Why is this negative review trying to sell me the game?

Why is this negative review trying to sell me the game?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=house party removed from steam

Top kek
Steam allows porn now?


What the hell is this game?

>lawbreaking porn
Huh, I wonder how you manage to snuck actual cp and snuff into a game and make it so easy to find. You'd imagine they would do something like Todd did, hiding it at the very end of the map

It says in the image. You can get it on empornium

Is it any good?

>draw a shota/loli
>call it an adult
Why do most western artists do this. It's such a lazy copout that removes half of the appeal.
Looking at you mantis-x

any gameplay footage of that scene?

Looks fairly mediocre from the screenshots but the models are alright. Might be a good fap if you're into straight shota.