This doesn't look very good

This doesn't look very good.

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well of course not you have OC Donut steal characters as the focus with fate being the focus story wise.

And it has been universally agreed that Fate is the worst Fire emblem story.

Couple that with it just being another DW clone so the gameplay is going to be repetitive and boring

I hope the gameplay is at least as good as Hyrule Warriors

No Nino, no buy.

Not recent enough.

You don't look very good

When are they gonna reveal more characters?

That's my biggest fear for the roster. Awakening/Fates for the majority, known/popular Lords, and that's it.

I can hope though, I mean Marin made it into Hyrule Warriors and is actually one of my favorite units.

If you still hope for older characters. Chances are it's gonna be DLC like HW's were.

Im just buying it for the waifu material

You know what else doesn't look very good? Your mother, but I fucked her anyway.

Any day now they're going to announce Jugdral characters, I can feel it...

I appreciate how they said they wanted to avoid having too many sword characters, so they went for Fates / Awakening and completely ignored options like Hector and Ephraim

Then went ahead and made the cover all swords.

>bunch of swordfag characters
>characters that don't use swords look boring as hell
>Character pool will be 90% characters from Marth's games and FE13 + FE14 again
Why the fuck do they always do this shit?. We will be lucky if we see any characters from Path of Radiance aside from Ike and I bet not even Alm and Celica will appear

Dude they akready confirmed that it's Awakening/Fates/Shadow Dragon only.
If you want old characters you better hope it's successful enough for a sequel.

I may just wait to get it until that point then. Not really hungry for another Musou just yet anyway.

I'm a huge musou faggot with some mild nostalgia for old Fire Emblems.
I thought this game would be an automatic buy and impossible for Nintendo to fuck up but I couldn't be less interested in it now so I'm just waiting for DW9 and maybe Musou All-stars instead.

Source? I don't doubt you.

>Awakening/Fates/Shadow Dragon only.
Majority will be.

It's horrible, but our only hope is DLC or a sequel. But given the internal conflict and general confusion of FE fans, I doubt we will get a sequel.

Why do people praise Zelda Musou?
I see this a lot, especially from American journalists, like Zelda did something other Musous weren't.
Doesn't Spirit of Sanada have objectively better gameplay?

I think it looks good. Hyped for it, they're really not pushing it as hard as Hyrule warriors though.

and the rest will be OCs. exactly like the OG Hyrule Warriros.

Too many sword users. And I went off it when I watch some steam where mobs would keep spawning right in front of you rather than out of screen. Made it look shit. Xeno is the only game I'm looking forward to now for the Switch.

>Too many swords would make the game stale lol
>OC's have swords
>Fates characters have swords
>Marth has a sword
>Chrom and Lucina have swords

It's like saying you aren't gonna shoot yourself in the foot. Then you do it anyway with a 12 gauge shotgun.

It was actually a fun game with lots of Zelda characters and a tremendous amount of content.

Jugdral is fucking dead user.
The director for FE Echoes even said he would want to do a Binding Blade remake next. Let it go.

I don't think they can top Hyrule Warriors

I'm not saying it isn't a fun game I'm saying that other Musou games are equally fun, also have lots of characters and also have a tremendous amount of content.
I don't know what makes Zelda better.


Well there's your problem, doesn't matter the coat of paint when it's all the same garbage

Does it have to look good? I mean you'd buy it anway.

You seriously can't figure out why a Zelda game is more popular than a standard musou game.

And when a musou game have achieved that?

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

You're retarded.

That doesn't answer anything.

>That cover art

Every stream I see it looks dull the roster looks dull, and I like Musou games. If I was to buy one Musou game this year Warriors All Stars just looks far more interesting.

You could plaster Zelda on just about anything and people will eat it up. I've known numerous people who don't even know what a musou is, but when hyrule warriors was a thing, they played the shit out of it.
Considering zelda is a lot more well known compared to something like a particular anime or manga getting a musou, it'll do a lot better.

You do realize Ephraim and Hector aren't "all the lords" of other games or even close to a majority of them? There's Alm, Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, Roy, Eliwood, Lyn, Eirika, and Ike. That's a lot more sword lords than Hector and Ephraim.

Instead they added characters like Robin, Frederick, and Lissa. You know, not sword lords.

No I understand that.

What I'm saying is I have seen journalists and anonymous posters on this board who claim to have played both Zelda and conventional Musou games and found the gameplay of Zelda to be superior.
I've never seen anyone explain why though.

I get that Zelda pulls people in but I don't understand how it can have better gameplay.

Look at that book

I would read all the pages

Because it was a lie to appease the fans of games older than four years old, let's not kid ourselves.

Also, it's really fucking stupid to me that they couldn't even make the OCs, who they could have made anything they wanted, BOTH use swords.


Could just be blind fanboyism, and I don't particularly like using fanboy related stuff for an argument.

>meme characters from DOA5 included
And purchase ruined.

It's like star wars cereal. Sure it's not better than other cereals. BUT IT HAS FUCKING STAR WARS ON IT. GIVE ME THOSE BB8 MARSHMALLOWS.

But it's a book.
>The characters that appear are generally from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Fire Emblem Awakening, as well as Fire Emblem Fates. This won’t be a gathering of the protagonists from across the series.

Isn't this being developed by a Third Party?
Not only I don't see the Nintendo logo on the lower part of the cover, Intelligent Systems is also missing.

