Tell me RIGHT NOW what your most played Steam game is or I'll pull this trigger!
Tell me RIGHT NOW what your most played Steam game is or I'll pull this trigger!
Team Fortress 2
Do it pussy
Ultra street fighter IV
TF2 though I haven't played it in years
Fallout 4
An hero already faggot
What a fucking shame
Dominions 4
Sorry, Sup Forums.
Crusader Kings 2
Man Luc Besson did such great movies back in the days. What happened to him, why are almost all his newest movies complete shit ?
ill tell you secret, most people's most played game is fucking boring cos you played shit ton of it too
How many in ds3?
You are my most played title user
It used to be TF2 for ages.
Now it's Rocket League.
nearly 900 hours
Because they're about fucking mexican food or some shit to do with beer.
I don't know. I borrowed a friend's XBone to play it. I have a lot more time in DS&DS2 than it shows. I played them on 360 a lot.
nice try
i've seen natalie portman after than
she doesnt die there
I have autism, please be patient.
Civ 5. About 1000 hours I think.
Red Orchestra 2
tf2 2100 hours
It's probably still TF2
Mi negro.
>I have autism, please be patient.
Do u recommend dominions? I have a shitton of hours in eu4 hoi4 ck2 vic2 and other strategy and gsg but never even heard of dominions
Path of Exile
Are you me?
It's fucking amazing.
Too bad the AI is pretty much garbage, so after you git gud you'll have to start playing multiplayer if you don't want to just steamroll everyone.
I don't play it anymore. I'm not bad enough of a person to be a successful, backstabbing, dick ass pankoman.
Fuck you Malakal.
That would be great. Now neither of us will be virgins.
Almost 1000 hours in DkS3
Fucking end it pham
I'll be the first to say it then Dota2.
Only at 400, what do the next 600 hours have in store for me?
Do what you must OP
Lots of cancer. I just had no alternative for that style of melee pvp and went with it and was completely burned out of the other games.
I have over 1000 hours in DkS2 actually when I combined standard and SotFS
all the good actors are old as fuck or dead now
How do you kill that which has no life?
Damn, she was so hot back then. What the fuck happened?
Unfortunately, I also know that feel.
I love Dominions in a full homo way, but I need to take a break from it sometimes because the endless diplomacy and backstabbing is relentless.
It became apparent that her acting would never be good.
(Do it anyways, worthless wanna be baiter)
600 hours in H1Z1
Same here. Although this time I think I'm gone for good unless Dominions 5 comes around.
I just lose interest in any game 40-50 turns in and just half ass from there on. Lategame scripting is just a pain in the ass. And somebody using a single SC correctly can invalidate a full hour of scripting.
Not to mention that it's not common for me to stay motivated for months, which is unfortunately how long games last.
P-please be gentle...
Note that I have a habit of leaving games running overnight and when I leave the house. Janks up my numbers.
New Vegas. Install enough quest mods and you will never ever finish it. Someguy Series is pretty good along with For the Enclave if you can tolerate the bad voice acting. There's also Boom to the Moon as well as Project Brazil and DUST just to name a few.
2500 between SOTFS and DS2 vanilla
>Only just now figuring out the Matilda in RE4 was a Professional reference.
Boy, am I slow or what?
860 here. What rank are you at, my dude?
according to steam, my most played game is wakfu
I tried really hard to like that game, but the ungodly grind killed it for me.
Killing Floor, 388 hours.
>durr that's nothing, I have 90000 hours in Skyrim
Why the fuck would I spend thousands of hours on one game when I have hundreds of games?
6800hrs on tf2
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