Hay Sup Forums have you heard about the new moon mining mechanics and what thzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

Hay Sup Forums have you heard about the new moon mining mechanics and what thzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

i wish i could experience this game for the first time again

What did the anonymous original poster mean by this?



$5000 GONE





still true

It's okay *kiss* there there

inb4 disco fit typhoons from goonswarm

>because of the tech 3 cruiser subsystem nerf back in 2015-14 cpmbined with this shitty new rebalance the meme-fit tengu with as much HP as a carrier will never happen again


Why do so many narcoleptics play Eve??

this is free to play now yes?

eh. kinda.

Why are space games always both extremes?

Either balls to the walk action or slow and boring. Why can't we have something in between?

F2P is pretty much just a demo.
You limited and kept away from the big stuff - EG I don't think you can get up to battleships.
It's probably fine to mess about with but you'll hit walls after a bit.

Total newfag to eve and want to play it because it's le cool wild west ancap space sim and star citizen will never come out so I need to play this instead. So tell me,what the fuck do I do in game? Give me a rundown of the mechanics any evefags pls.

goodnight Sup Forumsbros

capqu is a faggot

just join the "Sup Forums bros" channel

you will never have fun if you treat this like a singleplayer game. You will probably burn out too

Lol unlucky fag

Sup Forums bro's channel?

I plan to join a company or get my friends into this and create my own company, playing alone is a death sentence I've seen.

Hey guys I found this cool object while mining a moon, what should I do with it?

If you're interested in industry: Spreadsheet simulator
If you're interested in mining: Alt-Tab and doing something interesting simulator
If you're interested in PvE: Repetitive missions or trying to do something interesting with exploration while avoiding gankers
If you're interested in PvP: Ganking or scamming
If you're into big clans and playing a small part in massive operations with fucktons of boring downtime and shitty logistics: Now you're getting it.

click the E top left corner - social - channels - "Sup Forums bros"

I might do a mix between mining and PvP with friends, alternating between who mines with a big ship and protects them, while someone else goes and does the same to someone else (ganking them into another plane of existance).
Thanks for the info.

Oh damn, thanks. Does Sup Forums have it's own company similar to warbros or something?

dead game

remember to apply to All-Out when you join the game. it's the Sup Forums corp for new players

usual 30k people in game most of the time bouncing up to 60k-70k peak. Not so dead

I miss broski ;_;

you guys were sublime fun to play with. i'll never forget it.

>that hard
lol ok bud

fuck off

Honestly all the good PvP is cruiser hull or smaller, so f2p is fine unless you're a hisec mission fag

wtf i played with him, was he in pizza?

>current year

>Broski happened like 8 years ago

fucking rip

Just do PI for free money. Easy 2bil/month for 5min work a day
