Playing total war

>playing total war
>enemy attacks you with ~3000 men
>you have 100k men


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I played a lot of Total War and thats a fucking shit formation.

Well 10 good men can capture casterly rock.

How do you plan to destroy that formation?

How do you even bother with formations?

In Shogun 2 FotS while on defense I literally just line up all my gunmen and blast at the enemy until either I die or they all start running at me. Then I just toss whatever I have at the people charging at me.

In offense I do the exact same shit except I'm the one throwing men at the enemy.

This works 95% of the time.

>they have no siege equipment
>open field

just spam archers and do a cav charge from left and right. gg

Chariots. All of them.

at once

Hide my troops in the trees to the side
Have some left in the fort at the front.

Let them get close

Pull my troops out of the woods in a pincer like attack and force them to the walls where my archers are and other troops

Shot and pike is the best tactic when guns came around. You shoot everything to death, and have pikes keep horseman from fucking up your guns.

>have shit formation to focus all attack on them
>while the remainder go through a secret entrance to take the caste while everyone is distracted

Tyrion is GOAT

>being this basic
A veteran tactician would destroy your basic tactics even with that shitty formation.

>you have 100k men
This doesn't happen in any total war though. The numbers are always underwhelmingly small.
I sure loved my Napoleonic battles with 3k a side.

i wonder

Semi circles.

>Tyrion is GOAT
Tyrion's a fag and this deus ex shit was the most lazy way ever to sneak into a supposedly "impregnable" fortress.

Just like Cersei making vague promises about how she'll repay massive outstanding loans is enough to convince a banking "expert" that she's a good investment.

This season went full Nintendo.


Meant for

>Tyrell 100k army is suddenly nowhere to be found
>Dorne 50k army is suddenly nowhere to be found

What the fuck is happening with this cancer show?


She is right though, or her family name means something as the Lannisters are one of the most asset rich houses.

Would any major company have trouble borrowing money to be bailed out today?

to be fair, it was at least alluded to in the books.
The biggest sin was olenna tyrell sitting by and doing nothing while the tarlys defect to the fucking lannisters.


All tactics pretty much boil down to force concentration. Outnumbering the opponent offers a tremendous advantage if everyone can attack simultaneously (ie. Lanchester's square law applies) but if it's an even number of forces fighting each other at any given time, any sort of force multiplication (such as better equipment, training, morale or terrain) gives a local advantage the effects of which you can see in the second graph in which not too many troops die despite their force being outnumbered. Hell, it's not unthinkable for a lesser force to gain a local numbers advantage on top of force multiplication (like a larger naval force trying to cross a narrow strait in which only several ships can advance at time while defenders are deployed on the other side in open water).

Besides, real battles don't work like Total War with the commander having precise omniscient control but soldiers are basically trying to survive individually. For example, I recently visited the site of Battle of Svensksund in which Swedes beat Russians in very decisive fashion: Some of the Swedish ships sailed to attack the Russian rear, and as the Russian right wing deployed ships to meet them, the rest of the fleet thought they were retreating, resulting in a rout and the remaining Russian ships being defeated in detail. From omniscient commander's perspective this is obviously nonsensical, but the soldiers and their commanders (or ships/sailors in this case) are only aware of their immediate surroundings and more importantly, they don't want to die. If it looks like the battle is turning against their favor (even when it in fact isn't), they don't want to be slaughtered to the last man but will opt to retreat instead, and while casualties taking place in unorganized routs are often where the greatest casualty toll takes place in decisive historical battles, it is preferable to being entirely annihilated. Lindybeige had a pretty good video in Youtube about where and how routs may begin.

Total war is a fun game that has big armies fighting against each other and allows for some actual tactical genius instead of gookclick autism.


Oh yes putting your archers on a hill is such genius.

those are more like 8000 to 10000 men

> archers are the best TW units

Looks like someone don't know what he's talking about. What a surprise to find people like this on Sup Forums.

>other RTS games
>no formations, concept of reserves or even basic tactical sense

my nig

Spot the blizzard cocksucker.

Hammer and Anvil.

Literally every single melee based total war boils down to this.

Wait until they engage your lines then charge your war elephants from the side, rout all their shit one unit at a time

what is this from

>believing this

>actually brood war is full of tactical intelligence because gooks are unable to perform any action perfectly.

A TV show which turned into shit at the season 4.

New time commanders.

>cavalry right in the middle of all that infantry

How are they supposed to attack once they meet the enemy and the infantry starts to run all towards the enemy?

Shouldn't it be better to have them on the flanks so they have enough space to move? It works better too since they can intercept any force that tries to circumvent your army

Nice argument to prove him wrong.

not hard; bottlenecks, elite enemies, peasant troops.
firs off, you cant even discern what kind of troops these are besides mounted vs. unmounted, and secondly, real battles were fought differently than TW battles, mostly because of the viewpoint and subsequent lack of information and simplistic command delivery.

Finally, this does not look like a battle ready formation, but rather some formation take for dramatic effect.

The only Total War I've ever played is Shogun 2 and that game seemed incredibly simplistic from a strategy point of view.

I think the game wants you to have multiple larger armies with a balance of Ashiguru and Samurai, but I found the game a lot easier if you just make 2 or 3 large armies with nothing but Samurai. Once those Samurai units gain a fair amount of battle experience your armies are literally invincible unless you play like a mental retard.

