ITT The best games in their respective series

ITT The best games in their respective series.



>Gamecube Version gets Link
>PS2 Version gets Heihachi Mishima
>While The Xbox version gets Tod Macfarlane wank.




I think you have it wrong
Gamecube version gets first party Nintendo character
PS2 version Namco was so fucking lazy and shitty they couldn't even go outside their own company for a guest character.


I loved playing as Raphael. He's probably shit in tourneys, but hey, that auto-dodge shit was ca$h

>better than zero mission


why did the XBox-version even got Spawn?
nothing against it, but what has Spawn to do with Microsoft/XBox?

>Soul Blade/Edge
Lots of stupid shit but was overall a pretty good game, a nice start to the series.

>Soul Calibur
Fantastic game, fixed many of the problems with the first game and refined and expanded on many mechanics, looked absolutely amazing for its time.

>Soul Calibur 2
Horribly dumbed down version of SC1, focus on a "wider audience" gameplay depth was removed in favor of adding guest characters as a selling point, many bugs such as Gstep and 2G make this already painfully slow game even worse.

>Soul Calibur 3
HORRIBLE game received zero testing has even more bugs than SC2, completely unplayable mess. the
>Arcade Edition
fixes most of these bugs and adds new characters.

>Soul Calibur 4
Fixed various problems with the series but added a retarded physics engine that had no place in a fighting game, this led to many infinite juggles and instant ring out combos.

>Soul Calibur 5
By far the best game in the series, goes back to its SC1 roots, ads depth and solid mechanics over stupid minigames, expands on many of the original mechanics, overall a great game.



Too bad half the roster of SCV was clone movesets. Along with 2 fucking edge masters. The balancing wasn't anything to write home about either. Viola dominated 90% of the cast. And the guest characters were ridiculous. Ezio was okay, low tier garbage ultimately. And dampierre. Let's not talk about him.

3 edge masters actually

2 had more clones

Yeah forgot about irrelevant elysium

If you're including the style switcher mod, I agree.

V balance was significantly better than 2

i would say 3 is tied with this.

In no way was it any good. Soul calibur in general has had bad balancing. But V was horrid. Any characters other than Omega P, Alpha P, Siegfried, and Knightmare could stand a chance. Take astaroth as an example. The only way you won with him is if it wasnt high level tournament play. I mained astaroth and had more success with Siegfried. This is coming from someone who's actually played the game in tournaments. Viola was in her own tier.

I can agree to that.

lol they make a sexy angle fucking Z tier. instead of making a move set i could be talking out my ass but i remember hearing that the game is half done and there was supposed to be a better story,more characters and elysium and kilik were gonna have thier own move sets. Not to mention that the entire roster was gonna have a more fleshed out moveset


It's a rumor. Nothing's been confirmed. But yeah that's how it feels. Story mode was a joke. Whole game felt extremely rushed. Almost as thought production started a year before release.

this and abyss

absolutely true, nightmare was his best here i loved his moveset

Symphonia and Berseria are better.

>Vesperia cast too good for this world, too pure

Astaroth moveset in V tho was fuckin amazing. I feel like he was the only complete character.

Sorry, wrong pic

Symphonia is great but i think it aged poorly (especially the multi player) And all the dungeons are block pushing

And i haven't played Berseria but if it just like Zestiria i'm not gonna like it only because i hate the basic bland combat system but from what i heard it fixes all the problems with Zestiria so idk i would have to give it a try.

Yeah its a shame that the Dindu cast Had to save the world.

Spawn was the shit.

Screwed up again, sorry guys.

>anime poster has shit taste

Man, today is NOT my day.

cause spawn is fucking rad

>Clone movesets
No, it had 3 Edge masters which was stupid but beyond that every character had their own fighting style. Dampierre is a joke character as well. Shame what happened with Viola since she was the product of being overbuffed but w/e. Still a better all around game than 2.