Dragon quest XI

anyone playing this today?

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What is news since VIII?

No, thank you for reminding me that I have yet another Japanese game to filter for half a year until we get the butchered meme filled translation.

My copy's en route. It'll be a while. I just couldn't stomach paying more for it digitally.

Hoping to hear from someone who has played it.

What's the Japanese consensus on it?
Do they like it?

Pirated the 3ds version and waiting on the PS4 version to get here.

Lacking too much vocabulary to play it without having to stop to look words up. Might still get to it before western release though.

I'll buy a 3ds just for this game. (And maybe vii,never played). Tired of iv-vi on mobile. Would be nice if vii or ix came to mobile. Probably not happening.

For lack of any reason other than to bump, here's some text that came with the PS4 mail I received today about the game. Someone else may want to post how Google Translate garbles it.



『ドラゴンクエストXI 過ぎ去りし時を求めて』が、いよいよ本日発売となりました!




一人ひとりに自分だけの人生があるように、「ドラゴンクエスト」の冒険も、自分だけのもの。 シリーズ生みの親である、堀井雄二さんの“人生はロールプレイング”という言葉の通り、あなた自身が主役になって、あなただけの冒険を楽しんでいただきたいと思います。

11番目の本編最新作である本作は、2回目の「1」ということで、改めて原点に立ち返り勇者の物語を描いた作品になっています。 “新たな原点”となる『ドラゴンクエストXI』の冒険は、きっとこの先のあなたの人生にとっても、必ずや忘れられない冒険の一つになると、お約束します。


Google Translate:
Now it's time to leave !!!

How much waiting for this day ...!

"Dragon Quest XI seeking time to pass" finally got released today!
Nice to meet you, this is PlayStation® 4 edition advertisement charge, Ikkawa of Square Enix. I hope to deliver the feeling I want to tell everyone now on the day of release date, with the help of this mail newsletter.

Alright. This series celebrating the 30th anniversary of last year.
In those days, you who were braves, now become a father, a mother, you become a grandpa, a grandma .... Also, is not it that some people are doing brave with their parents and their three generations?
As for me, on the day the legend started, I have not been alive in this world, but now I am writing this mail news with full of courage to the brave.

In the history of more than 30 years, there are many things that the "Dragon Quest" series has accumulated.
A magnificent story, that word of an unforgettable character, a fear of a mother's vacuum cleaner collision, a choice of a bitter astringent, that battle to hold a sweat, and that famous piece that flows in that scene ... !! , There are as many memories of "Dragon Quest" as there are adventurers.

I don't know weeb

Oh fuck is this a new origin story? Are future DQ games gonna build on this?

Google Translate:
Just like each person has his own life, the adventure of "Dragon Quest" is only for myself. As the word "Yori Horii's life" is the creator of the series, you will want to have yourself play the leading role and enjoy your own adventure as the word "role playing".

This work, which is the eleventh main part of this main title, is a work that depicts the story of the brave, returning to the origin again, because it is the second "1". I promise that the adventure of "Dragon Quest XI" which becomes "New Origin" will certainly become one of unforgettable adventures for your life in the future.

Of course, I think that some "Dragon Quest XI" will be "first dragon", but do not worry about "Do not know the meaning if you did not do the previous series? Even for all of you, an adventure will be waiting for you as "the origin"!

I played up until the world map before taking a break. It's really annoying how they randomly space lines

No thanks, I like games that don't sound like they are from 1999

It's synth, but you're shitposting so I doubt you care. I will say that I wanted an orchestrated track from the get go and that the synth is a bit of a let down.

>Oh fuck is this a new origin story? Are future DQ games gonna build on this?
Huh. I mean, yeah, 原点. That's certainly more or less directly worded as such. Interesting. Thanks for doing the legwork.

Hopefully we'll get an orchestra and voice acting (on PS4) like DQ8 did on its original PS2 localization.
Oh who am I kidding.

>from 1999
The PS1 had many games with much better sounding music than DQXI, just listen to the Chrono Cross soundtrack.

Modern DQ music sounds worse than 16-bit

Relax. The localization itself was just announced yesterday. Horii's not dumb about his games. His hands could be tied on things, sure, but if they're not, there's no reason to doubt why 11 won't get handled the same way as 8.

>there's no reason to doubt why 11 won't get handled the same way as 8.
7/8 on 3DS were pretty no-frills and kept the midi music.

The Jap versions had orchestral music. It didn't make it to the US for technical reasons I believe.

JP version were midi, and DQ8 on English had all voice-work stripped despite near full acting in JP.

>kept the midi music.
Well actually 7 had orchestrated music in Japan, but they put the synth music in for the west.

I think 8 had synth in japan too. I thought it had something to do with Sugiyama not wanting his music outside of Japan or something. To be honest I'm not sure why.

DQ8 in English still has voice acting.

Hopefully we dont
Fuck off and go back to FF

>JP version were midi

You are autistic.

There's no way the game will come to the west without voice acting. The cutscenes in the Japanese version look so ridiculous with fully animated characters that move their mouths but no sound comes out.

Some think it's SE not wanting to fork over a bit extra cash to license Sugiyama orchestral music. Since DQ7 and 8 3DS only came here because of fans and not because they felt it will be a massive seller.