How does this dude have a perfectly clean military uniform despite being infested by the Zerg?
How does this dude have a perfectly clean military uniform despite being infested by the Zerg?
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zerg don't infect coats I guess
Who cares about an asspull character?
About 2/3 of the heroes are joke characters or literally who from neo bliz.
It's more interesting that he kept his uniform. Did they just never remove it while doing crazy experiments on him in their mad scientist asylum, after finding his corpse floating around in space and reviving it? I guess not.
>How do you know the suit is not part of the Zerg though?
>Brood War
>Neo bliz
>neo bliz
hello nu Sup Forums
yeah no one plays overwatch or whatever blood war is from retard
At the same time, they do have the lion's share of all the characters that matter. Diablo, Illidan, Arthas, Tyrael, Thrall, Raynor, Kerrigan, Zeratul Gul'dan, Ragnaros, Medivh etc.
>whatever blood war is from retard
Low quality bait but made me smile.