Bloodborne is a boring game

How to say...

It's fun, but we can not redo and redo it again.
I spent 150 hours on Dark Souls 2, 250 on Dark Souls 1 and 50 on Bloodborne, I thought it was useless to pursue.

me too
I usually ran DeS and DS1 all the time, then I got tired of them and pulled a NG7 in SOTFS and a dozen NG speedruns, now I'm at my fourth run with DS3 testing other builds.
with BB I did the whole platinum route with a str and dex build, then I started an arcane build but dropped it after Rom and never picked it up again

Bloodborne is overrated garbage loved by neogaf liberals. Demon's Souls was better.

Yes, a great problem in BB.

You can make a magic run in DKS, but not in Bloodborne, the first arcane weapon is not easy to find.

Interesting game, but you do not want to play it again.

Bloodborne > Demons = DS1 > DS3 > DS2

To each his own.
I've put over 1000 hours into it in four characters

The first arcane weapons are easy to find, but are trash unless used for very specific enemies.Otherwise pretty much any weapon is "arcane" because you need to slap arcane gems to get any decent scaling from fucking anything at all.

The gem system could have been a good idea but they implemented it in pretty much the worst way possible. Same with the runes.

neither BB nor DeS deserve all that praise, they are only perceived as superior to all others because of their exclusivity, and even then it's only done by people who actually didn't play them and believe they're missing out on some amazing shit
one you play them you'll know better than to put them on a pedestal

Bruh by a Playstation or something. Shit.

I've gone way beyond the platinum trophy for both user, just stop.

in fact, even if DeS had the Northern Limit area, I'd still prefer Eleum Loyce over it

Opinion disregarded

wow youre like such a souls guy for knowing about that place like wow

I feel like DeS at least had the best unique ideas. World tendency, multiple different uses for the boss souls and the endings actually giving you something really did wonders for the replayability. I also enjoyed fucking around with the OP shit before they started balancing the games for PvP.

just saying, even shit that's never going to be made playable (and people hype the shit out of it and ask for a remaster) still doesn't look as appealing as what we already have
but okay man, keep projecting I've never played them and just googled some names, whatever makes you feel justified over believing those games are that good

I don't see why anybody would grind a plat in any Souls game other than BB but that's beside what I'll argue.

The reason why people put Demon's and BB above the Souls games is because they don't devolve and spiral into a complete fucking disaster at some point in the game. I could never place any game in the Dark Souls series above them because every DaS game shits the bed at some point.

In Dark Souls 1 it's everything post Ornstein and Smough. In 2 it's everything before Lothric Castle (I liked that journey to the end of the world kinda feeling that part of the game had going for it, though I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority). Dark Souls 3 in my opinion didn't really fuck up that bad, but it's just not as or interesting as BB. Also the content in BB is of a far greater quality in my opinion.

the reason you dont feel that way over DeS is because you can mix and match areas to avoid fatigue over the boring parts. nonetheless, Valley of defilement is just as much of a trudge as blighttown.
as for BB, everything post Rom is just as bad as these points you've listed for the other games

VoD isn't that bad. It doesn't have any shitty moving platform segments, I don't remember having to do any shitty jumps for gear, and you can actually counter the poison from the swamp with resist/health regen. The fact that they keep fucking putting in poison swamp areas pisses me off though.

Bloodborne easily takes the cake for most fun souls game. Nice projection, but I have played all of them.

this. nioh is superior

there is some annoying platforming in the first part, then it gets replaced by slowass trudging with surprise giant depraved ones if you stray too far from the safe paths

I disagree, but honestly I feel like nioh is close to onimusha than the souls games.

I'd be more willing to replay it if you could start with any weapon.

I love Nioh but I can't find a single relation to Onimusha from it, aside from the first impression it gives of a nipponese thematic with a samurai fighting demons with various types of weapons and mystic powers
I mean, just pick the sentence above and swap it for a ninja instead of a samurai and you've got Ninja Gaiden