KOJIMA is sure working hard these days
And the Dark Knight was the only good one.
batman uses sticks....
...to keep his enemies away...
and ropes...
...to keep his friends close...
shut the fuck up, Batman Begins was the best, and TDKR wasn't bad at all
Konami was right to fire his lazy ass.
Fuck you. Begins was the best. TDK is good but TDKR is a bad movie. Only Batman and Robin is a worse Batman movie.
kojima always had shit tastes but he made good games in the 90s because movies happened to be good
>and TDKR wasn't bad at all
You have got to be joking. The Robin character is one of the worst characters they ever added
It's all part of his master plan
>ropes to keep friends close
what exactly did he mean by this
He's the game director, the only thing he does is tell people how the game should be.
Seriously, how come Sup Forums suddenly loses all knowledge about videogame development when it comes to this guy alone?
Or is it just the pathetic MGS fanbase still mad because they got the game they deserved after 3 years of constant spam of those cringeworthy trailers?
Someone should make a Kojima tweeter bingo
>Pictures of a sandwich
>Pictures of his toys
>Pictures of that Hannibal book
>Pictures of the food for the party
>Retweeting Hollywood celebrities
I bet he spends like an hour a day "working" just throwing dumb ideas at his team and then goes back to his office to play with toys.
Kojima has never made a good videogame, only fatass MGS autists think so.
MGS is dead and Death Stranding is going to be the same kind of turd his games have always been.
Mods, please, ban all discussion about this hack.
What's the next step?
>I bet he spends like an hour a day "working" just throwing dumb ideas at his team
That's pretty much what a game director does, and since videogames are the bottom of the barrel of entertainment media, yes, they are going to be retarded ideas.
Begins is under rated
TDK IA exceptionally overrated
TDKR changed memes forever
They're just fucking superhero action movies. Nothing even close to actual dramatic or epic masterpieces
Kojima is a childish hack who was never good
Dark Knight > Batman Begins >>>>>>>> Dark Knight Rises
TDKR was objectively the best until the second half.
>hurr durr what is free time!!!
>Kojima makes the next plane scene
Yeah, anyone who doesn't work 18 hours a day and sleeps the other 6 is a lazy fatass.
>man isn't allowed any free time, he must be slaving away on creating vidya 24/7 with no breaks or sleep
>not realizing he's just the director and designer, so most of what he does is planning which he then passes off to the actual artists and programmers
Sup Forums once again showing how little they know about their hobby
Crashing the vidyer industry with no survivors
>Sony gave Kojimbo millions of dollars so he can talk about capeshit on Twitter
>you can't have free time
No, they gave him millions of dollars so he can make a game that just because it's made by him will make millions just like MGSV.
And please, Sup Forums, get some self awareness and stop pretending anyone outside of this place agrees with you.
TDKR was a lazy cash grab. The film had no plot but was somehow three hours long and is objectively Nolan's worst movie.
Batman Arkham Asylum combat confirmed? Would be pretty cool and original.
>Kojima isn't allowed to be a human being outside of his work
It's like you WANT to be communist locust drones.
Dunkirk is Nolan's worst movie.
A movie focusing on a bunch of soldiers with an incredibly boring plot, based on a battle nobody cares about.
If Dunkirk is his worst movie than this guy must have a pretty incredible career.
No, it's just Dunkirk is terrible.
>inb4 death stranding is the typical western interactive movie
i hope his game flops, the only reason MGS was good was Konami
it's sunday dude
I seriously don't understand the praise it got.
Maybe just because it's made by Nolan?
It's legitimately one of the most boring WWII films i've ever watched.
Kojima is a pleb.
MGS has never been good and MG Survive is exactly the spit on it's grave that such a garbage franchise deserves.
Only thing it's done is force into the industry the idea that plots in videogames matter, while delivering an absolute shitshow of a plot in every game, and abysmal and clunky gameplay.
>he didn't like TDKR
Kojima is watching movies while Hideo is doing all the work, what a shame
It's literally Sinking Ships: The Movie. It's like he saw Titanic and thought "The best part of this movie is when the ship is sinking so I'll put that in my movie 4 fucking times"
>Nolan's best movie is based off of a book
Dunkirk was a snoozefest of a war movie with limited action, no plot, no character development, terrible pacing and avoided anything historical.
But it had some pretty scenes.
Plus, he managed to make a WWII movie in which the characters never feel in any real danger.
When is the bubble going to burst on this guy?
When will fans start calling him out for a westaboo that obsesses over Refn and Nolan films and apes indie movie directors in his spare time?
Only the first half was good, it's like they ran out of fucking ideas and clueless about how giving the whole plot a propper conclusion. Also the first half is the only part where something meme worthy came from, second half was a waste and tanked the whole movie for me and even managed to ruin fucking Bane.
The chance for that was MGS4, and everyone forgave it for being the "end" of the series.
And then PW and MGSV happened but everyone forgave him because he got fired.
>not watching the SUPERIOR trilogy instead.
It should have ended like this.
I don't think I could be interested any less in these movies.
The trailers don't look good, the idea itself feels like an even bigger cash in that capeshit, and if I wanted to see monkey shooting guns i'd just take a plane to Detroit.
>Judging movie from trailers
Maximum pleb, please stick to videogame talk.
I simply find the idea of a planet of the apes prequel absolutely fucking laughable.
I can't take the existence of those movies seriously.
for you
Begins was the best, though. TDK and TDKR were mediocre as fuck meme movies.
