Enemies can use healing items

>enemies can use healing items

Other urls found in this thread:


>getting smashed by boss
>use items
>"Oh yeah? two can play at that"
>boss used an elixir

Hey can you guys do a strawpoll for me? I want to know if I should get in on make the same thread over and over like you guys.

>boss can mind control
>wastes your cooldowns and heals himself with your spells

More like
>Enemies can use healing items
Because it's the most boring shit in the universe. If the enemy has lifesteal and takes your health because you fuck up then that's fine, like Old King Alan in Demon's Souls, otherwise it's "Oh so you wanted a longer healthbar then the game allowed".

>boss can use buffs and healing magic
>doesn't stop if you cast reflect on him

>The boss gets triggered when you use items.

>Enemies have a heal slut

>use items
>boss enrages

>enemies can heal you