Want to play Stalker for the first time; are mods the way to go, and if so, what are some of the recommended ones?
Want to play Stalker for the first time; are mods the way to go, and if so, what are some of the recommended ones?
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People always say use the complete mod for a vanilla run but I don't really believe it's so necessary.
If the graphics are fine, which I personally believe they are, they look pretty good for what it is, then just go vanilla.
The games are really great, just don't get disillusioned with the difficulty at first. It's one of those dark souls type difficulties, at first it seems impossible, after 2 hours you'll wonder what the fuck you thought was difficult about the game.
The game has a combat system you're probably not used to, but it;s easy to get to grips with and the game provides you with varying levels of gear and guns throughout.
It's a great game series, hope you enjoy user.
>People always say use the complete mod for a vanilla run
no. fuck complete.
>dark souls type difficulties
>a game which came out years before
>is difficult like dark souls
can I get off this ride.
SoC is better and ironically easier on higher difficulties. The AI gets better and the enemies aren't bullet sponges. It's a great game. Oh and don't feel bad about pirating it.
If you want to go the purist "I really want to experience Stalker as it was more-or-less intended on release", then start with Shadow Of Colossus and install the Stalker Starter Pack 2017 collection.
It's basically just graphics updates and bug-fixes that don't change anything mechanically about the game - the only mechanical addition they do (optional) sleeping back which I STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO ENABLE. Playing without it is just a chore.
These "Starter Pack Mods" exist for all three Stalker games, by the way. Most people hate Clear Sky though. I personally skipped it straight to Call of Pripyat (again with Starter Pack Mod collection), but I plan to revisit it one day.
If you aren't a purist, you can still try Complete 2009 mod. It does some significant changes to the gameplay though: makes it generally a lot easier, does some mood alterations which not everybody likes, and it has not been updated for a few years, meaning that it does not take advantage of the most recent graphic mods. I played it and had some fun with it, but yeah - it makes SoC into a bit more "casual" experience.
What ever you chose:
The early game, especially in SoC, can be DOWNRIGHT GRUELING. The game does a piss-poor job of introducing you to the settings, and will hand you TERRIBLE weapons that will make you think the gunplay is broken. It's not: it a bit unusual (favores snipping, forces precision and slow, methodic approach), but the early game guns are just all shit.
It's well worth slogging through the early game though.
There is absolutely no reason why not to use at least the bloody bug-fixes, high-quality textures (they don't change the mood, just make things less ugly and the damn sleeping bag). Really. Why would you play vanilla if you can have literally the same gameplay and aesthetic experience, just with less bugs and sharper visuals, and option to skip the fucking night if you need it?
>ironically easier on higher
Proven lie. Seriously.
I knew someone would pick me up on the dark souls thing, read my post you retard.
I drew no comparison in the games themselves, only the perceived difficulty that both come with, and the resulting 'what the fuck did I actually find difficult about the game'.
I suppose, bug fixes and the rest are fine. People always tend to recommend mods like Misery and AMK to new players which I feel is wrong, game should be experienced as close to vanilla as possible on your first run.
Recommending Misery to new players is flat out retarded, it's a weird sadistic "look at how badass I am, you can't handle games that I can" thing. AMK... I don't have much experience with it, but to me it always seemed a bit needless since CoC came out. SoC in particular just hardly benefits from the list of changes it introduces: they make perfect sense in a more sand-box like system, but it's not like SoC really offers the space for them to shine.
Nobody on /vg/ nor Sup Forums back then highly recommended Complete in any version. The only way to go is the unofficial patches and AMK/Lurk or the newer ones like Call of Chernobyl.
But the real way to play is to play vanilla first (patched for bug fixes) on Master. Then go to /vg/ for mod screenshots, webms and pick whichever you think you will like.
>SoC is better and ironically easier on higher difficulties. The AI gets better and the enemies aren't bullet sponges.
I want to get off this ride.
Zone Reclamation Project.