Its in closed beta, APOLOGIEZE

its in closed beta, APOLOGIEZE

nothing to apologize for.
Been playing ever since they started letting the cheapest packs in. Its pretty gud.
New maps swamp village is literally bloodsucker village

do any Sup Forumsirgins want to scav together?

current stat of content? is it worst buying cheapest pack?

It costs $40 and is a singleplayer game masquerading as a multiplayer game. You will fight ten bots for every player you fight, and bots are almost indistinguishable from players, by design.

It is also highly pay to win. No thanks.

yeah beta admissions soon.
I've been playing since closed alpha there's plenty of stuff. Just added new map and they slowly expand old maps. I'd say if you are exited for it and loved stalker, get it.
It lives up to the hype and is buggy.

pay to win russian shitfest

looking forward to 1 billion shill threads this garbage will get

Apologize for what?
A $40 game with free to play mechanics, that shills claim is similar to STALKER, but it has literally nothing to do with it?
Nobody cares about this game.

Looks really nice, would hit that STALKER itch I have, too bad it won't have region locked servers and most likely be full of cheaters.

For context, the shills they hire, pic related.
Literally no idea of how to sell games.

>closed beta
nothing even changed. they managed to make it even worse by changing the AI. this game isn't finished by the end of 2017. it would be 2019 q4 before they get all the features in they promised at this rate.


Obviously you haven't played this game.
le sour grapes

let me explain.
Yes it is true you fight bots and players on really big maps.
But bots have their own areas. And bots are very distinguishable since they're their own faction and usually don't show up behind your back with a suppressed rifle and full armor.

You can entierly avoid bots and hunt players only with some game and map knowledge, say about 20 hours.
And as for ten bots for every player that's only true on one map.
Rest have like 50% more bots than players.

It is not pay to win either.
You only pay for some minor shit like gamma container and some starter gear, all of which is dogshit and should be sold for a full size gun immedieately. I'm playing with cheapest pack against most expensive packs most of the time and at level 1 everyone is the same. Homeless stage is where everyone is shit anyway and tactics matter. Sure those who paid more get bigger gamma case and a better melee weapon but as soon as you kill one of them you get their weapon and you are on same playing field. Only difference is gamma gontainer and for poorfags you fit everything you ever need there anyway.

pretty much this.
AI is way way way better now but playing against them is like using a controller in ut99 instagib ctf. Hotfix coming to make them slower tho.
But overall beta is way better than alpha,

actually not full of cheaters, haven't encountered one. In early alpha players would sometimes glitch out and become invulnerable and not realize it but this has now been fixed.
Not really stalker like, more like a really elaborate custom gamemode for arma3 with slicker movement.

Completely irrelevant now that PUBG is out.

russian shills already in full force


How does loot work in this game? I know that if you escape you keep any gear you found, but do you lose it if you die with it in subsequent games or is it permanent?

idk pubg been out for ages as an arma3 gamemode.
EFT is completely different and stakes are way higher.


loot is simple
>buy gear from traders
>go start a game on map you want
>spawn in with gear
>get more gear
>if escape then gear is on your character and can be sold/used for next raid
>if dead you can insure it and get it back if nobody steals it or have your pal pick it up and bring it to you for next raid or just lose it for ever.

Its quite refreshing to play something that has higher stakes than waiting for next round

>minus the anomalies/rpg mechanics

Sounds shit then nothing like STALKER then, its just an fps.

I saw some webms
it looked like someone sneaking around the woods in pubg except it took the guy playing 4 direct shotgun blasts to kill someone he bumped into 10 feet away

so it's shit

It's a buggy piece of garbage. AI is worse than hackers in csgo and the desync is unreal. The devs also don't give a fuck anymore. 4 months for a single map, this time we only got half a map.

iirc currently released stuff is
>AKU, AK74 and all variants
>potatovodka pump action
>potatovodka auto shotgun
>pm t
plus fuckload of handguards, stock, grips, rails attatchments and shit for all of them

I feel like it's now way better. I've only gotten desync when playing across servers and then it makes it unplayable.
And this new map is the biggest yet.
Bots are really bad but they're hotfixing it apparently. But it's not like they're unsurmountable, just unreasonably difficult

How can shills not know they are being this obvious.

not a shill just being honest about me liking the game.

Or is only baseless shitposting allowed?
Your favorite game is shit, you're a casual for being too pleb to deal with hardcore games and you should kill yourself

You're one of the only few that doesn't have issues then. The game is also pretty shit when it comes to optimization. I don't think anything changed from alpha to "beta"
Probably shiteaters from reddit or the official forums in full damage control trying to pull in new players so the ship won't sink.