It'd be nice if Caesar died because he got crushed by a giant stone cross like in the anime.
Plane Scene is Nolan's best work
After the game of a lifetime, I've been "busy"
Yes. I don't like a forced Meme from Sup Forums.
TDKR was a terribly made movie.
They are all shit, just like all capeshit
Kojima has such an unbelievably bad taste in movies i'm seriously surprised he managed to shit out something like MGS2
That's because even a bad movie is better than a video game.
Oh shit, a Nolan's Batman threat, quick, how do I get (you)s with the least amound of effort?
>Begins is the best
>TDK is overrated
>TDKR is not that bad
My job here is done.
The Joker was pretty dumb despite thr awesome design, also the second part is "fuck we're already done with the Joker but we have half hour left, let's throw a new villain"
>Edgy kid says the same others are saying for attention, more at 9.
He is a westaboo.
Crying of happiness or crying of sadness?
Batman Begins is the Fallout 3 of cinema
>don't turn the water purifier or i will kill you, now let me turn on the water purifier
>we will unmannedly microwave the shit out of gotham, except it will only boil the water
>"fuck we're already done with the Joker but we have half hour left, let's throw a new villain"
The entire trilogy works off this sort of thing, I wouldn't actually label it as you have but each movie has a surprise final act villain.
Ra's is assumed to be dead for the most part while Scarecrow is doing most of the stuff at the front. Joker again is causing the chaos then Two-Face begins getting involved at the tail end. Mostly Bane then surprise, Talia.
In my opinion it could have probably been better juggled but at the very least most of the last act villains at the very least had a reason for being out of the picture initially and showing up when they did. In a way though Talia is a bit of a lazy retread of Ra's, but the entire point with TDKR is past mistakes returning to haunt Bruce so whatever.
Kojima's is going to be 70 years old still thinking his big break in Hollywood is just around the corner.
You say that like MGS2 is really good.
His games are rife with elementary problems. The only reason he's worth a damn in video games is because the standards there are so low. He's been very upfront with the fact that he'd much rather have made movies for living except nobody wanted to hire him back then and after seeing his games they certainly don't want to hire him now.
Could you imagine how fucking long winded and boring a Kojima made movie would be? The director's cut would be 30 hours long.
Probably because he empathized with the sad moments of the movie
Sup Forums memes are on the other side of the road, m8
wait, so it was okay to have two villans in Begins and DKR, but not in Joker Returns? Why are you so serious?
cuz people like this exist in his comment section
sorry, forgot picrelated
Feminist memes aside, he's not wrong though.
care to elaborate? or are you expecting to take your, no doubt, thoughtful opinion for granted?
But that guy is right. Sort of. I don't think Nolan necessarily writes females that are more stupid than men, although I wouldn't argue hard to defend The Prestige and Interstellar, but his female characters are not well written and are generally unlikable next to the sea of likeable male characters in his films.
Name one female character in a Nolan movie that's likeable or well-written.
I'll wait.
it was your dumbass assertion, so you defend it, smart guy
the bitch from Memento was well written, manipulative nutjob; so was the Murph.
Likeability is a subjective matter, but they were no less believable human beings than any male characters
Why do you dislike metal gear?
Wisecrack, yes I know, helped me see that the Nolans end up in this rut because they typically go about writing a concept acted out by characters who are less explored than the central theme or only developed by the theme. It's not something reserved for the female cast, it's just that the most prominent leads are helmed by well known male actors who get the best lines, plots and so on so we get a perspective skew.
Especially with the Batman movies the Nolans only had so much room to work with to begin with.
Clunky and mediocre gameplay, focus on the plot, plot being garbage, endless cutscenes, cancerous influence on the industry making everyone else think that "muh cinematic games" are good.
On a second thought, i'll take it for granted that some people might genuinely find female characters shallow-written. It is okay.
Usually because a professional author is well aware that, if they can't get into the mind set of a female person too deep, they usually stay away from the subject.
Some book writers have openly admitted that - they have families, they have female friends, but they never could delve deep into their psychology, so in their stories female characters usually do a supportive role or some secondary job.
That doesn't diminish their achievements in other areas, though.
>Likeability is a subjective matter
No, it isn't. When you give all the good quips, all the intelligent lines, all the amusing snarky comments, etc., etc. to your males characters and have your females characters do nothing but manipulate, be crazy, whine and nag, go on about the power of emotions transcending the laws of physics, etc., etc. one is objectively more likeable than the other. Even his Catwoman was severely lacking in good material in comparison to the other characters of TDKR and she should have been fucking ruling them.
it is subjective because one person can never be appealing to everybody - go back and do your homework again
All part of his plan.
>Talking shit about Snatcher
A "game" that is even more of a movie than fucking MGS?
Begins: 8/10
TDK: 4/10
TDKR: 5/10
Man I was so disappointed when I saw TDK on the day it opened. Have rewatched it twice since then to try and find the good in it but it just sucks. The first hour or so is alright but everything beyond that is so fucking dumb, I don't know how people can enjoy it at all.
What do you have to say about how good they were when they came out? They were revolutionary. I dont think they are that clunky specially after mgs3.
The first five minutes of TDKR was the only good one
>Literal movie
>All of the "ideas" are just stolen from a bunch of movies and comics
Great "game"
>being this much of a contrarian faggot
Not in a good way.
Padding the game with endless cutscenes wasn't anything good.
And aside from MGS1 going 3D, it hasn't been any kind of revolution.
The videogame industry would have been much better without Kojima.
You're an idiot