This thread is for the discussion of the plan to castrate white males in 2020.
>how do you plan to do this Around 50 "castration factories" will be erected around the country, at first white males will be given a chance to voluntarily visit the factory, but soon a specialized militia will round up white males for castration, with certain (((exceptions))) (see below)
>this is illegal At the moment yes, and it will require government funding. However, in 2020 when the democrats take back the white house, preferably by Hillary Rodham, an executive order will be lobbied for and signed by HRC providing government funding for castration factories.
Of course, castrating all males across the United States will expend a great deal of money, so indirect methods to emasculate white males will be undertaken before enacting this plan to alleviate the stress in resources and funding. The best way to do so is to denigrate masculine values in society and promote homosexuality, both through propaganda and through the recruitment of boys by homosexual teachers, adopting parents, coaches, priests, etc.
>which white males are prioritized? Voter records will be used to make sure white males that voted for Donald Trump are castrated first, white males that have a history of voting democrat are prioritized last. Heterosexual white men will also be prioritized first. Homosexual men may be exempted on a case-by-case basis, depending on their usefulness as "caretakers" to recruit more homosexuals.
All "white" (insofar as they are light-skinned) men of Jewish descent will naturally be exempt from this measure.
>how will the factories and militia be funded The current plan is to cancel the border wall's construction and use the left over money to fund it.
>will non-cis white males be castrated Yes, however transgender women will not as long as they are post-op. All other non-cis white males will be prioritized last
>how will the factories work They haven't been designed yet, but the preliminary design involves strapping males to steel chairs along a conveyor belt, at the end of the conveyer line is a castration machine. Chemical methods are also viable.
>what about white women If they wish to have children they will have to breed with black males, white women who voted for Trump will be mandated to breed with black males, and will hit with a heavy tax if the refuse, the tax will help fund castrations. This is, again, exempt for Jewish women.
>I'm a white male and I wish to be castrated now Since no factories have been setup yet, you will have to self castrate for now, many guides for doing this can be found on Google.
>why are you castrating white males? Do you really need to ask that?
Jeremiah Cox
This isn't a video game.
Julian King
I hate Sup Forums so fucking much.
Brody Bell
>(((Bonnie Ruberg)))
What I really fucking hate about this, is why does Sup Forums have to always be right? Every time there's something shitty in this world, I look whose behind it, whose running it or whose financing it. 99% of the time it's a fucking jewish name like goldberg or wiesel.
Connor Diaz
I wonder what it's like being them. Are they scared all the time? Do they conveniently forget all the times they were wrong?
Alexander Sullivan
It could be. A game where you go around and castrate men.
Nathan Phillips
Take your fetishes and leave.
Luis Clark
Jacob Ross
Most successful people become corrupt regardless of race or religion, it just so happens that Jews are good at becoming successful.