>pretty much this
>nothing even changed
>but beta is way better than alpha
fuck off
this is just a cashgrab by the devs because they know they cant do anything else to ask for more money.

Buy cheapest pack, that gives you beta. you get nothing valuable you can't get in 5 minutes from the most expensive one.

Tons of handguns as well right?

these fanboys are almost as bad as scam citizen. you can outline everything wrong with the game and post on the forums and you would be banned.

I have had some desync when playing americans but overall the game is way way better.
Back in alpha it took ages and many restarts to find a game but now its almost instant.
But glitches and shit still happens, who cares it's a russian game in beta that I paid knowing I'd be playing a broken game. Even if it ships with bugs 90% of games work fine now.

there's entire subforum for shit that is wrong with the game called bug reporting.
There is nothing design wise that is wrong it's just buggy as fuck
People complained about overpowered AI, hotfix coming. People complained about people going out of bounds and glitching and most have been fixed. Unlike friday the 13 which bans people glitching.

I see the game progressing very well from earliest alpha to now, it's made a big jump.
Sure it's shit unless you play stalker with mods or arma 3.

There's like 5 or 6 rn.
Just like real handguns they're fucking worthless.

I can't wait for the full release in 2022!

nice try shill
the game sucks and anyone who pays to bugtest is a fucking retard
call me in 3 years when it's released and try not being a fucking fanboy about this shit game.

All i want is a .44 with a scope

thanks for shitposting faggot.
I geniuinely enjoy this game deal with it.

Go play your overwatch you casual piece of shit

>outs himself as a fanboy
god you retards never learn, your game isn't "hardcore" it's a fucking joke. if your game was so good you'd be playing it instead of shilling it.

Enjoy your three and a half maps for the next 3-4 months.

>Closed beta

>Costs $40

>Has Microtransactions

Fuck off

Oh so you're not shitposting you're giving constructive non safe space echo chamber reasons why a game is bad and denying that anyone would ever like it.

And yeah I think "dying easily due to your own mistake, being vulnerable as fuck in a big empty map where map knowledge and gameplay knowledge and real world tactics knowledge is a must otherwise you loose your shit forever" pretty hardcore.

The bots are so broken now that most game is just bunch of hatchling running up into the scav bot

>le microtransactions
post descarted

factory is unplayable now. Thank god its a shit map for scrubs anyway.
Shoreline is the new customs

>It is not pay to win either.
>You only pay for shit

>safe space
back to
with you fagmaster
you and your fanboy buttbuddies are soiling the term "hardcore". it's like if nickelback thought they were "hardcore music"

please kill yourself so we stop getting shitty cashgrab games from unproven dev teams and having them plastered all over Sup Forums with no gameplay and no substance. your game sucks and the "survival" genre needs to die.

Let me elaborate

>Non-cosmetic microtransactions

F u c k
O f f

There aren't any microtransactions dumbfuck

THen what are they? Is there P2W garbage?

okay let me define it
>pay little
>get 4x4 safe space
>get knife
>sell everything else
>buy shotgun/ak go hunt loot and steal hatchet off some dumb faggot
>don't bother buying bigger case later cause it's worthless

>pay 5000 dollars
>get hatchet and bigger gamma case
>sell all your shit buy ak/shotgun and hunt loot
>die to some poorfag who got bottom tier
>realize big case is useless since you only keep your salewa there

kill yourself along with the shit thread and shit game, no one wants to talk about this piece of shit with you.

The only "P2W" thing is starting with a larger safe container and storage. You can upgrade these in-game.

Seconded. I say just let the shills keep circlejerking about the game they lowkey regret buying but refuse to admit it, so they're just trying to convince more people to make the same mistake.

>Several people saying otherwise
Either you people are dumb as roadkill or you don't know what you're talking about. Hmmmmmmm

there's literally no p2w or microtrasactions you parrotfag
overwatch is not hardcore go fuck yourself and learn something about a game you choose to irrationally hate on this week summerfag

>gambling for access

Find a new job dude you're terrible at it.

Go ahead and show me the microtransactions then. Should be easy since they exist, right?

honestly worthless, I only keep salewa in mine and if I find a really expensive scope that goes there. Once you're at a point to get a bigger box it's useless since you almost never die



I got that edition and got access literally 2 minutes after I bought it.
Everyone got access to early alpha in the last months. Besides its over now.

Do you not know what a microtransaction is? Congratulations, you might actually be the most retarded person on Sup Forums right now.

