Are water physics something you actually bother looking at?

Are water physics something you actually bother looking at?
At what point do you consider it impressive and would you rather have that manpower put into something else in a game?

>unrealistic skin
>flat hair with little depth
>hyper realistic water rendering

women are best in 2D. that's why.

>"realistic" animu girls
creepy desu

Water physics is a waste for most games.
It's all about looking pretty and having good animations to go with it.

Generally speaking up to a certain point I consider most graphics tech a waste and I'd rather have those resources spent elsewhere. Also no more voice acting.

>At what point do you consider it impressive and would you rather have that manpower put into something else in a game?
damn near instantly, if it's not an integral gimmick I'd rather they not bother until it's almost effortless to have good water physics

The red nail polish always fucking botheres me with this character.

t. low test autist

>calling soda water
Fuck off gaijin