If you want to make the game truly challenging, play as the Ikko Ikki. Their whole campaign is the strategy equivalent of a "Dante must Die" mode.

LOGH Strategy game when.

I want to experience the Semi Circle meta.

serious answers please

i assumed it was rome, but rome only went 2 seasons. is it spartacus?

wait time commanders is a real thing? is it that?

Looking at the thread, it sounds like it might be Game of Thrones

fear the walking dead

It's Game of Thrones, that's the Lannister's army about to attack a castle.

If he needs things like that spoon-fed to him in game by artificial mechanics then he'll never admit he's wrong anyway.

>>enemy attacks you with ~3000 men
>>you have 100k men



if that is the extent of your tactical knowledge, keep talking, it is quite funny.

The tabletop game Warmaster, a slightly more tactical version of Warhammer, did this with a throw everytime you issued an order and you had to have a messenger line to your troops from your commander to make it work.

>artificial game mechanics
So you mean that real people aren't dying every time I fight a battle in total war?

WTF, I hate CA now!!!

Low morale?

That user isn't joking about it going to shit after season 4 though. Season 5 was the last season I liked but that's because the good shit wasn't completely outweighed by the bad but the bad was still very noticeable.

Reminder that the Persians won.


Strategy and Tactics

Simo Hayha/Winter War game when?

>have giant that can destroy formations and shit
>don't give him a shield, some protection, a fucking barn door, nothing not even a weapon
>let it die, your biggest asset, just let it die like this
GoT is written by fucking retards, I pity the episodes' directors who have to work with such material.

THEY are the ones invading jackass.

Spartaboos are just ancient wehraboos. They will defend their meme failed state with K/D memes.

You are quite literally retarded.

I once had a single group of that elite Swiss Guard unit in Medieval 1 that oblitered everything it came across, even when it was reduced down to like 10 men.

the other 90000 are off screen to save cgi costs

The showrunners are the retarded ones. The show was far better when it was working within the confines of the book and had a clear plot.

Wow, you sure convinced me.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I remember from highschool history classes, didn't the Athenian navy successfully route the Persian Emperor's fleet and force him to retreat?

Unless you're talking about that particular battle, which the Persians did win. However, they probably wouldn't have had it not been for other greeks routing.

Sounds like an interesting mechanic.

Another option (in vidya, this sort of thing wouldn't work in /tg/) is to simply have no direct control over battles but instead deploy the troops and give them basic scripted orders in advance. In the end, this is more or less what historical commanders did, certainly closer than direct omniscient control.

He's talking about Battle of Thermopylae that Persians won against Spartan lead Greek coalition (modern estimates on size of forces are ~5k-10k Greeks against 100k-200k Persians, with Persians suffering several times the Greek casualties but not to the point of it being a Pyrrhic victory).

The Battle of Salamis, taking place roughly in the same time, was a naval battle and that one Greeks won decisively.

>playing total war arena
>kill 12000 men with my 100 stone slingers in just a few seconds

The only good total war game

That's a smart kid

You also forget that the persians burned athens to the ground and like burgertards went home.

yes. all the guys in the middle will be removed from the fight as they cant reach the enemy thats why its a shit formation. they should extend laterally a bit more so that the middle can engage the enemy.

Xerxes couldn't have afforded to keep his army in greece in fear of revolts back in the empire. His only chance would have been a capitulation of greek city-states with some kind of subjugation deal where they'd still have strong local autonomy. In no way was he prepared to actually personally keep the lands nor could he have done that.

Orbital strike

Dragons lmao

Jaimie turned her bannerman, Tarley, against her remember?

>He hasn't played Rise of Nations

I need this so much.
I want to destroy yang wenli's shitty semi circle with my superior tactic.

Looks like someone got his knowledge from 300.


>allows for some actual tactical genius
You share the same board with this people.

Ultimate general gettysburg does it in multiplayer.

people repeating bullshit about the spanish conquest of the aztecs pisses me off even more then this


>ignoring that the 2000 spanish had help from other nations in the region, with the siege against tenochtitlan having an army of 200,000 tlaxcallan and tontac troops assisting the spanish and doing most of the work
>and the aztecs had been fucked over by famine and smallpox for 10 months
>and other aztec city states flew into civil war at the same time

Pretty much the entire conequst, both of the aztecs and mesoamerica in general, was really just the Spanish influencing native groups to fight each other, or the native groups using the spanish to help them conquer the people they wanted to conquer, and then smallpox killing off everybody but the spanish for the spanish to just use the now unclaimed spoils.

Total War Three Kingdoms when?


dominus does this also


ask italy
only italians can do that

>Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo River

Is Total war similar to Mount and blade?

>>ignoring that the 2000 spanish had help from other nations in the region, with the siege against tenochtitlan having an army of 200,000 tlaxcallan and tontac troops assisting the spanish and doing most of the work

being smart is forbidden during a campaign? you have to rely only on brute force to win ?
spaniards also rekt the beaners in battles

As much as overwatch is the dark souls of skyrim.


So what happens to the old TW games once adobe flash player is kill?


someone auto-resolved the battle.

It doesn't matter how many men you have when they're all running for their lives.

Holy fuck we need an edit for this shit.