What are some must play GameCube games?

What are some must play GameCube games?

Mario Sunshine
Smash Bros
The Wind Waker
Mario Party 4
Killer 7


Tales of Symphonia
Spider-Man 2

I would add F Zero GX, Animal Crossing and Viewtiful Joe and it's a perfect list.

Soul Calibur 2 is a great game too but the GameCube version is the weakest one.

They're not exclusives, but the Tony Hawk games. If I had to pick an exclusive, I'd say Eternal Darkness.

Luigi's Mansion

Metroid Prime

Super Monkey Ball is a blast with friends, the Xbox version was actually better though I think.

This. Played the shit into it back in the day. Yet to see a game as unique as geist, was truly ahead of its time.

Eternal Darkness
Luigis Mansion
Star Wars Rouge Squadron 2


How have you faggots not said the GREATEST GAMECUBE GAME OF ALL TIME


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Metroid Prime
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Mario Strikers
Wario Ware Inc.
Resident Evil 4
Viewtiful Joe

Are you implying Link was the lamest guest?
Cause shit man, spawn had a ton of recycled moves. Lame as fuck.

>no-one has said pikmin
pikmin is great

Metroid Prime is the only real must play but it has lots of good games.

>f zero gx
>wwe day of reckoning
>wind waker
>super smash bros

those are only games i remember havin on gc

Jedi Outcast

Thousand Year Door
Metroid Prime

I'm glad I wasn't the one who had to come in here and say this.

Zelda clone or not, I love it

I wouldn't exactly call these must plays but I think these are underrated.

The Hobbit
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy