Sony Sup Forums will actually defend this

Sony Sup Forums will actually defend this

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LMAO based Freedomland wins again.

freedomland got a price increase last year

>per annum

Can't they just say per year like a normal person?

Nintendo Sup Forums will actually defend this

Nintendo Sup Forums will actually defend this

inb4 that one autist starts going on about how its not p2p and we're actually getting something worthwhile for our money

>b-but Nintendo!

nobody cares, fuck off back your caliphate

who the fuck uses voice chat on a nintendo console, we have been without it for this long and nobody cared.

Not really defending it but anyone who was paying for it before is still going to be paying for it now, and anyone who wasn't paying for it before now definitely wont.

Nobody with playstation plus is going to think that extra ten dollars a year is the straw that broke the camels back, I wouldn't even notice or care unless Sup Forums brought it to my attention.

I play all multiplayer games on PC. I laugh at idiots paying money to use their internet.

children don't need voice chat, and nintendo is mainly marketed towards children/families.

>We didn't want it anyway!
Typical little nintendronie

Nintendo's official figures show the average buyer is between 24 and 36. Sorry, ponyboy, but all the kiddies are actually flocking to the dudebro consoles to play shit like Cowadoody, Destiny, and epic Soulsborne games.

Everyone uses there money to pay for internet retard, not even defending sony the greedy jap fucks I'm just saying

>Sorry, ponyboy,
Sorry retard, I don't play on a console but thanks for replying

I lost interest before this was even announced. Even with adjustable difficulty settings, the game looks ridiculously casualized. They added fucking teleporters, to the smallest and most linear map design in the entire series.

insecurity in a nutshell

Of course, can you imagine how many people will pay it so they can play Ultimate Team and Pro Cllubs on Fifa and CoD's online mode?



>10th+ "Sony Sup Forums will actually defend this" thread about PS+ price increasing
>No one has defended it yet.
Only way to defend it is to wait for it to go in effect and seeing changes. If the "free" games and discounts are more substantial after the increase, it might be worth defending. So far, it's defending buying lottery tickets without scratching them.

He means paying again to use the internet you've already bought

They want money to make up for their shit emoji movie.

>someone was actually buttmad enough to make this

[Needs citation]

Sonyfags ladies and gentlemen.
Sony can literally charge for something that should cost nothing, then even INCREASE the price and people will still defend them.

>> Sony Sup Forums
So basically half of Sup Forums because the rest are nintenbroters?

but how did that metroid fit in there to begin with?

I don't play multiplayer so I don't care.


Reminder that Europeans are the reason games like Uncharted and nu-God of War exist

tleast we didn't totally fucked middleeast. Fucking burgers.

We should have this continued

>Sup Forums
>liking Sony


I'll 1-UP you Famicom.


this just proves even further that PC btfos all consoles

It's always Nintendo fags who false flag. Every single fucking time.

nutendo doesn't sound right
I like to write nu-nintendo
Thank your for sharing

he's a fucking jellyfish

>not nuntendo

You mean pcfags that defend shit like pubg?
not sure if serious

This. If someone was already paying for it, they were already cool with bending over and taking it up the ass. The dick getting a half-inch bigger doesn't change anything.

Untill it starts to offer me more games I want to play than my PS4, then it won't.

there a some that do not defend shit games like that

Tell me about it. Consoles got cucked hard starting seven generation.

>pc has a shitty game
>forget about the fact that it has free online and a million other things better than consoles, because it has this one shitty game!

> more games
pc has 20 times more games than ps4
also better graphics and performance for a lower price

>Half the posts are doing shitposting
>A handful of the others are talking about the free games with purchase change instead of "one game per month"
>5 per month is talking about Sony
You can't even quote right.

>pc has 20 times more games than ps4
If you're gonna talk out of your ass, why stop at 20?
And mobile probably has way more than PC, too.

I can name more shitty games if you want
Good thing I pirate everything and dont play shit like mmos or csgo shit

Thanks, I made it after seeing the disgusting double standard during June. I know there exists another screen cap chart that BTFO both Sony and Nintendo. I'm waiting for someone to post it.

Neo-Nintendo was the one that commonly went around in the Wii U era.

if you count weebshit into your ps4 games why cant I count indieshit into mine?

>sony Sup Forums
>when Sup Forums spend so much time shitting on sony and PlayStation

>5 per month is talking about Sony

No it's not. Look at the date. The Sony one had a static image of Spongebob like this.

>If you're gonna talk out of your ass, why stop at 20?
Seriously? Depending on how you count they've been making PC games since the 70s, PC having more games than PS4 isn't exactly shit talk

What I meant is that PC has way more than 20x more games than PS4. Probably 20x more only counting browser games.
Quality over quantity, though, and everyone can play the best PC exclusives because they came out over 10 years ago or are indies.

I thought Yuros were supposed to have high literacy rates.

It's shitty, but what can you do? PS4 is the leading console right now, and all the normalfags want to keep playing online, and they won't give a crap about price increase of 10 euros.
I won't defend it, but I can understand why Sony did it. It's basically free money, and they can get away with it.

I stopped playing games after the game cube, just came back to games the past year just to see the shit it has become
Well I can get free games on pc

try again sweetie

Microsoft did this to Canadians this year too

this is what happens when you dont buy into the competition europe

>ps4 exclusives are quality

>I don't like video games
Why didn't you say so from the start? Could've saved me time.

>PC exclusives
why the fuck do you need fucking exclusives in order to use a fucking platform?
so what if there are good multiplat games? whats wrong with multiplat? Is it really that important for you to shitpost about having exclusives le never ever meme on Sup Forums than actually play good games? Even if PC has shared games with other platforms the PC experience is more than 2 times better since u got 60+ fps good graphics and no console gimmicks like input lag

>paying for online
Fucking faggots.

Why the fuck would have Europeans bought XBone? Maybe Microsoft should have actually tried to market themselves, rather than just giving up and shitting the bed right at the start of generation.
Remember when XBox still was supposed to have online activation thing? There was shitton of countries where XBox Live wasn't even available. Most hilarious bit was that for all their showcasing of Witcher 3, Poland could've not initially played the game, since Live there was excluded in launch.

Sonygro pay for online because that's the only form of multiplayer they have.


stop paying to this jews? get a PC?

I actually did cancel my PS Plus subscription tho

Because if a game isn't enjoyable at 30 fps with slightly worse graphics, it's most likely not enjoyable at all. Exception is arena shooters and games that run at 60 fps on consoles as well.

>get a PC?
Do you seriously expect normalfags to go for something like that? Just logging into Steam is too fucking complicated for them.
Mind you, I'm not paying for PS+. I'm just looking at why Sony does this, and why they can get away with it.

>be me ps4bro
>pay 100 euro to use online
>pay 60 euro for good ps4 exclusive never ever on pc game
>enjoy on my overpriced 5 y old hardware with 20 fps and shit graphics

>be me pcbro
>pay 0 for online
>pay 0 for games because I pirate them
>enjoy gameplay on 144fps and ultra graphics sometimes better looking than real life

there are people that unironically choose the first option willingly

Lets be honest between PS4 games having mediocre single player content and the fact local multiplayer is all but dead outside of Nintendo systems that's all the Sony fans can do to get more than 20 hours out of their purchases.

look here:

>ps4 exclusives
>pc exclusives

Here have this.

user, please follow the conversation.

mind you, the PC list only goes up to 2013

ill give you the graphics but no game is enjoyable on 30 fps
just because its standard on ps4 and it cant go more than that doesnt mean thats the lowest it should go stop sucking on sonys peepee so hard
maybe 50 is the lowest it can ever go other than that no game is enjoyable id rather watch a movie

inflation you fucking mongoloids. the price of PS Plus never went up for eurofags when it did for everyone else last year.

not an argument

Do people actually buy PS+? For what purpose, really?

>its inflation!
>sony has to pay for their servers somehow!
>its a service! why should it be free?
>its not that expensive!
>I pay for free games its a great deal!

Inflation isn't at 25%.

It's a shitty move by sony, but unfortunately there's are no good games on pc.








>tfw 1 (one, uno) amiibo can unlock many shit in many games and many cartridges.
>tfw sonygros defend shit dlc of 0's and 1's that they should pay individually.

stay mad.

If it's that good a deal you'd think they would just give you the choice between PS+ and PSN like they did with the PS3

>no game is enjoyable on 30 fps
That's your opinion and your loss. Sorry.
I don't enjoy FPS games at 30 FPS if the FOV is low, but just about any other genre is perfectly fine.
I often aim for around 30-45 on PC if I can get nicer graphics out of it in games like Witcher 3, which I have to because a 970 can't max it.

user, please. Read

What was the inflation rate when online was free on the ps3?

It isn't. Literally nobody is defending this shit or out right making posts like this except false flagging Nintenniggers, and the PCFats who follow.

Sonygros sure are the cancer that is killing vidya.

>unlock many shit
>random explosion of free ingame items and cosmetics is content