What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Never played this game.

Nintendiaper games are shit, don't play it. SM64 has the most autistic community of players.

>says the community is autistic

An A press is an A press.
You can't say it's only half.

Have fun building up speed for 12 hours.

t. someone who can't even beat a level in half an A press


What do you mean? You're in for a Mario game. Just play it.

Castle hub world with picture portals too large levels where you often have access to objectives you didn't even select, but honestly the ds version is better

slippery controls, boring levels, and the same bowser fight 3 times

Play Banjo, Jak, Crash, or Spyro instead.

>slippery controls, boring levels
>tells him to play crash or jak instead

Lot's of triple jump yahoos, a fiendish trapdoor and a disappointing Yoshi.

Well despite what she's saying in the letter, you're not gonna be seeing any cake for a while.


bing-bing wahoos


>What am I in for?
the "in the water" ending if your not careful.

A game that has not aged well

A legit bizarre adventure platformer.

Crash and Jak have neither slippery controls nor boring levels though

Name a worse meme

>Mario 64 is good because I was 7 when I played it first

Very mediocre. People only like it now cus of nostalgia

Holy shit, this boss fight was fucking intense.

Good luck on race to the top

I would love a stream of this

are you playing on a poorly coded N64 emulator?