, stupid americans and eurokeks buy the compendium and make the prize pool

The demographic of Dota 2 is older people which explains both why they have disposable income to spend on it and why they aren't super vocal about it like 12yo about their favorite videogame that everyone needs to know about.

Your post remind me of TotalBiscuit talking points for SC 2.

Fuck off.

Smite is a pretty big eSport

anything that isn't broodwar is dog shit.

If you go by viewership then Anne Happy is one of the top 5 esports.

the truth hurts doesn't it?

>10 gooks left playing that game
nice game broodtards

they will then masturbate to a bunch of gooks watching it and say that it is a better esport

>Rocket League
What the fuck? this is still a thing?

No there are only a few million people that play it

No that's why it's called eSports. The differentiation is already there.

csgo is cancer. I stopped playin that anymore