KoF thread

KoF thread.

I will host a room in 14 on PC if there's any interest.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm play. What region?

Midwestern USA



Invite sent. I'm garbage at this game, just so you know.

Bumping for players

Did you made the room?

Room name is :^) America :^)

Look for kamn in AMERICA. We're already playing

I'm in

Mexico >:(

im the kim at the bottom of the list
dont beat my fucking ass

its ur turn senpai

I'm the Kula. Add me on steam.


the clown horns made that ass whooping worth it

>mfw i see this thread right when im about to go to sleep

god damn it i wont see this happen for another year

Is talvain lagging super hard for everyone else?

right? how often does this happen anymore

so is it just straight frozen for anyone else?

Yup. Should I rehost, or is the match actually going on?

I made a kof thread yesterday. Might do it again tomorrow.

Fighting him and got infinite loading screen

it was frozen, you should rehost

kim, what was your steam name again?

is the room up anymore?


I made it private. Add for invite.



Bumping for more scrubs so I'm not the only one embarrassing myself


Shermie when?

when we get blue mary

She ded

How is the PC version out of interest? I'll probably get it for local play if it's decent.

its really good

Superior version. Runs smoother, better netcode, less input lag smaller american community online.


I'm here for the Mai pics

thats a good reason


Awwwww yes
Keep it coming, it's that time of night

I'm going to bed. Will probably make a thread about this tomorrow for anyone else that missed it. We'll see about getting KoF14 sessions to be a normal thing around here.

One for you before I crash.



>Having taste this bad
Mai is the worst girl, literally every other bitch is better than her.



Is Andy finally plowing this?

>not liking one of the first fightan lady to show some personality
besides the laugh, chun li in SF2 was stoic, same with cammy.
SNk really did give us some great intros,


Have a Leona, too.


What's the best Athena look?


"chubby" athena

i think i lost like 10 in a row
thats a new record


No worries senpai. Practice some combos.


the running gag of the series. He is more or less ryu, but stupider for all the wrong reasons. It's even worse because he know she wants his D

i swear to god someday im going to get good

no you wont. enjoy the ride

Don't be rude. Anyone can get good. Gotta practice.