*kills you instantly from a distance with no risk*
*kills you instantly at close range with next to no risk*
*only class that can stop it is itself*
how is this balanced?
*kills you instantly from a distance with no risk*
*kills you instantly at close range with next to no risk*
*only class that can stop it is itself*
how is this balanced?
>close range with next to no risk
spotted the baddie
one scattergun pallet and the scope flinches and he misses
Countered by Spy and Scout, can't cleanly deal with overhealed players.
>*kills you instantly at close range with next to no risk*
TF2 is not a competitive game, it doesn't have to be balanced. It's designed around all the players having very low skill, so who's powerful or useless changes essentially at random.
>implying you'll have the chance to fire a shot before he instantly quickscopes you
please no competent sniper gets killed by a spy.
No one is countered by Spy.
Snipers are only countered by disadvantageous terrain.
>I'm just going to make up imaginary arguments to any valid response because some guy dominated me as Sniper today.
Why are you trying to argue with an *actions* person? It's always going to end in bullshity like *it was a hologram*? You will never win
>implying you'll have the chance to fire a shot before he instantly quickscopes you
user, obviously the class isn't balanced with people using aimbots in mind. This is a problem with Valve's anti-cheat recognition, not with the Sniper's balance.
maybe get good or something
learn to strafe, jump be less predictable