>Because it was a lie to appease the fans of games older than four years old, let's not kid ourselves.
That's the problem though, it's such an obvious lie that it's retarded that they even tried to go with it.

>We only wanted to include the best selling games in the series
Okay, fine.
>We only wanted to include the most recent games in the series that were already released at the time development started
Okay, fine.
>We didn't want to have too many Sword users, so we're focusing on the games that have the most "lords" who wield Swords. OH YEAH AND HERE'S THE COMPLETELY ORIGINAL MAIN CHARACTERS FOR THE GAME, THEY BOTH USE SWORDS TOO

The game is being made by Omega Force but Nintendo has heavy control over creative decisions - the roster being the most questionable.

Don't forget their friend Darius who also uses a sword

>we want the Sword Art Online audience

Female Corrin is a mistake
Conquest is the shittiest FE game ever right next to Echoes
This is just a Switch version of FEH


What's even the point of saying the weapon triangle is in the game if everyone just uses swords.

Zelda Musou incorporated dodging and dodge cancels into the musou formula, which makes the gameplay way more responsive and engaging compared to its Dynasty Warriors counterparts. The movesets of characters are also very creative and well animated. Not sure how it stacks up to modern Samurai Warriors, though, since I haven't played that series since 2.

Having just 3 Fire Emblem game entry characters in a Warriors game is just a bullshit excuse to not add older characters and will probably won't have any in DLC, just more characters from those 3 games.

That new Lucina voice is just shit and sounds nothing like her at all, Alexis Tipton can fuck off from touching any of Laura Bailey's characters again.

Are you people mentally damaged?
Of course they announced first the most popular characters, who happen to be Lords and use swords.
But in the last video they announced 3 not sword using characters and more will come. The next will probably be about the remaining Fates royals, with no swords in sight.

>we're only going to put in character from our latest games and the first game because there would be too many sword users if we used all the games!
>there's still far too many sword users

Older FE characters suck. Deal with it.

That's what Laura Bailey gets for going on strike.

Of course it doesn't. It's a Musou game.

Is that the final cover? I refuse to believe that Lucina didn't make it on there. She's usually on every Fire Emblem related thing, so I'm glad they're using different characters now.

>90% characters from Marth's games
If only that were the case. I'd much rather have characters like Cain, Ogma, Linde, Camus, Hardin and Minerva over the rejects in Awakening and Fates. We'd be lucky just to get one of them.

>Zelda Musou incorporated dodging and dodge cancels into the musou formula
And you think those aren't in other musou games?

>The next will probably be about the remaining Fates royals

Oh fucking JOY, I can't WAIT to see those faggots again.

They're butthurt Telliuscucks making up reasons to hate the gane, what do you expect?

I don't really care about too many swords or whatever. My gripe is they said they didn't want to put too many swords in the game and made both OCs sword users when those two could've been anything else.

PRetty sure this is Awakening/Fates/Marth games only.
Maybe DLC we will get Hector and Ike.

No Rygar no buy.


>and made both OCs sword users when those two could've been anything else.

They're OC's you could have did ANYTHING else with them. Make them Axe users lancers. Give them some interesting weapons FE doesn't use.

But Naw. Let's just make them sword users.

Don't forget GBAfags. I've seen a good number of bitching over the lack of Hector.

i do not care in the slightest about warriors games, in fact i think they're stupid. having said that, roy is my boy. how high are the chances that he will be in this game?

>Horse Axe: Frederick
>Horse Sword: Xander
>Horse Lance: ???
It better be Camus, they can't screw up this badly and omit him, right? Also swapable Whitewing sisters when?

Only as DLC

I still don't understand the hate for this game, but maybe it's because I haven't played a warriors game yet. Everyone wanted a FE:Warriors but now we hate it when we don't even know the final roster? I"m expecting a shit ton of fan favorites to be locked behind DLC, but i'm hopping for atleast Panne, Henry,Lon'Qu, and Gaius from Awakening since I expect a lot of characters from that.

>Omega Force

can't wait for silky smooth 12fps

they added them after zelda did it you mongoloid

>anyone other than sword users being in this game


Will be Pieri or the red haired what's-her-name from Awakening.

Zelda doesn't predate Samurai 4.

Not in DW. Not in SW to my knowledge.

Name one good looking warriors game. Show proofs with webms not stills of pretty particle effects.

Frederick is not a Lord, Lissa and Robin aren't lords either if you want to be technical

It's in DW9

>Not in SW to my knowledge.
Your knowledge is lacking, stop arguing for things you know little about.

>at least Panne, Henry, Lon'Qu, and Gaius
poor user. You'll play as Chrom, Clone Chrom (Female), Frederick, Lissa, and Robin and you'll like it.

Lubu do not pursue!


No Charlotte, no buy.

Maybe DLC will remedy this. Probably not.


Samurai Warriors 3 had a clunky dodge roll with less movement priorities and SW4's shadow dash was a direct downgrade from that because it's a consumable resource. HW does dodge way better than either.

By who? Fates basic premise make 4, and 6 stories look like crap, which they are.

user please let me dream. They'd have to be smart enough to have Panne since she's an original take on manaketes, Henry was a fan favorite right? Lon'Qu is probably unlikely, but at least Gaius is pretty different in the Awakening cast.

>SW4's shadow dash was a direct downgrade from that because it's a consumable resource.
SW4 nails it by making dodge cancels a consumable resource. Without that they're completely gamebreaking.
That said you can customize your spirit to break it just enough anyway.

Her best wasn't good enough.