>Give us money to get a CHANCE of getting to play the game
>Improve your odds of getting to play the game by giving us even more money


Kill yourself


Yeah it's scummy but the game isn't in alpha anymore so the chance garbage is irrelevant.

Choke on a razorblade nobody gives a shit
At least be creative bitch

Welcome to Capitalism

>it's beta now
Stop pretending like it matters.

Man, that is just plain wrong.

Why not man up and admit you're wrong instead of resorting to some lame "kill yourself" microtantrum like the underage shit we both know you are?

>be me
>be interested in this game since years ago when there was very little info on it just a few screenshots
>hop on twitch to watch people play the beta
>constant complaints from every streamer
>streamers getting one shot from a half mile away by bots they cant see every game
dodged a bullet there, glad I won't be buying this.

I find it funny because it's retards like you who overpaid

>keeps spewing about overwatch out of nowhere
keep shilling your shitty dayz wannabe faggot, the games trash that will never leave EA just like all the devs other games. Overwatch is better than your survival meme game

I don't even own the game, this is the first time I've heard of it

Congrats. Wasted money from what I see.

They're fixing the bots, but yeah right now the bots are cranked up to 11.
At first they were braindead retards but now they're really mobile, flank, attack, seek cover and shit but 360 noscope you while sprinting.
It makes one map nearly unplayable while others are fine unless you're a retard cod player who can't admit defeat.

I was excited and bought it when NDA was lifted for some and I'm well satisfied.
Bots will be fixed and netcode has improved insanely but honestly I am not surprised if the final release will be buggy

>but now they're really mobile, flank, attack, seek cover and shit
this is a lie, the bots group up and mindlessly run at you in cover or if there's more than one player in their vicinity ignore a player and all look at the other player.

It does matter, why would I want to buy a game from devs who engage it shitty Jew practices like that? Everything about this game screams garbage, just like the way too obvious shilling going on

>actual shills coming here to shill their shit game even tho twitch exists and shows what a scam the game is
LMAO dont forget to ask for rubles or polish sausages or whatever you slav fucks use as money.

Shoreline is alright
I just fucking hate the exits for shoreline
It just make you stand in the open while there is a aimbot bot nearby

>all these
try posting when the game is actually good and don't try to sell it to people with the promise of it being good eventually maybe.

The things I was wondering about were the larger stash, the better gamma crate or whatever its called and the better trader relations.

Can all these be easily aquired in game, without grinding one's ass off?

no thats a lie bots run around and attack you from behind cover, flank and reposition, loot and we often confuse them for players.

Vs before where they started shooting and advancing towards you until you died and then resumed normal patrol pattern.
I've had many prolonged firefights with a team where one of us goes to flank and so does one of the bots and we get caught off guard

>Can all these be easily aquired in game, without grinding one's ass off?
lmao you've never played a game in your life. Pay money cuck. Good goy.

this might be the best game ive ever played

Does this game have PvE or is it PvP only?

If you pay any amount of money to alpha test a game you're a retard anyway. They're just taking advantage of those retards who will pay absurd amounts of money just to play a broken version of a game a few months before other people.

What a coincidence, this might be the worst post you've ever made.

>See: DayZ

this is best game buy now

ITT: Shills get btfo

You are still paying for shit in a game you already paid for you goddamn moron.
This shit is gonna fail just like battleborn, battlefield 2 etc.

it's pvp with bots
which is a shame because it could have had really good PvE raids with friends.

lol so this is confirmed to be complete utter shit. Stalker 2 when?

>different editions are now microtransactions
I've heard it all

>battlefield 2
? what did he mean by this ?

That's just stuid, was hoping for a decent PvE raiding game to play with my mates. it looked decent and the animations looked kinda nice, but not for that price and especially not for a russian early-access game

New Metro is looking pretty damn good. Like a sort-of Brother to Stalker. I'm interested, but waiting for actual game footage from people who aren't press or devs.

>Just watched an streamer play the game
>He loots a box and theres this insane 2-3second lag between him pressing the search button until the loot screen comes up and then the "searching" finishes.
>Then theres a bot moonwalking right outside and he shoots a it and runs away because of the massive desyncing happening right now and when he comes back the bot is in a completely different place than where he shot at it.

Game looks like complete fucking garbage. The promo videos look insanely fun and polished but the actual gameplay looks nothing like that.

If anyone is interested in the game they should just wait like 1 year until the devs actually put work into the game and make it at least playable.

Right now its just lag and desync city. If you want a proper stalker feel then just play Stalker.