>He still uses regular dualies
He still uses regular dualies
>he plays splatoon
>Can’t even afford a Switch
I’m sorry user
im alright without my $300 paperweight
>Bill's Hat in Splatoon
How much did Valve pay for this?
I'm sure your mother wishes she could say the same
I wanna ____ that squid
damn how mad are you that i insulted your precious little console
>he still posts with a phone
Some of us have jobs and social lives, darling. I can't be on my Mac 24/7, now can I?
Try again
Then why the shitty filenames my fellow anonymous
>hey user, stacey and i were going to- why are you on your phone
>sorry babe gotta shitpost on Sup Forums it can't wait
All the better to bait you with, my dear
If it’s not a phone and not a computer, what could it be?
Well it ain't the Switch LOL
how come my phone has normal filenames and everyone else has IMG_Whatever
Who would want to use a console for browsing?
Inkbrush is master race. I suck at it though.
They're cool and all, but brella when?
you got destroyed kiddo
fuck off you southern white trash faggot
>couldn't even come up with a good comeback
And I was preparing for some good bantz
>he didn't have a wii u
>he didn't play splat1
>he tries to bait
nice try tho, here's your (you), have fun with it
Replica Roller, baby.
I clicked on your post btw