Filename thread

keep it vidya



fuking white people

Takeshi's Challenge is literally /ourgame/






>Cali: How to spot a narcissist





y tho

did he died?




>how to quit drinking
Heh, good luck with that.


bullshit how he got DQ'd for that

Wouldn't bypassing an obstacle course not be allowed?



It was much more impressive the way he did it, cant have that

If you're smart enough to ask how to get out of Florida then you probably won't want to live anywhere else.




>from literally the last thread that was less than an hour old

y tho


What show and wtf is happening.



>best gore floating around on screen
yeah no. can someone just tells me what happens in this? wouldve watched and been fine knowing gore would happen but when you literally say its gore i get grossed out and dont want to watch


no dismemberment my friend

Dude gets beat up
No gore


Thank god I live in PA. Now if only we could jettison Philadelphia



You're a fucking pussy and this site would be better off without you

Nothing much happens there. Guy gets beaten up by the other guy.
I would love to know the context, what did he say to him that prompted such a violent reaction?

>Filename thread turns in to Sup Forums-tier gore posting

I like this one


My guess it's Legion.



the violent dude was drugged out of his mind and talking to a post, and the other dude went to investigate

>best gore floating around on screen
>no gore
What did they mean by this?


God that bitch is useless




>muh edgy sekrit club XDDDD

kill yourself

hello pennsyltuckian.

but i wouldnt miss olney or fishtown though

Feels good to know that other races just plain aren't as fearless and brave as European man



>not knowing how fucking filename threads work

>that shitty flash animation

Holy hell arthur went to shit

if thats what you constitute as a repost, youre here too much.

There's a difference between not watching a child get beheaded and not watching a guy getting stomped because you saw a few words on the screen


Guy clearly said he didnt watch it which means he doesnt know what happens.


go cry in Sup Forums


Alright, so he chose not to watch a vid because of a few words on the screen. Makes it even worse to me. Also

>"muh sekrit club"
All hallmarks of a fanook



>exhibit higher athleticism and more intelligently and efficiently solve a problem in some gay loosely defined and judged pseudosport
>get DQed


Did they pay Hayden for her likeness on this thing?

what the fuck?


>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
what's it like being mad at everything?

The guy almost certainly died


Code pls.

>watching anything other than original japanese ninja warrior


god I wish that were me filming

Shut up you dick

Shitty collision detection. God hasn't patched it yet.

Whatever happened to that show, man?
Did it die out along with G4?
Is the fucking American version still a thing?

Everyone has their fetishes, but I'll never understand how some guys get hard over getting their packages wrecked physically.


what graphics card is this running on?


If you look closely, the power lines start bending when the car flips, so maybe a snapped cable got caught in the car somewhere?


goddammit perry used to be so fucking sexy


>White privilege

power line or something