I've consumed all of Skyrim 2 years ago and now I want to play it again. However, I don't want to repeat everything on the same ways.
I'm making a modpack with cherrypicked mods for an amazing experience, however, I'm not good at troubleshooting. I need people (at least one) to help me put everything together.
I'll then deliver it with the links to the original mods, instructions, download, etc.
>i wanna do something >somebody has to help me Kys
Dominic Russell
I always enjoy seeing the salt and the edgyness of Sup Forums. It's so much bigger than any other board...
>games doesn't make you violent
Henry Lopez
Glad you enjoy my comment
Gabriel Kelly
Modding is fucking tedious, but can be worth it if you put the time in. You should learn to do it yourself so that you have a rough idea of what to do the next time you feel like playing Skyrim. Gopher has some decent videos on Youtube for modding.
Lincoln Morales
Y'know, I never understood people that had to mod the game to find enjoyment in it. I've got dozens of characters I keep meaning to play in Skyrim and every time I find the time to make and play one, I've got a dozen more that takes its place.
John White
Todd, where the fuck SKSE64 is?!
Jason Murphy
I'm always open for a new playthrough. Post some of your concepts for inspiration.
Ryan Murphy
It depends on the type of person you are, your personality, etc.
For an extroverted, this is nearly impossible. Is like watching the same movie over and over.
Extroverted people are really hard to please 100%. Finding a game that gets us stuck on it for too long is super rare. I myself have over 1k hours in Dark Souls one and people ask me "why the fuck?"
But eventually, no matter what, we end up getting tired of it.
Kayden Parker
Download Enderal. It's an amazing standalone mod for Skyrim that completely BTFOs Bethesda because it had better designs and better aesthetics and is so damn beautiful.
Nathan Wood
It's still a bad game Todd, even in 2017
Christopher Wilson
I tried it. Found it very laggy, messy and confusing
Parker Ramirez
I agree, fellow unbiased video game fan-made modification consumer
Justin White
A dude told me that I need authorization from every single mod author to deliver a modpack in a single big file to the public. Can someone explain to me why? I'm finding it stupid
Ayden Torres
Gavin Ramirez
Get Mod Organizer to install lots of mods without pulling your hair out. The add wrye bash as an external executable to make them all work together.
Last one I cobbled together was a Hold Guard. There are some mechanical differences between the guards. For example, Windhelm guards just default to Stormcloak gear which is actually both weaker and heavier than standard hold gear, making them the most inferior. And Haafinger guards have access to the Shield of Solitude, a unique and strong(ish) shield.
The base idea for any Hold Guard though is obviously to do all the quests in your respective holds. Not just the main cities, but all the areas inside them too. Like being a Riften Guard would include the towns of Ivarstead and Shor's Stone, along with a dozen or so camps, mills, settlements, farms, towers, forts, et cetera.
But then there's secondary objectives that help shape your character. If you're a Winterhold Guard, are you also a Mage because of your proximity to the College? Your Winterhold shield and sword being largely ceremonial while you rain fire and lightning down on your foes? Or as a local do you mistrust and despise the mages? You sought out the Blessing of Mara, the Lord Stone and had your gear enchanted with Magic Resistance making your near immunity to spells the cornerstone of your mage-killing build? Same with Riften guards and the Thieves Guild. Do you lean more toward Mjoll and want to redeem your corrupt city or are you moonlighting as a Thief who just happens to be on the Guards' payroll? Does your Solitude guard support the Empire and take an active role in the Civil War? Or maybe he believes in Ulfric and Roggvir's execution is what moves him to action, secretly working with the Stormcloaks while policing the Hold you're dedicated to.
After you get the broad strokes fleshed out, the characters really kind of write themselves.
Brody Sanders
>NMM Eh, probably good enough if you're new to this. You wouldn't touch NMM if you were used to MO's features though.
Robert Ross
>op can't do basic mod management is this a laugh at op thread?
Jose Diaz
Because you're a retard.
Jason Perez
Teach op or laugh, it's up to how much cock you suck
Jaxon Wilson
What's the best combat mod all the cool kids use nowadays?
Eli Morgan
Another build I'm fond of is the Thalmor Agent build. There's a full set of Thalmor gear immediately outside the Helgen cave at the beginning of the game and lots of opportunities to acquire more and varied looks as you continue.
The biggest obstacle to overcome is that no one actually acknowledges you as a Thalmor. And so, the concept of the build is that you're a deep-cover agent sent from the Summerset Isles to keep an eye on the Thalmor leadership in Skyrim. This opens lots of opportunities throughout the game, like helping Justicar Ondolemar in Markarth root out Talos worshipers, investigating and ultimately putting Ancano to death when his personal ambition for the Eye of Magnus overtakes his responsibilities as a Thalmor, or making certain not to harm any of Elenwen's soldiers while "infiltrating" the Thalmor embassy to confirm if these Skyrim Thalmor really are responsible for the Dragon crisis. Naturally, you'll take no part in the Civil War and during negotiations will attempt to keep both sides equal. It's of paramount importance that the Stormcloaks and Imperials keep bleeding one another out with neither getting the upper hand.
That said, you can and should take active roles in the world around. The Talosian Priest Heimskr in Whiterun sits there loudly daring the Thalmor to shut him up, so oblige him. The Dark Brotherhood give you the opportunity to slay the Emperor and through the entirety of humanity into disarray; you'd be a fool to pass it up.